1.                            During April and May 2003 the council employed a Consultant Environmental Health and Housing Officer to undertake a review of the current services that were offered by the council and suggestions for improvements that could be included in the new Housing Renewal Policy.

2.                            In total 34 people were interviewed and details are set out at the end of this Annexe.

3.                            The Council has identified some key services that could be developed, and some that could be improved by alteration of current working practises. Details on issues to be taken forward have been included in the Action Plan set out at Annexe B.



Environmental Health and Housing Consultants

38 Stonnall Road, Walsall WS9 8JX Tel. 01922-455574



Isle of Wight Council Housing Renewal Strategy



      Isle of Wight Council Members


      Cllr Ian Stephens

        Cllr Roger Mazillius     


      Officers from the Housing Department


      Mr. Ian Hookey           Senior Housing Grants and Enforcement Officer

      Ms Nicola Barrett           Housing Support Officer

      Mr. Alan Barnes             Housing Grants and Enforcement Officer

      Mr. Keith Fryer              Housing Grants and Enforcement Officer                

      Mr. Peter Griffiths         Housing Initiatives Officer

      Ms Norah Gorlick           Housing Support Officer

      Mr. Bernard McHugh    Housing Officer

      Mr. Peter Millward        Housing Officer

      Ms Dena Sullivan           Housing Support Officer



      Isle of Wight Council Employees


      Ms Heidi Marshall           Principal Policy Officer, Corporate Policy and Communications

        Ms Margaret Kirkman   Senior Solicitor, Legal Services

      Ms Maggie Convery      Joint Manager, Occupational Therapy

      Mr. James Lowe            Acting Head of Adult Services, Social Services

        Mr. Barrie Monks           Environmental Health Manager, Environmental Health

      Mr. Gareth Hughes       Financial Services Manager, Corporate Finance

      Niki Haytack                Crime and Disorder Manager, Crime and Disorder



      Island Housing Associations


      Mr. Jim Iles                    Chief Executive, South Wight Housing Association

      Mr. John Collinge           Chief Executive, Medina Housing Association

      Mr. Bill Gordon               Property Services Manager, South Wight Housing Association

        Ms Lynne Meach            Housing Manager, South Wight Housing Association

Ms Amy Priest                Housing Officer, South Wight Housing Association


        Other Statutory Bodies


        Mr. Steve White            Fire Officer, IoW Fire Service

        Ms Elaine Garrett          Public Health Partnership Manager, Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust


        Other Agencies


        Mr. Roger Staker          Acting Chief Executive, Rural Community Council

        Ms Sara Ellis                   Rural Community Council     

      Mr. Matt Thatcher         Manager, Independent Housing Advice Centre

      Ms Etty McInley             People Off The Streets (POTS)

      Capt. Paul Hollyfield      Regional Officer Salvation Army


      Other consultation


        Mr. J. Franco                  Landlord and Developer

        Mr. Ken Rivers            Chief Executive, Isle of Wight Credit Union Ltd

        Mrs. Val Ottway            Secretary, Isle of Wight Credit Union Ltd

        Mr. Bob Taplin             Treasurer, Isle of Wight Credit Union Ltd





The consultant was asked to analyse the interviews undertaken to find key strategic issues that needed to be considered by the Council when undertaking a review of the service. In response to this request the following issues have been considerer relevant in the delivery of this service and future revisions of the Strategy and associated policies:




1.1    The Council should proactively seek, identify and inspect dwellings where occupants are most exposed to health and safety (including fire and crime) risks.  Priority to be given to:


1.2    The Council should enforce remedial action without delay using all legislative powers at the Council's disposal should owners fail to comply voluntarily with the law's requirements.  Further in the public interest and where the law allows, to recover costs where Statutory action is taken in serving notices or carrying out works in default.




2.1           The Council should undertake regular training for officers in enforcement techniques and court procdures so that consistency of service is maintained,

2.2           The Council should actively look at introducing new computer technology to increase administrative efficiency and service delivery

2.3           The Council should look at its won internal approaches to running the service and makes decisions on Beast Value principles that maximise staff efficiency,

2.4           The Council should actively engage with partner organisations and external advisors to maximise the services offered to Island residents and,

2.5           The Council should look at external providers assisting with the delivery of certain services, e,g, works in default.




3.1           The Council should use the revised legislative framework in such a way as to honour the Council's mandatory obligations to those with disabilities in the most cost effective way. 

3.2           The Council should include in the new Strategy a limited discretionary grant scheme to meet needs not catered for by partner agency loan schemes and other financial and technical services which will be promoted by the Council.




4.1           The Council should regularly review actions taken by key players in the housing field to establish progress and shortfalls and providing advice and encouragement where needed.

4.2           The Council should increase its performance monitoring at all levels taking any necessary action to ensure service priorities e.g. to the very vulnerable, remain focused.  Exposing both processes to occasional but regular objective scrutiny by an external body to provide cross-checks.




5.1           The Council should engage with educational and marketing opportunities, which will contribute to the economy and minimise what may be costly demands on health care services.

5.2             The Council will need to ensure that the Strategy will be regularly reviewed to see if it is sufficiently fine-tuned and resourced to meet need.  Results of cost benefit analysis will need to be made known to those responsible for keeping this and other Council strategies relevant to the six corporate objectives.