Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              16 JUNE 2004










1.                  To approve priority activity from existing budget allocation, in delivering the Fire Authority Integrated at Risk Management Plan (FAIRMaP).




2.                  The Executive approved on 21 April 2004, a revised FAIRMaP.  The report presented to the Executive identified expenditure necessary to delivery the plan, in excess of existing budget allocations.  The Executive commissioned a review of those spending proposals by the Best Value Unit.


3.                  This paper reports the outcome of that review (the report prepared by the Best Value Unit is reproduced at Appendix 1).


4.                  The budget set by Full Council on 23 February 2004, did not include budget allocations for the areas of proposed expenditure discussed in this report.


5.                  The review considered five areas of proposed activity and associated projected costs.


6.                  The recommendation of the review is that the first priority for funding should be the development of the Fire Service Emergency Cover system (FSEC).  The summary of the FSEC system is contained within Appendix 1.  Expenditure on a fire modelling system is a requirement of the modernisation programme. Expenditure on implementing the proposed system is expected to achieve rapid improvements in terms of the effectiveness of the provision of Fire and Rescue cover.  The expected cost of £46,000 per annum for two years and then £20,000 cost on an on-going basis can be met from within existing budget allocations.


7.                  The review recommended the pursuit of an Integrated Personal Development System (IPDS) as the second highest priority.  The necessity in relation to IPDS is to undertake further work to identify the priorities and capacity to achieve the necessary development.


8.                  The clear recommendation of the review by the Best Value Review Team is that no resources be put into the areas of activity under the headings ICT Systems and community fire safety. Other budgetary pressures are not yet quantifiable. The review does not recommend that these areas are of sufficient priority to attract funding from existing budgets over and above other commitments.  Equally there is currently insufficient evidence to justify a recommendation to Full Council to revisit the budget set in February 2004.




9.                  The modernisation of the Fire Service is an essential element in delivering the corporate objectives of creating safe and crime free communities and protecting the Island’s physical environment. 




10.             The terms of reference of the review by the Best Value Unit included engaging with the Fire Brigade’s Union and other employee representatives.




11.             It is an imperative that FAIRMaP is delivered.  The review has confirmed that the existing budget allocations are insufficient to deliver all activity associated with the FAIRMaP approved on 21 April.  If any departure from the budget set in February 2004 were to be contemplated, there would need to be a recommendation to Full Council.




12.             Responsibility for maintaining the Fire and Rescue Service is an Executive responsibility.  The recommendations in this report in relation to the 2004-2005 budget are deliverable within the budget set by Full Council in February 2004 and are therefore, within the discretion of the Executive.


13.             The Fire Service Act 1947 establishes the duty of the Fire Authority to make provision for fire fighting purposes and in particular, to secure such Fire Brigade and equipment as may be necessary to meet efficiently all normal requirements.


14.             The Fire and Rescue Services Bill has similar provisions.


15.             The delivery of FAIRMaP is an essential mechanism to continuing to secure efficient provision of the service.




16.             In the light of the review by the Best Value Unit the following options arise:


(a)               To approve development of a fire service emergency cover model from existing budgets as the highest priority.


(b)               To undertake further work on the proposed IPDS programme, including prioritisation, the practicalities of training retained staff and of using alternative providers.


(c)               To carry out further work on ICT, community fire safety and other budgetary pressure areas to identify priorities.


(d)               Establish a programme to ensure the effective involvement of staff in future budget and service development.


(e)               Increase the involvement of corporate central services such as finance, ICT, HR and Training, the Policy Unit and the Best Value Unit, in order to provide more support to the Fire and Rescue Service and/or to undertake some of the work identified in paragraphs (b) and (c) above


(f)                 To approve the budget for the appointment of an instructor for competence training and the associated related staff salaries


17.             A number of other options including option (f) are identifiable, however, each would involve spending in excess of existing budget allocations.  The review conducted to date does not support a recommendation to revisit the 2004-2005 budget and therefore, these options are not identified and discussed in detail.




18.             The review concluded that if FSEC is not funded, the Fire Service will continue to use increasing outdated methods of assessing its resource requirements.  Conversely the introduction of FSEC will enable an objective risk-based approach to fire service planning, in line with ODMP guidance.


19.             A prioritised IPDS programme is equally important, but not yet so high a priority.  Without the introduction of such a programme in due course, resources will not be best targeted to ensure a workforce which is appropriately trained.  This brings increased risk to the safety of staff and the effectiveness of the service.


20.             The review clearly recommends that greater and quicker returns will be made by investing in FSEC in advance of the IPDS programme, which requires further development work.




21.             That options a) to e) as set out in paragraph 16 be approved.




22.             Report to Executive 21 April 2004.

23.             Audit Commission Verification Report.

24.             Our Fire and Rescue Service White Paper.

25.             IRMP Guidance Notes.

26.             FAIRMaP Consultation Strategy.

27.             The Workers Response Document.





28.             Appendix 1 sets out the outcome of the Best Value Unit review.



Contact Point :           Don Roe '823687 [email protected] and

                                    John Vosper '823635 [email protected]

                                    Richard Hards '828199 [email protected]







Chief Fire Officer



Portfolio Holder for

 Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection