Appendix 1


This Appendix lays out the detail of the 5 areas of bids for additional budget, and also lists other areas of future budgetary pressure which cannot yet be quantified.


Fire Service Emergency Cover (FSEC) - £20k pa on-going and £46k pa initially for 2 years

This is a first priority for funding.

FSEC is a computer system and model which contains details of local population, buildings, road systems, fire stations and appliances, response times etc, and the last 3 year's incidents statistics for fires and road traffic accidents. It enables an objective risk-based approach to providing Fire and Rescue cover for both intervention and prevention work.

We are not being forced to adopt FSEC, but we are required to adopt a fire cover modelling system which is more risk based than the current "A to D" categorisation system. FSEC is undoubtedly the best option.

We have been provided, free of charge, with the hardware & software to run the system, and require dedicated staff to set it up and run it, this would make possible the beginning of a risk-based approach within 6 to 12 months.


This would require on-going funding of £20k pa for a data in-putter with support costs.

For a 1-off period of 2 to 3 years, it would also require funding for an ADO of £46k pa.

Redeployment of part of the current IRMP liaison officer would complete the team.

It is essential that there is wide involvement of other staff during the development, so that everyone will understand and accept the outcomes.


It is recommended that the ADO post is initially funded for 2 years, with close monitoring of progress to help assess the need for a further year.


Software maintenance & support

In 18-24 months time the ODPM will stop support and development of the software, and will be negotiating with private companies to provide that support, to be directly paid for by brigades. No figures are available at the moment, but the cost to the IW is not anticipated to be very high.


Integrated Personal Development System (IPDS)

The second priority

IPDS is a structured approach to develop all members of staff (from Firefighter through to Chief  Fire Officer), and this bid is for the training programme and associated resources element.

IPDS is one of the central planks of reform for the Fire & Rescue Service and cannot be avoided.


Some work has been carried out to prioritise the training, and to match that against the current budgets available. However more work is needed:-

A realistic strategy is required for training retained staff who will not be available for the same amount of training time as whole time staff, and to address the problems of cover required for both whole time and retained staff while they attend training.

Work is needed to find alternative providers of some courses to reduce the costs, and alternative methods of training to provide more flexibility.


Budget Available for 2004/05 (including one-off training reserve) is £278,353

The on-going budget is £174,334


Current Bids –          

On-going        Training Needs Assessment                       £432,000


In year bid to meet immediate training needs                              

Instructor for competence training               £17,000 (in 2004/05)  £33,000 pa on-going

Associated retained staff salaries              £9,000 (in 2004/05)


ICT Systems

These bids would provide improvements in management & planning information as well as operational information, but in order to achieve their full benefit, a range of other issues need to be addressed.


Assistance is needed with the planning of information and operational ICT systems within the Fire & Rescue Service, to make the most use of the available resources and provide technical ability.


Investigate the existing network connections between Fire HQ, the Training Centre and Fire Stations and their suitability for future use.


Business process re-engineering required associated with the changes from paper to ICT based systems.


Current Bids -            Capital                                                £180,000 over 4 years

                                    Revenue                                             £47,000 in 04/05

                                                                                                £50,000 in 05/06

                                                                                                £44,500 in 06/07

                                                                                                £44,500 in 07/08


This is not seen as an immediate priority.



Community Fire Safety

Funding for an extra ½ post for fire safety education in schools              £13000 pa

This is not seen as an immediate priority.



Community Fire Safety (Retained staff)

Additional input for retained staff carrying out fire safety checks            £10000 pa

This is not seen as an immediate priority.


Other Budgetary Pressures

The recently formed Regional Management Board have 6 areas for development, each of which may require funding.

The rank to role initiative will involve some pay adjustments (not yet calculated).

There may be other training requirements to operate new types of equipment.

A plan needs to be developed to ensure the operation of the local Control Room in the lead-up to a regionalised set-up in 2006.

Under a new Regulatory Reform Order, to be introduced in 2005, the Fire Authority will have enforcement powers for fire safety issues on a much wider range of buildings than at present. This will result in an increase in the number of risk assessments and inspections required.

There may be budget savings required as a result of the 2005/06 budget process.