Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


                        11 AUGUST 2004


                        PROCUREMENT OF SUBSIDISED BUS SERVICES 2004-06







1.                  To conduct a proportionate gateway review of the procurement of subsidised bus services and to take decisions enabling the letting of a contract for those services for the period 3 October 2004 until September 2006.




2.                 Approximately 20% of the Isle of Wight bus network is dependant upon the provision of subsidy to ensure its continued operation. Journeys requiring subsidy are generally evening, Sunday or deep rural in nature.


3.                 Current contracts for the provision of subsidised bus services throughout the Island are due to terminate on 2 October 2004. These include services funded directly by the Council and services funded by Government Rural Bus Service Grant. The vast majority of services for which subsidy has been previously provided have proven to be popular with passengers and therefore justify future consideration for subsidy.


4.                 The Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers (ATCO) has advised that local authorities will need, on average, a budget increase of 10.8% from April 2004 to retain existing local bus service levels. It should therefore come as no great surprise that the Isle of Wight Council cannot maintain its current network of subsidised services with an annual inflation increase at 3%.


5.                 The procurement of a new contract for services has included a review of objectives and of services likely to deliver those objectives. That process is detailed below and a summary of changes in the proposed level of provision is attached as Appendix 1.  Some minor changes to existing provision are reflected in the Appendix, these are a result of operational issues such as the need to co-ordinate with other modes of transport and are not a material factor in the procurement process.




6.                  The provision of subsidy for the operation of non-commercial bus services will   assist in generating greater use of public transport. This is wholly in accord with the targets and objectives set out in the Council’s Local Transport Plan and in particular supports the Community Strategy and the Corporate Plan.


The Local Transport Plan (LTP) seeks


·        To provide real alternatives for car users by increasing transport choice and

·        To provide and promote safe, reliable and acceptably priced public transport


One of the principal LTP targets set is to increase public transport patronage


The objectives of this exercise are:


i:   To maintain the existing network, thereby reflecting views expressed in public consultation


ii: To increase patronage of bus services – for social inclusion and traffic management purposes


iii. To stimulate a competitive market to help deliver best value


The network proposed by the subsidised service contracts reflects the responses.




7.                  The following were consulted prior to the tendering process:


Members of the Isle of Wight Council, all Parish and Town Councils, local bus operators, IW Bus Users Group, LIFT Isle of Wight, Older Voices, Isle of Wight Youth Council, Quality Transport Partnership, Community Forums and Partnerships, Ryde Development Trust, North Medina Development Trust, West Wight Local Transport Action Group


The great majority of those who responded to the consultation said that they supported retention of the existing network. These views were reflected in the specification for the subsidised services contracts.


A small number of respondents also called for Wightbus to undertake a greater role in the provision of local bus services.




8.                  The procurement process is described below in terms of the Council’s Strategic Procurement Policy – but did not follow that policy in it’s entirety as, although of significant value in financial and service terms, the procurement of subsidised bus services is not in the highest categories of value or risk to which the full rigour of the policy applies. Furthermore, the method of procurement is substantially determined by the terms of the Transport Act 1985.


9.                  The consultation set out in paragraphs 7 influenced the adoption of the objectives set out in paragraph 6.  The consultation exercise supported the maintenance and incremental development of the current network and a decision was taken, in order to demonstrate best value (particularly in stimulating the market) to undertake an open tendering exercise.


10.             This decision effectively rolled together the first three gateway reviews required in a strategic procurement which ensure the services being procured demonstrate strategic fit, require the development of a business plan and determination of which procurement mechanism to follow.


11.             Invitations to tender against a detailed specification were advertised in March and April 2004 in the local press, in the national trade press and in the Official Journal of the European Communities.


12.             Two tenders were returned from Southern Vectis and Wightbus. The decision to submit a bid from the internal provider of public transport was taken by the Wightbus manager at the direction of the Head of Engineering Services in order to stimulate a more competitive market and in reaction to consultation responses. In order to ensure fair competition, the tenders submitted by Wightbus were not made with reference to client-side officers. Therefore the content and costings in the Wightbus tender were not revealed until the tender deadline had passed.


13.             Neither tender was judged to have offered to deliver the specification within available budget. At this stage, rather than undertake a new procurement exercise, the decision was taken to enter into negotiations with both Wightbus and Southern Vectis to determine the best network which could be delivered from available resources.


14.             Key considerations in this negotiation were price, maximising network coverage against the tendered specification, availability of cross ticketing arrangements (particularly rover tickets) and access to bus stations.


15.             A series of further options were provided by Southern Vectis, culminating in the option being recommended.


16.             The underlying principles defining the contract are:


·                     A 2 year contract to from 3 October 2004 to 30 September 2006

·                     A four week period at the commencement of the contract on 3 October, during which the existing network will be provided, to allow operational mobilisation by the contractor and sub contractor to meet the substantive terms of the new contract

·                     Preservation of a network equivalent to that to that currently provided, (subject to operational changes)

·                     Utilisation of Southern Vectis bus stations for all subsidised services which require their use

·                     Cross ticketing – rover tickets accepted on all contracted services.

·                     Deliverable within budget available in 2004-05, including ring fenced additional resources

·                     Deliverable within projected budget allocation for 2005-2006 and 2006-2007

·                     Utilisation of Wightbus as a subcontractor


17.             As well as resulting in the provision of a broadly equivalent network, would see a significant sub-contract (approximately 35% of all non-commercial services) awarded by Southern Vectis to Wightbus, and would result in a significant Wightbus presence in the provision of local bus services in the evening and at weekends.


18.             For operational reasons, and due to the need to notify the Traffic Commissioners of the details of the subsidised routes, the proposed start date of the contract is 31 October 2004. This date coincides with the end of half term and the introduction by Southern Vectis of winter timetables. It also allows Wightbus, as the sub contractor, to mobilise resources for its new role.


19.             The current contractor has indicated it’s willingness to extend the existing contract from 2 October to 31 October.


20.             The recommendations in this report amount to a proportionate gateway review at the stage of awarding the contract. The background set out in this report and in the supporting documentation 




21.             The tender price of £559,214 for the year commencing 31st October 2004 exceeds the budget for 2004-05 by approximately £21,000. For the following year it will exceed the budget by £43,000, assuming that the 3% inflation uplift anticipated within the contract is matched by the Council in setting the 2005-06 budget.


22.             It is proposed to meet the shortfall in each year by ring-fencing car parking income resulting from the recent order. 




23.             The procurement exercise is being conducted under the provisions of s89 Transport Act 1985.




24.             Option 1


To determine not to subsidise bus services at all, or to the same extent.


            Option 2


            A four week period at the commencement of the contract on 3 October, during which the existing network will be provided, to allow operational mobilisation by the contractor and sub contractor to meet the substantive terms of the new contract


            Option 3


            To ring fence up to £50,000 from income generated from car parking charges to increase the budget available for subsidised bus services.


Option 4


To let a contract with Southern Vectis which best delivers the objectives set out in paragraph 6 and represents best value.




25.             In evaluating the impact that the potential withdrawal of subsidy for provision of non-commercial bus services would have, specific consideration must be given to the impact in respect of social inclusion issues.


26.             There would be a risk of encouraging a decline in the usage of public transport and accordingly a failure to meet targets within our Local Transport Plan. This in turn could lead to a reduction future Government transport funding to the Council.


27.             Of the current budget of £509,214, some £244,811 is funded by Rural Bus Grant. No notification has been made by the Government of the level of grant to be provided in the second year of the contract (2005-06), but verbal enquiries to the Department of Transport have met with assurances that a sum equivalent to at least the current year's grant can be expected. This will not be confirmed until later in the year.


28.             The proposed arrangement entails an award of a sub-contract worth £206,171 to Wight Bus. Whilst this is expected on current projections to make a positive contribution to existing overheads, there is some risk involved in any trading undertaking.


29.             The proposal in respect of subsidy for this group of services relies on up to £50,000 of income being available as a result of the new car parking charges recently introduced. There is some risk that the yield will fall short of the amount required, either for this purpose or for other budget shortfalls that are relying on the same source of income.


30.             Consideration may not be given to simply extending the term of the current contract since it was let in 1999 for the five year maximum term permitted by the Transport Act 1985.


31.             The proposed use of funding is almost exclusively for services for which actual levels of patronage and income are known over the past five years, and for which, therefore, informed prediction for income over the next two years can readily be made.


32.             The services to be provided are in accord with consultation response expectation.


33.             Government Rural Bus Grant is provided solely in respect of the subsidy of bus services and may not be used for alternative public transport related schemes. The Grant is provided to stimulate growth in passenger usage and the proposal meets that requirement.


34.             Overall, in order to meet the Council objective of increasing use of public transport, the continuance of provision of funding to underpin a subsidised bus network for which there is ample evidence of current usage, would appear to offer the Council best value in assisting it to meet that objective.  





i.                    To ring fence up to £50,000 from income generated from car parking charges to increase the budget available for subsidised bus services.


ii.                  To delegate to the Head of Engineering Services and the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Transport and Resources the authority to enter into a contract with Southern Vectis which to ensure best value delivery of:


·                     A 2 year contract to from 3 October 2004 to 30 September 2006

·                     A four week period at the commencement of the contract on 3 October, during which the existing network will be provided, to allow operational mobilisation by the contractor and sub contractor to meet the substantive terms of the new contract

·                     Preservation of a network equivalent to that to that currently provided, (subject to operational changes)

·                     Utilisation of Southern Vectis bus stations for all subsidised services which require their use

·                     Cross ticketing – rover tickets accepted on all contracted services.

·                     Utilisation of Wightbus as a subcontractor




·                     The budget available in 2004-05, including ring fenced additional resources

·                     Projected budget allocation for 2005-2006 and 2006-2007









35.             Procurement File – This file contains papers which are exempt for the purposes of paragraph 9 Sch 12A Local Government Act 1972.



Contact Point :Andy Morris  - Telephone: 823780              e-mail :[email protected]


Stephen Matthews

Head of Engineering Services

 Ernie Fox

Portfolio Holder for Transport