Purpose: For Decision                      

Date :              1 DECEMBER 2004






                 IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 13 December 2004





1.                  To advise the Executive on proposed refresh of the Statement of Intent between the Isle of Wight Council, Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust and the Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust.




2.         This item has not appeared on the Forward Plan as the agreement to refresh the Statement of Intent was only made at a joint meeting of the three organisations on Monday 22 November. In view of the timescales for the delivery of a combined Health, Social Care and Housing organisation any delay in agreeing strategic issues must be kept to a minimum.




3.         The Council at its meeting on 11 June 2003 agreed the following “Statement of Intent” :


“THAT this Council make the following commitments and asks the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust to do the same:


·        In future we wish to see Health and Social Care services delivered collectively with a view to an appropriate integration of these services that best meets the needs of the Islands community.


·        Services should be driven by the needs of the service user and our wider community rather than by professional or organisational boundaries.


·        All Managers would be expected to apply these principles in the future design and delivery of health and social care services.”


4.         This Statement has been the underpinning policy for a whole range of work undertaken jointly since June 2003 which has matured into the work currently being started to work up an application to the Government for the establishment of one organisation on the Island to deliver Health, Social Care and Housing. The work on this is still at an early stage and the details will be brought back to Council for a decision when they are ready.


5.         In the meantime the group of Portfolio Holders and Chairmen and Non-Executive Directors of the Council and Health Trusts (which is chaired by the Leader of the Council) has looked again at the original wording of the Statement of Intent and has agreed that this should be slightly altered to reflect the inclusion of some of the housing services, specific reference to the Council establishing a Childrens Trust and list of areas were integration will be sought. A copy of the refreshed Statement of Intent is attached at Appendix 1.




6.             As explained above the suggested wording has arisen following a meeting involving the Council and the two Health Trusts on the Island and has the full support of those present.




7.             Council approved the original Statement of Intent in June 2003 and the attached refresh seeks to clarify a number of issues which are already Council policy – for example the establishment of Childrens Trust. The attached is also a clearer reflection on what is expected from the original Statement of Intent.




8.             There are no specific financial/budget implications in the adoption of this refresh. Clearly any details of any proposed implementation will have significant financial implications and these will all be subject to detail financial appraisal before being undertaken.




9.             The Council, under its general well being powers, has the legal power to enter into such agreements.




10.             (a) To approve the revised Statement of Intent as attached at Appendix 1.


(b) To consider any further revisions.


(c) To make no decision leaving the original Statement of Intent as it was originally approved.




11.             As explained above the proposed refresh merely seeks to add detail to the original Statement of Intent and add specific reference to the establishment of a Childrens Trust. Therefore it is considered that there is no risk in agreeing the refresh as attached particularly bearing in mind that any final commitments of the Council to any new organisation will be a matter for Council to decide.




12.             That the refreshed Statement of Intent as attached at Appendix 1 be approved.




·        Council minutes of 11 June 2003



Contact Point : Chris Mathews ( 823280 email: [email protected]




Chief Executive Officer


Leader of the Council

Appendix 1

Statement of Intent


The three authorities together make a strong commitment that:

§         in the future they wish to see health, social care and housing services delivered jointly with a view to full integration of those services wherever that either improves services to the people we serve, the working experience and development of our staff or creates greater efficiencies;

§         services are driven by the needs of the service user and our wider community rather than  professional or organisational boundaries;

§         all managers are directed to apply this principle in the future design and delivery of services.

§         that there will be a local authority based Childrens Trust integrating Education, social care and elements of health.

These principles apply not only to health and social care services but equally to all aspects of the other activities undertaken by public sector organisations.  The board views the integration of corporate services as an essential part of the transition to a new organisation and expects such opportunities to be actively pursued.


The list of areas where integration will be sought includes: