Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams, Mrs J White


Apologies :


Mr R R Barry, Mr B C Buckle, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr R A Sutton, Mr J A M D Whittaker, Mr D T Yates




29.             MINUTES




THAT, subject to the following amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2003 be confirmed:


Deletion of Mr Tiltman’s name and the addition of Mr Whittaker’s in the list of those who were present.




At 10.05 Mr Richards declared a personal and prejudicial interest in minute number 34(b) (GM Crops) as he was a farmer and left the room during its consideration.


31.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Howes concerning the Council’s ability to improve the railway, beach huts and public conveniences (PQ 26/03)


Mrs Swan asked an oral question relating to the cost benefit of SEN appeals – the Portfolio Holder for Education and Life Long Learning replied accordingly.


Mr Wortham asked oral questions about joined-up governance (to which the Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure replied) and the proposed changes to public question time – to which the Leader replied.


32.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman reported on the first meeting of her Charity group, her visit to the House of Commons and her visit to St Thomas Trust, Ryde.




The Council considered a report from the Leader of the Council on the development of the Full Council meetings. A series of changes to the Council’s Constitution was moved and seconded and subsequently amended by agreement of the original mover and seconder.


An amendment to defer the entire matter (and papers C and D) to the next meeting of the Council was moved and lost when put to the vote.


Following further debate it was




(a)               THAT the Council’s constitution be amended so that:


1.            The Council provides an advocacy service for members of the public wishing to submit questions to Council meetings. This service will provide objective advice on the structure and wording of questions and submit/ask the question on behalf of the member of the public should they wish it.


2.            The Council meeting only receives updates and questions on matters relating to the Executive and Portfolio Holders and not the Select Committees or Regulatory Committees.


3.            That the following paragraph be added to Procedure Rule 2 (business to be conducted at ordinary meetings of full council):


(e)(i) That the total period for announcements shall not exceed 15 minutes and no Portfolio Holder will speak for more than 3 minutes in making announcements.


4.            That the period allowed for questions from elected members to portfolio holders under Procedure Rule 10 (6)  be extended to 10 minutes.


5.            The Regulatory Panels are able (in addition to the Executive and Select Committees) to make recommendations to the Council on any matters within their remit.


6.            The following be added to Procedure Rule No. 9 (5) (Questions by Members of the Public – Scope of questions):


g.            Names or identifies individual service users, members of staff or members/staff of partner agencies.


7.            The following paragraph be added to Procedure Rule No. 9 (7) (Questions by Members of the Public – Asking the question at the meeting):


The Chairman shall prevent any question which in his/her opinion would be inappropriate for the Full Council.


8.            Procedure Rule No. 10 (Questions by Members) be amended so that there be reference to the Executive only.


9.            The following be added to Procedure Rule No. 10 (Questions by Members):


“If in the view of the Chairman the question asked (either in writing or orally) does not relate to policy or budget the Chairman  will decline to accept the question at the Council meeting  and instruct that either a written reply be given after the meeting (and that this be recorded in the record maintained under sub paragraph 9); or that the question be directed to the relevant Portfolio Holder or other Committee outside of the meeting. Where the Chairman so directs for oral questions the questioner shall submit the question in writing to the Democratic Services Manager.”


10.        The following be added to Procedure Rule No. 15 (Rules of Debate):


“14. That where non-members are invited to make presentations on matters being considered by the Council they also, at the Chairman’s discretion, be invited to participate in any debate following the presentation other than the ability to move or second motions or vote thereon.”


(b)               THAT Paper D as attached to the agenda be deferred to the next meeting of the Council.




(a)               By Mrs D Gardiner CC :




THAT in view of Mrs Gardiner’s absence this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Council.


(b)               By Mrs T Butchers CC :


Mr Richards having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item left the meeting during its consideration.


During the debate Mr Abraham declared a personal interest as someone with a farming background.


Council considered a motion submitted by Mrs T Butchers CC and following debate it was




(a)         THAT having regard for wider public opinion the policy of this Council is to discourage, by whatever means and by working in partnership with Island landowners, from allowing or authorising the use of their land for production of GM crops, either in trials or commercially, and to communicate this policy to the Isle of Wight branches of the National Farmers Union, County Landowners Association, and other relevant national organisations.


(b)         THAT the policy of this Council is to resist attempts, by whatever legal means, to grow GM crops locally with a view to the Island being promoted as a GM Free Zone.


(c)               By Mr B Abraham CC


Council considered a motion submitted by Mr B Abraham CC and during the debate an amendment was accepted by the mover and seconder to amend the wording of the original motion. Following debate it was




THAT the Council will support the need for a referendum on the draft European Constitution when the Government’s position has been clearly defined.


(d)               By Mr B Buckle CC




THAT in view of Mr Buckle’s absence this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Council.


(e)               By Mr G Kendall CC and Mr H Rees CC


The Council considered a motion submitted by Mr G Kendall CC and Mr H Rees CC and following debate it was




THAT this Council make the following commitments and asks the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust to do the same:


·        In future we wish to see Health and Social Care services delivered collectively with a view to an appropriate integration of these services that best meets the needs of the Islands community.


·        Services should be driven by the needs of the service user and our wider community rather than by professional or organisational boundaries.


·        All Managers would be expected to apply these principles in the future design and delivery of health and social care services.


35.             EXECUTIVE


(a)               Abridging of Call In




THAT it be noted that at the meeting of the Executive on 21 May 2003 the call in period was abridged, under rule 15(h) of the Select Committee Procedure Rules, in relation to the item on the Isle of Wight Rock Festival 2003 as the contract needed to be completed in good time for the festival on 14 and 15 June 2003.


(b)               Executive - Reports Of The Portfolio Holders


(i)                 The Leader


The Leader indicated that she had nothing to report.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader had nothing to report.


(iii)             Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder updated members on regional issues and particularly the proposed investment by SEERA into the Island Line railway.


(iv)              Education and Lifelong Learning


The Portfolio Holder updated members on her attendance at the LGA Education Conference, theatres and the OFSTED inspection of the LEA in the Autumn.


Following questions relating to dress codes for children attending schools the Portfolio Holder agreed to investigate if the LEA could offer advice to the schools on this issue.


(v)                Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


Mr Stephens submitted a question (and was given a reply) on the proposals to allow on the spot fines for noise nuisance (MQ 16/03).


The Portfolio Holder promised to provide members with a note on the latest position on the FBU dispute.


A series of questions were asked on general crime and disorder issues affecting the towns on Friday and weekend nights and the Portfolio Holder agreed to involve the local members in any discussions affecting their towns and to put a motion on the next Council agenda to debate crime and disorder generally.


(vi)              Resources


The Portfolio Holder had nothing to report.


(vii)            Social Services and Housing


The Portfolio Holder updated members on a number of issues including the negotiations with the care home providers.


(viii)          Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy


The Portfolio Holder updated members on a meeting of the South East Water Resources Forum.


(ix)              Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio Holder updated members on the number of tickets sold for the forthcoming music festival.


(x)                Transport


Mr Mazillius submitted a question (and was given a reply) on the problems following the breakdown of one of the Red Funnel ferries (MQ 17/03).


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader updated members on a number of issues particularly the denial of the Strategic Rail Authority of any suggestion that Island Line would close.


The meeting closed at 13.30.