Present :


Mr J F Howe (Chairman), Mr J H Fleming (deputising for Mr V J Morey), Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr P D Joyce, Mr A J Mellor, Mr K Pearson, Mr R C Richards

Co-opted (voting) :


Archdeacon M Banting; Mr N Mitchell, Sister Patricia

Portfolio Holder :


Mrs J L Wareham

Also present :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr I R Stephens

Apologies :


Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr V J Morey, Ms M Wilson

8.        MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2002 be confirmed.



The Committee considered the joint report of the Strategic Director of Education and Community Development and the Strategic Director of Finance and Information and County Treasurer setting out the revenue budget position for education and community development services.

Members were made aware of the differing spending characteristics of the various elements of the budgets. An indication was also given of the net expenditure as a percentage of the annual budget. Officers reported that net expenditure on both education and community development services was largely in line with that forecasted.

The Committee welcomed the information contained in the report and considered the frequency of future monitoring reports.



           (a)       THAT the budget monitoring report be noted.


           (b)       THAT budget monitoring reports be submitted on a quarterly basis.



The Strategic Director of Education and Community Development indicated that at the Select Committee’s recent workshop the Authority’s policies and practices in relation to truancy and exclusion had featured as issues that required scrutiny. To assist in this members had before them the following documents :-


           (a)       DFES Press Release on Tackling Truancy


           (b)       Isle of Wight Council Guidelines for the Registration and Attendance of Pupils at School


           (c)       Isle of Wight Council Policy for Attendance at School


           (d)       DFES Circular No 11/99 - Social Inclusion: Pupil Support


           (e)       Working with Young People to Reduce Crime and Disorder

Additionally Rob Faulkner (Principal Education Welfare Officer), Elaine Bricknell (Education Welfare Officer for Sandown schools) and Mark Rodwell (Education Welfare Officer for Cowes schools) were present to clarify any issues arising during the debate.

The Strategic Director referred to attendance targets contained in the Authority’s Education Development Plan. Figures when compared with the national situation indicated that the Island was slightly above average with authorised absence in both the primary and secondary sector whilst it was below average for unauthorised absence. He also informed members that as from September 2002 the LEA had to provide 25 hours education for those children excluded from school. The financial impact of this was not yet fully known.

The Education Welfare Service had recently changed from being managed centrally to being devolved to schools. The Service now operated on a cluster basis with Education Welfare Officers being located at schools within each cluster. The views of both the Education Welfare Officers attending the meeting regarding the operation of the Service were sought. The importance of good line management when working on an area basis was stressed. By being at schools they were more readily accessible. In addition children, and families, experiencing difficulties could be better assisted throughout schooling as the cluster covered Primary, Middle and High.

The Select Committee discussed the merits of truancy sweeps which were operated in conjunction with the Police. Whilst these had some success the publicity given in advance to such an operation had an effect on their outcome.

Members noted the legal position regarding registration at schools and a system being operated in Sandown High School whereby teachers were able to register pupils at individual lessons. This however required staff to have the ability to take appropriate follow up action.

In debating authorised absence by way of holidays during term time Officers explained that parents did not have the right to remove children but had to seek the permission of the Headteacher. This was limited to a maximum of 10 academic days. At present there was not the ability to differentiate authorised absence through holiday or sickness. Education Welfare Officers did however take appropriate action where there was a repetitive pattern.

The Chairman thanked the Officers for attending and providing the Select Committee with a better understanding of the issues involved.



THAT the Guidelines, Policies and relevant DFES Circulars relating to truancy and exclusion be noted.




           (a)       Future of the Children’s Committee


The Head of Paid Service reported on a review that had been undertaken of the role of the Children’s Committee, particularly in the light of changes brought about through the modernisation of the Committee process. It was believed that there were a number of areas of significant joint working between Social Services and Education which would benefit from being dealt with by such a joint committee. A list of suggested Plans, Strategies and Reviews that fell into this category was circulated.


Consideration was given to the revised name of the Committee together with the proposed terms of reference. Members noted that a similar report had been considered by the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee held on 3 July 2002. The proposals for amending the role and title of the Children’s Committee had been agreed subject to work being referred to it with the agreement of the relevant Select Committee.


The workplan for the revised Children and Young Persons Committee would be considered further by Officers, in conjunction with the relevant Members, and brought back to each Select Committee for approval.


It will also be necessary to extend the membership of the Committee so to include a co-opted member from this Select Committee.




THAT the Children’s Committee be renamed the Children and Young Persons Committee, with the amended terms of reference and covering agreed areas of significant joint working.


           (b)       Sports Action Zone Task Group


The Select Committee was reminded that it had established a Task Group at its meeting on 10 September 2001 to assist officers in the preparation of a bid to Sport England for designation as a Sport action Zone.


The Task Group had met on four occasions and a bid had now been submitted. The background to the bid and details of the submission was outlined. A decision from Sport England was expected on 24 September 2002. A number of useful links had been established with key partners that had been involved with the submission and it was hoped that these could continue, and be developed, even if the bid was not successful.




THAT the work of the Sports Action Zone Group be noted.