Present :


Mr J H Fleming (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C R Hancock, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mellor, Mr K Pearson, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holders :


Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr H Rees

Also Present (Non Voting) :


Mr J F Howe, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs S A Smart


 1.        MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2002 be confirmed.





THAT there were no declarations received at this stage.



The Chairman agreed to consideration of an item of urgent business as it was necessary to advise members of the latest position with regard to proposals from the Southern Tourist Board on how tourism should be run in the future. A detailed report would be presented to a future meeting of the Select Committee.



THAT a report setting out the implications of the proposals by the Southern Tourist Board on the future delivery of tourism services be included in the Select Committees’ Workplan.




The Chairman welcomed to the meeting pupils from Carisbrooke High school who were attending the meeting as part of their educational studies.


           (a)       Review of Isle of Wight Council Tourism Services - Best Value Report


The report of the Strategic Director, Finance and Information was received with regard to the Best Value Review of Tourism Services which had been conducted during 2001/02. The review had been mainly directed towards improving the service’s understanding of strategic concerns which the industry might have and identifying realistic proposals in order to improve matters. It was noted that the review had also been conducted in parallel with the UK tourism crises precipitated by Foot and Mouth Disease and the terrorist attack on America. To facilitate the review widespread consultation had taken place with Island residents, visitors and key stakeholders. The report identified a number of service improvements which had been categorised as either strategic or operational. The recommendations to improve the strategic direction of the service set out a Framework for Tourism, the Value and Impact of Tourism, the Current Isle of Wight Tourism Functions, Tourist Information Centres and the Tourism Development Plan. The Improvement Plan addressed the issues raised to effect improved policy development and included timescales and costs for these to be undertaken. The Director reported the difficulties encountered in carrying out benchmarking or comparisons with other authorities, one of the requirements of the Best Value process. The possibility of the formation of an Islands Group consisting of Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Isle of Scilly and the Isle of Wight was referred to. Further discussion was scheduled to take place with the Southern Tourist Board with regard to the feasibility of this and to the best way forward.


Members, in discussion, welcomed the proposal to investigate the development of a mobile tourist information centre to enable tourism services to be represented at Island events as well as being available for promoting the Isle of Wight at mainland events. It could also be designed to add value to the Council’s programme of consultation.




THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the Best Value Review of Isle of Wight Tourism Services and to implement the Tourism Development Plan identified.


           (b)       Best Value Review of Economic Development Services


The Select Committee received the Executive Summary detailing the outcome of the Best Value review of Economic Development Services and the proposed actions for improvement of the service which would be subject to an independent scrutiny by the Audit Commission. A brief presentation was provided outlining the background on the delivery, by the Council, of its economic development services since April 1999 and the reasons resulting in the recent reorganisation of the service during 2001/02.


The Best Value review involved extensive consultation with stakeholders, the Citizens Panel and partner agencies. Although the service provided was well received a number of areas where improvements were required had been identified. These were set out in the report together with the results of comparisons of the service with other similar areas. As part of the review consideration was given to a number of service delivery options. Following a formal assessment against a number of strategic operational and legal criteria it had been subsequently determined that a joint Council/IWEP delivery of the service should be considered as the preferred model. The IWEP Board would have overall responsibility for both strategy and operational matters while the Council’s Economic Development Unit would take on the executive responsibility for advise on strategic issues, bid development and research matters.


Members gave consideration to the Service Improvement Plan which had been developed setting out 42 specific actions, grouped into 3 broad areas which aimed to establish a sustainable organisational structure for service delivery, to maintain and improve performance and to establish an effective monitoring and evaluation framework. Fundamental to achieving these aims was the case for increased financial support for the service. It was reported that efforts to secure additional funding had, therefore, been identified as a priority.


Members expressed their thanks to the loyal and dedicated staff who had continued to provide an exemplary service throughout the difficult period of reorganisation. Following a request from a member the Policy and Strategy Director agreed to circulate a brief update report advising of the staff in the new structure and their areas of responsibility.




THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the Best Value Review of Economic Development Services and to implement the Service Improvement Plan identified.


           (c)       Wight Leisure Best Value Report


Members were reminded that the Executive, in August 2001, had resolved that the transfer of Wight Leisure services to a Not for Profit Distributing Organisation (NPDO) should be suspended until a Best Value review of the services had been undertaken. Over the past six months a full review of services had been conducted, drawing on a great deal of information and research already in existence and linking in with ongoing research into a cultural and leisure strategy for the Island and also a tourism services Best Value review. The report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Information was received which attached the results of the detailed examination of the range of facilities and services currently managed by Wight Leisure and identified a comprehensive series of service improvements. The Improvement Plan detailed those responsible for action, realistic timescales for implementation of the financial implications and how these outcomes could link to the Council’s corporate objectives.


Given the public’s general satisfaction with the range and mix of services currently being provided, consideration had been given to the model of service delivery which would be best for the Council and involve all the services being continued, rather than as distinct elements. A number of other important issues which had been taken into account were also reported. The recommendations had determined that the most effective way of maintaining the level of continuous improvement as demonstrated by the service to date and of achieving the targets set out in the improvement plan, would be to externalise the delivery of the Council’s leisure services, currently provided through Wight Leisure, to a NPDO. Discussion ensued on the recommendations highlighted which had stood up to rigorous testing against a mathematical model. Members supported the outcome of the review and thanked the staff at Wight Leisure for all their hard work and commitment in the delivery of a front line service.




THAT the Executive be recommended to approve and implement the Service Improvement Programme and the recommendations for future service delivery set out in the Best Value Review of Wight Leisure.


5.        FORWARD PLAN

The Select Committee considered the Forward Plan for the period April to July 2002 and noted the matters which came within its terms of reference.




THAT the Forward Plan be noted.