Present :


Mr D T Yates (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mr K Pearson, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holders :


Mr E Fox, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr H Rees

Also Present (Non Voting)


Mr M J Cunningham, Mr P D Joyce, Mr A J Mundy


 30.      MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2002 be confirmed.




Mr M C Cunningham declared an non pecuniary interest in Minute No 33 - Newport Harbour Regeneration Brief.




Members received the draft Best Value Review of the Beaches and Esplanades Services which formed part of the Parks and Beaches section, within the Education and Community Development Directorate. The Review was undertaken during 2001/02 and constituted part of a group of reviews encompassing Tourism and Economic Development. The Review detailed the current services provided, strategic links with other departments/organisations who had an interest in Beach Esplanade Management, how the service met corporate objectives including the objectives of the service delivery, the extensive consultation process and outcome, comparison with other local authorities, and performance targets and measures. In addition, the document comprised of an Improvement Plan which contained a number of recommendations based on evidence collected and analysed as part of the review process and the application of the ‘four C’s’ - Challenge, Compare, Consult and Compete. The Improvement Plan would be constantly monitored and when the Business Plan was written in 2003, the performance measures would be reviewed. It was noted that to action all the recommendations identified would incur additional revenue costs of £50K. The introduction of a new bylaw, for item 5 of the Improvement Plan, would also necessitate an additional capital investment of £32K. It was highlighted that there was currently no budget provision with which to fund the additional costs.


During the debate, the Strategic Director referred to the report, due to be considered by the Executive on 26 March 2002, regarding the award of the 2002 - 2003 Beach Cleaning Contract. Tenders for this service had originally been advertised during November 2001. However, due to reasons explained the existing contract had now expired. In order for the Isle of Wight to maintain the recently achieved 13 Seaside Awards it was important for the beach cleaning contract to be granted as a matter of some urgency. The Strategic Director reported that upon award of the contract a lead in period would be required to enable the successful tenderer to purchase new machinery and vehicles. Due to the tight timescale it had not been able to present the report to the Select Committee. Members expressed their concern at the lack of opportunity for the Select Committee to determine a view on the tenders received and stressed the need for the current tendering procedures to be reviewed.


Members, in welcoming the Review, expressed the view that the document should now form the basis of a Strategy for the future management of beaches, esplanades and respective services.




           (i)        THAT the Executive be recommended to approve and implement the Best Value Review of Beaches and Esplanades and for those items identified as requiring appropriate funding, these be implemented when the financial resources become available;


           (ii)       THAT officers report back to the October meeting of the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee on those items identified in the Implementation Plan, as in categories B and C, demonstrating inter departmental co-operation, co-ordination and progress;


           (iii)       THAT in the light of the urgency surrounding the letting of the new Beach Cleaning Contract procedures be put in place to ensure that, in the future, realistic tendering deadlines are set and met.




The Council had promoted the regeneration of the east bank of Newport Harbour and Quays through a planning brief prepared in 1999. The Executive, in October 2001, had agreed to update and extend the brief so to include the west bank and to undertake public consultation as the basis for future marketing and to give prospective developers a clearer view of the Council’s aspirations for the harbour. The report of the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services was received which identified and suggested proposals for the regeneration of Newport Harbour for the purposes of public consultation. It was noted that the document took into consideration not just Council owned land but also adjoining land ownerships where they logically contributed to the overall regeneration of the area. The planning brief would become Supplementary Planning Guidance when finally approved by the Council. As part of the consultation process with local businesses, residents and visitors, to date, it had been apparent that a mix of land uses would be the most beneficial development for the Quay area. The Chairman invited Mrs Tindale, of the Newport Harbour Users Association, to express her initial thoughts on the document.




           (i)        THAT the Select Committee supported the circulation of the draft Newport Harbour Regeneration Brief to users of the harbour and adjoining land owners, together with it being made available to the wider public so that their comments and views could be taken into consideration by the Council, before confirming a new brief for the harbours regeneration;


           (ii)       THAT the revised Brief for the regeneration of Newport Harbour be presented to the Select Committee in July.




The Select Committee received a presentation from the Managing Director of Wight Leisure providing the background and progress to date with all aspects of the Isle of Wight Festival, arranged to take place from 3 - 16 June 2002. Progress on the project was overseen by four dedicated project teams, which were accountable to the Strategic Overview Group. Reference was made to the Festival timetable and the key milestones to be achieved which was now back on track. It was reported that since the 22 March, when the tickets for the launch concert went on sale, over 3,000 had been purchased. Members were referred to the programme proposed for the two week event, the current budget spend which was contained within the projected cash flow analysis and sponsorship agreements currently completed or in negotiation.. Details were also provided on known media and press coverage to date, the Festival’s website - isleofwightfestival.com and other miscellaneous items.


During the discussion Members raised the question of security at the launch concert to prevent those without a ticket from entering the event. Members were reassured with details of the arrangements proposed and noted that no tickets would be available for purchase on the day. This would deter those without tickets turning up and trying to gain unauthorised access. On 13 November all local residents had been circulated with a letter advising them of the planned proposals and key issues for the concert. The local member reported on a number of concerns received from some residents and the Managing Director of Wight Leisure agreed to distribute a further newsletter in order to keep the local community fully informed.




THAT the progress on the Isle of Wight Festival be noted.




In accordance with the Council’s policy for the appointment of a representative to an outside body, all Councillors had been circulated with details of the vacancy to the Milne Memorial Sports Ground Company Ltd. It was noted that the vacancy could be filled by a Councillor or a Council officer. To date no nomination had been received. Members were minded that if no Council representative be forthcoming then details of the vacancy should be circulated to the local Parish or Town Council.




THAT the Executive be recommend that, if no suitable representative be appointed , details of the vacancy to the outside body, Milne Memorial Sports Ground Company Ltd be forwarded to Cowes Town Council.






THAT the Forward Plan for March to June 2002 be noted.