21 July 2004                                  

Committee Administrator – Katy Green ( 823283

                                                                                                       E-mail - [email protected]






THURSDAY, 29 JULY 2004 AT 10.00 AM





Membership :   Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J F Howe, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr I R Stephens, (Vacancy)


Any other member of the Council may attend the meeting and may speak with the permission of the Chairman provided that notification has been given to Select Committee Support before the commencement of the meeting, such notification to detail which items the member is attending for.




1.                  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN – To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year.


2.                  MINUTES - PAPER A - To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2004.


3.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.


4.                  FINAL ACCOUNTS 2003-2004PAPER BTo receive the report of the Chief Financial Officer.


5.                  AUDIT AND INSPECTION PLAN 2004/2005PAPER CTo consider the report of the Audit Commission.


6.                  STRATEGIC PLAN FOR INTERNAL AUDITPAPER DTo consider the report of the Chief Internal Auditor.


7.                  INTERNAL AUDIT PERFORMANCE REPORT 2003/2004PAPER ETo consider the report of the chief Internal Auditor.


8.                  INTERNAL AUDIT PROGRESS REPORTPAPER FTo consider the report of the Chief Internal Auditor





Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council's web site at :  http://www.iwight.com/council/meetings/meetings.asp


The information contained in this agenda is available in Braille, large print, tape and community languages.  Please contact the Committee Administrator on ( 823283