Privacy and Security on SPOCC.Net


Information provided by you or your organisation about you is only available to authorized SPOCC users within the council. Your details will not be passed on to any third parties unless you have given prior consent.

Actions taken while logged into SPOCC.NET (e.g. viewing reports) are logged for monitoring purposes. Searches are also logged anonymously to help the council monitor service demand.


All sensitive transactions on SPOCC.NET are performed using the HTTPS protocol, which encrypts the data passing between your browser and the SPOCC.NET server. The identity of the server is guaranteed by a trusted certificate identifying the site to your browser.

When you log into the SPOCC.NET website your log in information is stored in an encrypted cookie. If cookies are not enabled in your browser you will not be able to log into SPOCC.NET. This cookie is automatically removed when you close your browser. You can also removed it by logging out out of the SPOCC.NET website when you have finished.

The SPOCC.NET website should function in any browser. To better protect your security when using the internet, it is recommended that you upgrade your browser to the newest version available and check for security updates regularly.

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