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Isle of Wight Council
Application for Sports Development Grant
Contact Details
Please enter your title
Contact Forename
Contact Surname
Club/Association Name
Building/house name/number
Street address
Town Name
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Email address
How does the club plan to use this grant? Please describe how and when the funding will be spent.
Main Objectives
What are the key stages of work to be undertaken?How will they be achieved? What sorts of activity will you need to undertake to achieve the objective?
Estimate how many people will benefit from the project and whether they are new participants or currently play in your sport.
Existing Participants:
Young people
14 – 25 yrs
25 yrs +
New Participants:
Young people
14 – 25 yrs
25 yrs +
What is the club’s role in the local community?
Include brief details on any events, competitions, sessions and working with schools (if applicable).
Community sessions: i.e. come and try, return to sport, just play etc.
School sessions:
Training sessions:
Events / Festivals:
Please describe the club’s goals and aspirations and how this funding will help the club to achieve these.
Please give any further information that you feel may support your application.
Policies and Procedures
Please tick to indicate which of the following policies and procedures your club holds.
* Relevant if you are working with young people aged 16 to 18 years or vulnerable adults aged up to 25 years.
Funding Requirements
Please complete as appropriate
Funding Requirements (cont)
Please complete as appropriate
Coaching course/s
Other (please specify)
Can you provide a estimated income and expenditure forecast over the next 2yrs?
Itemise expected / estimated expenses e.g. facility hire, travel, equipment, coaching courses etcYear 1Year 2
Total Year 1
Total Year 2
Itemise expected or estimated income e.g. fees, funding, in-kindYear 1Year 2
Total Year 1
Total Year 2
Additional Financial Support
Are you in receipt of any other funding or sponsorship? If yes, please give details below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. A member of the sports development team will contact you about your application, whether its successful or not. Funding will be allocated on merit and at the discretion of the Isle of Wight Council Sports Development Unit, in association with Community Action Isle of Wight and Primary Care Trust representatives.
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection Act 1998
This application may be monitored by the Isle of Wight Council for regulatory, quality control or crime detection purposes. Information from this application will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 for the purpose of processing your particular enquiry/request. The Isle of Wight Council ("the Council") is the data controller. By completing this form you consent to the Council contacting you by email or nominated contact method in relation to your enquiry/request. The information contained in this application may, in exceptional circumstances, be subject to disclosure to third parties under either the Data Protection Act 1998 or the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to the extent the law allows and in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council's Access to Information Policy. Disclosure will only be made where in all the circumstances it would be fair to do so and in the public interest. Please note that the Council may process your information in the absence of consent for the purpose of crime prevention or detection so far as is in accordance with the law.
Sometimes we may use your information to keep you informed about services, goods or relevant issues that we believe may be of interest to you.
Receive Emails
To improve the quality of other services that we provide to you the Council wishes to hold your non-sensitive personal information on a secure central database. This will enable all Council services to use this information when they are providing a service to/for you.
Your Information
Submitting your form
Now you should submit your form by pressing the submit button below
Your reference number will be provided once submittedThe submission date will set when submitted
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