Using the e-forms system |
The form content has been divided among a number of pages for ease of viewing. You move from one
page to the next by clicking the 'Next' or 'Previous' button if you wish to go back. You may be prevented
from doing this if you have not completed parts of the form on a panel that are required to be completed. An
indication of this is given on the form. This will also happen if the data you enter is not recognised as being
valid e.g. an email address.
As you move from one page to the next, your progress is indicated by small numbered buttons beneath
the navigation buttons. If you wish to navigate to a particular page directly that you have already
visited, click the numbered button. Invalid entries on a page may prevent navigation e.g. missing fields.
When you have reached the end of the form (the last main page) you will find a small Print Form link in the bottom
right-hand corner of the page. Clicking this will pop-up a printable version of your form. You may make changes to
your form but you must return to this last page to get a printable version.
When you are ready to submit your form click the 'Submit' button. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you check your
form for content before submitting it as you will not be able to return and edit it again after submission.
The 'Clear All' link at the bottom left-hand corner of your form will clear ALL content from ALL pages. If you wish
to view this help on-line then click the help icon button in the bottom left-hand corner.
Saving and retrieving form data |
Completing forms, especially long ones, can take some time. To help with this problem, you may find it easier to
save your form and return to it later. To do this you must 'sign-up' to our system.
To sign up, click the 'Sign-up' link in the top left-hand corner of the form and complete the small form that
pops-up. Once you have signed up then all you need to do in future is log-in in order to save and retrieve forms
data. The log-in link is under the 'sign-up link.
When you have signed up or logged in you will find a 'Save' button on your form. This is active after you have
moved on from the first page. Just click this at any time to save your form data.
To retrieve forms data and/or obtain printable copies. click the 'MyForms' link at the bottom of your form. A list
of your saved forms is then displayed and you may load or print any as required. Saved form data should not be left
indefinitely on our servers and you are advised to delete any form data you no longer need or complete the
form and submit it.
If you do not wish to open a form from the MyForms page remember to click the BACK either from the form or from
your browser