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Child Protection

Conference Process

What is a child protection conference?

A child protection conference is a meeting between families and professionals that is held when there is concern about the safety of a child within a family.

The purpose of a conference is to:

  • Share information about a child's health, safety and wellbeing.
  • Assess whether a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
  • Identify the strengths within the family.
  • Identify any support needed by the family and the professionals/agencies who might be able to provide this.
  • Identify changes needed (if any) in order to ensure the safety of the child;
  • Decide if the child needs to have a child protection plan.

A child protection conference does not make decisions about legal or court action, or about where children should live.

As a parent, you are invited to attend the conference and we would encourage you to take an active part.  You may also bring someone with you as a supporter if you would like to.  This can be another member of your family, a friend, or some other person of your choice.

Children and young people maybe invited by the chair of the conference to attend if it is in the child’s interest and they are able understand what is going on.

Who else will be at the conference?

The conference will be chaired by an independent person.  There will also be someone to take notes at the meeting.  A number of professionals will also be invited to the meeting.  These may include:

  • Social workers.
  • Health visitors.
  • Doctors.
  • Teachers.
  • Police.
  • Education welfare officers.

Professionals who have had involvement with your family will be invited, but there may also be some individuals and some agencies represented who you may not have met before.  These individuals are invited because of their expertise or because they might be able to provide help.  You will be introduced to everyone at the start of the conference.

Click here to view a report on news ways of running child protection conferences on the island.