Present :


Mrs M J Lloyd (Chairman),Mrs B E Foster (for Minutes 4 only), Mr R G Mazillius (for Minute 5 and 6 only) Mr A J Mundy

Also Present (non-voting):


Mr J R Adams, Mr D J Knowles, Mr A A Taylor




            (a)       The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ryde IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2002


                      (i)        Simeon Street - No Waiting At Any Time


A number of amendments to the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues. Concerns had been expressed over the ability for refuge vehicles and fire appliances to access Simeon Street and Marymead Close. Three letters of objection had been received regarding the impact this would have on the availability for residents to park on-street. The local member addressed the Committee and supported the proposals.




THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


                      (ii)       Colenutts Road - No Waiting At Any Time

Pear Tree Close - No Waiting At Any Time


The Restriction was advertised at the request of the residents of Pear Tree Close who had experienced access difficulties at the junction of Colenutts Road.

One letter of objection had been received that expressed concern on the impact that the proposed restriction would have on the ability to park on street.




THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


                      (iii)       Westwood Road - No Waiting at Any Time


The restriction was advertised following representations made by residents of Westwood Road who had experienced access difficulties as a result of vehicles parking in the road which had migrated primarily from Queens Road and Ryde School. This had resulted restricting the carriageway width so that refuse and emergency vehicles were unable to service frontages in the road. Five letters of objection had been received by residents of Westwood Road who believed the proposed measures were excessive and should be limited to the bend at the southern end of the road. However it was reported that this could migrate the problem further down the road and would not resolve the matter. The Police supported the proposals. The local member supported the restriction overall but expressed concern over access difficulties for disabled residents. It was agreed that the Highways Section would liaise with the local member regarding the issue.




THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


                      (iv)      Somerset Road - No Waiting At Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following a large number of representations from the residents of Banbury Close who had experienced difficulties in entering and exiting the close. This had been caused in part by the poorly defined access of Banbury Close which had resulted in patrons of the adjacent shop parking across the dropped crossing facility. The proposed restriction would ensure access to Banbury Close and the forecourt to the convenience store were maintained at all times as well as giving improved visibility at the junction. Four letters had been received from residents of Somerset Road who believed that the impact of such a restriction would further aggravate the situation. The local member made representations to the Committee concerning the extent and position of the proposed restrictions. Members considered the issues involved and believed further consultation between the local member, highways and development control section were required




THAT the matter de deferred in order for further consultations to take place



Little Preston Road - No Waiting At Any Time

Victoria Crescent - No Waiting At Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following interest expressed by a local bus operator to introduce a bus service through the area. However, it was not presently possible as the width of the carriageway with was insufficent to accommodate bi-directional bus operations. 17 letters of objection had been received from residents of Victoria Crescent. The grounds for objections included that it would open up the section of road which would led to an increase of speed of vehicles, that the current measures were sufficient and that the proposed restriction would displace parking to nearby roads which would be inconvenient and could result in vandalism. Members noted that no formal application had been received from the bus operator to register a route. The Police would support the proposed restriction if such an application were to be made. The Police and the local member suggested that implications arising from Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act should have been considered. The local member also believed that the proposed restriction could result in a ‘rat run’ forming along Victoria Crescent.




THAT the matter be deferred for consultation to take place regarding the possible implications of Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act.


                      (vi)      Lower Highland Road - No Waiting at Any Time


Members were informed that there had been concerns regarding the inadequate carriageway width that had resulted in vehicles being driven along the footway. This had led to damage to cars and had significant road safety implications. Vehicles parked on the east side of the carriageway who had to park away from the edge in order to open the car door exacerbated this. Members were advised that there were serious safety implications if the current situation were allowed to continue with no intervention. The Police had supported the proposals. Members considered the issues and supported the proposals however they believed disabled access and the impact of Section 17 had yet to be fully explored.




THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised and be reviewed after six months.


           (b)       The Isle of Wight Council (Mayfield Road, Ryde, IW) (One Way Traffic) Order No1 2002


A one-way traffic order had been advertised to address a number of road safety issues. It was anticipated that this would address the number of vehicles using the road as a ‘rat run’. 7 letters of objection had been received. The main grounds cited were the migratory impact of vehicles movements, higher vehicles speeds would result, rat running traffic would increase and that an unfair disadvantage would be created to the frontagers as they would be forced to take a lengthy diversion to and from the properties. The Police stated at the meeting that they did not object to the proposed order. However members were informed that the Police believed there was no evidence to support the idea of a ‘rat run’, it would be difficult to sign effectively and that Section 17 may be relevant.




THAT the matter be deferred for consultation to take place regarding the possible implications of Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act.


           (c)       The Isle of Wight Council (A3054 Avenue Road, Sandown and C58 Station Road, Havenstreet IW) (Height Restriction) Order No1 2002


An order to introduce a height restriction had been advertised and 3 objections had been received. Two related to the confused wording of the draft proposals. It had always been intended that the restriction would only apply to each of the bridge structures. The other objection referred to the impact on the seasonal bus service that required access for a bus of 13’ 8” in height. Members were advised that a review of existing bridge heights had been recently undertaken and evidence showed that the arch bridge at Havenstreet had been subjected to repeated impact damage.




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised with the following alteration to the description of the first and second schedules:




The railway bridge structure, A3055 Avenue Sandown, Sandown, (Grid Reference, Northing 459972, Easting 085223)




The arch railway bridge structure, C58 Station Road, Havenstreet, (Grid Reference, Northing 455628, Easting 089784)





                       THAT under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, namely Minute number 6 on the grounds that there is likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 5 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



The Strategic Director of Finance and Information advised the Committee that the Council were permitted to grant relief on the grounds of hardship and outlined the circumstances which were required to be shown. The Committee considered the application.


The Committee considered that hardship due to a loss of trade had not been caused by foot and mouth disease.



THAT the application be refused.