Present :


Mrs M J Lloyd (Chairman), Mrs B E Foster, Mr K Pearson

Also Present :


Mr D J Knowles




There were no declarations declared at this stage.




            (a)       The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ryde IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2002


                       (i)        Somerset Road - No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following a large number of representations from the residents of Banbury Close who had experienced difficulties in entering and exiting the close. This had been caused in part by the poorly defined access of Banbury Close which had resulted in patrons of the adjacent shop parking across the dropped crossing facility. The proposed restriction would ensure access to Banbury Close and the forecourt to the convenience store were maintained at all times as well as giving improved visibility at the junction. Four letters had been received from residents of Somerset Road who believed that the impact of such a restriction would further aggravate the situation.


This matter had been deferred from the previous meeting of the Committee on 30 May 2002 in order for further consultations to take place. A site visit had now taken place with officers, the Local Member and the Police. Following a detailed explanation of the benefits of the proposed restrictions the local member had given his support for the proposed restrictions. Members were informed that the proposal would create a further four parking spaces when the shop forecourt was fully utilised.




THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


                      (ii)       Little Preston Road - No Waiting At Any Time

Victoria Crescent - No Waiting At Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following interest expressed by a local bus operator to introduce a bus service through the area. However, it was not presently possible as the width of the carriageway with was insufficient to accommodate bi-directional bus operations. 17 letters of objection had been received from residents of Victoria Crescent. The grounds for objections included that it would open up the section of road which would led to an increase of speed of vehicles, that the current measures were sufficient and that the proposed restriction would displace parking to nearby roads which would be inconvenient and could result in vandalism.


This matter had been deferred from the previous meeting of the Committee on 30 May 2002 in order for consideration to be given to any implications arising from Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act. It was now confirmed that the potential impact of the proposed restrictions was not felt to have a negative impact on section 17.


Members were informed that although the bus operator had indicated an intention to register a bus route, no formal application had been received. The local member did not support the proposed restriction. Members believed that as no application to register a route had been received the proposed restriction should not be implemented.




THAT the Order would not be implemented


           (b)       The Isle of Wight Council (Mayfield Road, Ryde, IW) (One Way Traffic) Order No 1 2002


A one-way traffic order had been advertised to address a number of road safety issues. It was anticipated that this would address the number of vehicles using the road as a ‘rat run’. 7 letters of objection had been received. The main grounds cited were the migratory impact of vehicles movements, higher vehicles speeds would result, rat running traffic would increase and that an unfair disadvantage would be created to the frontagers as they would be forced to take a lengthy diversion to and from the properties. Members were informed that the merits of the proposals were the merits of such a proposal could not be fully appraised without introducing the proposed one-way system it is recommended the Order be implemented as advertised with condition that the matter is reviewed after six months.


This matter had been deferred from the previous meeting of the Committee on 30 May 2002 in order for consideration to be given to any implications arising from Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. It was confirmed that the potential impact of the proposed restrictions were not felt to have any negative impact on these provisions.


Members believed that the matter should be reviewed after six months to assess the impact of the proposed Order.




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised and reviewed after six months


           (c)       The Isle of Wight Council (Esplanade, Ryde, IW) (Motor Coach Parking Places) Order No 1 2002


An Order to introduce a Coach Setting Down Bay at the Esplanade, Ryde was advertised in April 2002 in an attempt to formalise the arrangements that had been in place on the Esplanade for some time. It had provided a useful setting down point for visiting coaches to the town and had contributed to activities at the main interchange.

The proposed time restriction would ensure that the area was not used for long-term parking and that unauthorised vehicles did not cause an obstruction.


Two letters of objection had been received .The grounds for objection were that the capacity to park in the road was currently restricted and the proposed Order would further compound the problem which would have a direct impact on visitors to the doctor’s surgery opposite. In addition it was believed that there was already adequate capacity to park coaches in Quay Road Car/Coach Park. Members considered that the existing capacity to park on the southern side of the carriageway provided sufficient capacity for patients to park when visiting the doctor’s surgery and that the proposed time restriction would ensure that the area was not used for long-term parking.




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised


           (d)       The Isle of Wight Council (Player Street, Ryde, IW) (Designated Loading Bay) Order No 1 2002.


An Order to introduce a loading bay in Player Street, Ryde during the period 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday was advertised in April 2002 because this was a narrow section of residential road where a number of delivery and trade vehicles regularly used. In an attempt to prevent double parking and blocked footways an advisory loading bay was provided approximately five years ago. This had improved the situation but had led on occasions to disputes over the rights to park in the bay. The proposed loading bay was intended to regulate the current arrangements and clarify who was authorised to use the bay at certain times of the day and night. In order to address the concerns of the residents it was recommended that the current proposals were amended so that the restriction applied 8am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


Eight letters of objection had been received from residents. The grounds for objection were that the capacity to park in the road was currently restricted and the introduction of the proposed loading bay would further compound the problem. Members were informed that the proposed restriction was one hour longer than the operating times of the business and supported a change in the hours of operation of the restriction.




THAT the proposed loading bay be implemented as advertised, with a change to the hours of operation: 8am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday


           (e)       The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Lake, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2002


A number of amendments to the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised in April 2002 after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues in Lake. Objections had been received to the following.


                      (i)        Araluen Way – No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following a number of concerns regarding the ability for refuse vehicles and fire appliances to gain access along Araluen Way. A number of residents in the road had written to express their concerns regarding the inability to pass along the route due the narrowness of the carriageway, caused by vehicles parked on both sides of the road.


The extent of the proposed restriction was determined following a site visit with the Police and was designed to overcome the particular access difficulties whilst minimising the impact on the available on-street parking.


Six letters of objection had been received, which expressed concerns over the impact that the proposed restrictions would have on the availability for visitors to park on-street. Members noted, that with one exception, all of the representations received were from visitors to the area.




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised


                      (ii)       Cherryside– No Waiting at Any Time

West Avenue – No Waiting at Any Time


The restriction was advertised at the request of the residents of Cherryside who had repeatedly experienced access difficulties for both pedestrians and vehicles. As a result a detailed analysis of the site had been undertaken with the Police in an attempt to determine the exact nature of the problem. The extent of the proposed restriction was felt to be the minimum required to maintain vehicular and pedestrian access, without having an unnecessary impact on the ability for residents to park in the road.


Four letters of objection had been received. Members were informed that they had originated from two residents of the road, both of which had written requesting that yellow line parking restrictions be introduced in the road in an attempt to prevent vehicles parking on the footway and impeding access for pedestrians and who believed that the proposed restrictions did not go far enough as it would overcome the current difficulties.




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised


                      (iii)       Merrie Gardens – No Waiting at Any Time

Pursley Close – No Waiting at Any Time

Kestrel Close – No Waiting at Any Time


(Mr K Pearson declared a prejudicial interest as a personal friend of a resident affected by the proposed restriction)


Due to the above interest being declared, the Committee were unable to consider the proposed restriction as only two members remained which made the Committee inquorate. Therefore the matter would be considered at the next meeting of the Committee




THAT the matter be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee.