



28 JUNE 2002









1.         The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ryde, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2002.




A number of amendments of the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised in April 2002 after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues in Ryde. The following matters were considered at the previous meeting of the Regulatory Appeals Committee when they were deferred subject to further investigations.


Somerset Road – No Waiting at Any Time


·         On its north side from a point 61 metres west to a point 92 metres west of its junction with Marlborough Road


Four letters of objection have been received from residents of Somerset Road. The main point raised is that parking in the road is currently difficult due to the impact of the local convenience store and the newly constructed access to Banbury Close. It is felt that the migratory impact of the proposed restriction will further aggravate the situation and will result in private vehicle accesses being blocked on a regular basis.




At the previous meeting of the Regulatory Appeal Committee it was resolved:


THAT the matter be deferred in order for further consultation to take place.


The proposed restriction was advertised following a large number of representations from residents of Banbury Close who have experienced difficulties entering and exiting the Close. This is caused, in part, by the poorly defined access of Banbury Close, which has resulted in patrons of the adjacent shop parking across the dropped crossing facility.


The extent of the proposed restriction has been determined following a site visit with the police and is designed to ensure that access to both Banbury Close and the forecourt of the convenience store are maintained at all times. The proposal will also improve visibility at the junction, improve road safety and maintain delivery access to the side of store.


Since the previous Committee Meeting I have visited the site with the Local Member and PC Bartlett, the traffic management officer for Hampshire Constabulary. Following a detailed explanation of the benefits of the proposed restrictions the local member has confirmed his full support for the proposed restrictions. The proposal will also create a further four parking spaces when the shop forecourt is fully utilised.


The potential impact of the proposed restrictions have been analysed in detailed and are not felt to have any negative impact on the provisions of section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998.




That the restriction is implemented as advertised.


Little Preston Road – No Waiting at Any Time


·         On both sides from its junction with Carlton Road to appoint 10 metres south thereof.


Victoria Cresent – No Waiting at Any Time


·         On its southeast side from a point 13.71 metres west of its junction with High Park Road to a point 13.71 metres north of its junction with Carlton Road


17 letters of objection have been received from residents of Victoria Crescent. The main points raised were:


·         The proposed restriction will open the section of highway, which will lead to an increase in vehicle speeds in the area.


·         There are no grounds for the proposed restriction and the current arrangements provide adequate passing places and act as a traffic-calming feature.


·         The proposed restrictions will result in displacing parking to adjacent roads, which will not only be inconvenient but is likely to result in vandalism.




At the previous meeting of the Regulatory Appeals Committee it was resolved:


THAT the matter be deferred for consultation to take place regarding the possible implications of Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.


The proposed restriction was advertised following consultation with the local bus operator who has expressed an interest to introduce bus services through the area.


Victoria Crescent is a section of residential road the runs from High Park Road to the east to Great Preston Road to the west. It is curved over its entire length and as such forward visibility is restricted by vehicles parking on street. 


Following evening site visits to the area it would appear that the level of parking has not reached capacity and  as such some of the displaced vehicles would be accommodated on the opposite of the carriageway. Others can be absorbed in the adjacent roads.


However the current parking arrangements would preclude this from being a viable option as there is insufficient carriageway width available to accommodate

bi-directional bus operations.  The proposed restriction is, therefore, considered to essential to prevent bus meeting head-on, which would result in one or other of them having to reverse causing a significant road safety problem.


The potential impact of the proposed restrictions have been analysed in detailed and are not felt to have any negative impact on the provisions of section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998.




That the restriction is implemented as advertised subject to confirmation that the local bus operator submits an application to register a route via Victoria Crescent.




Hampshire Constabulary has not provided any written comment on the matter.




Letters of objection addressed to the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services, copies of which are attached.



Contact Point:  Peter Taylor. Highways & Transportation, - 823763







Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services