Present :


Mrs M Lloyd (Chairman), Mr K Pearson, Mr A A Taylor

Also Present (Non-Voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs B E Foster, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards



There were no declarations of interest received at this stage.




           (a)       The Isle of Wight Council (Esplanade, Ventnor, IW) (Experimental Prohibition of Driving) Order No 1 2002


Members gave consideration to the proposal to introduce an experimental Prohibition of Driving Order, on the Esplanade, Ventnor, between the junction of Alma Road and the junction of Esplanade Road which had been advertised, in February 2002, at the request of Ventnor Town Council. It was reported that the Town Council had, for some time, been concerned about the safety of pedestrians in the area but had intended for the experimental Order to be introduced between 1 April and 30 September only. A total of 54 letters had been received in response as well as 3 petitions. Two of the petitions contained a total of 321 signatures in support of the proposals with a further 3 letters of a similar nature. The other petition which contained 431 signatures and the remaining 51 letters all objected to the proposals. The grounds for the objections were set out in the report. The Police and the local member expressed support for the recommendations which recommended that no further action be taken to implement the Order.




THAT no action be taken to introduce the Order


           (b)       The Isle of Wight Council (A3020 Medina Way, Newport, IW) (40MPH Speed Limit) Order No 1 2002


Consideration was given to the Order, advertised in February 2002,. to introduce a 40 mph speed limit on sections of Medina Way. A total of 14 letters of objection had been received. These were of a similar nature expressing concerns that proposals would remove the only 70 mph section of carriageway on the island. The first section related to the northbound carriageway of the A3020 Medina Way, Newport from the southern junction of with Dodnor roundabout to a point 178 metres south thereof. It was reported that a study had been undertaken which had identified that the primary cause of accidents in that area was due to excessive speed on the approach to the junction. Following consultation with the Police it was anticipated that the Order would result in a reduction of vehicle speeds and reduce the number of personal injury accidents.


The second section related to the southbound carriageway of the A3020 Medina Way, Newport from a point 180 metre north-east to a point 468 metre north-east of its junction with the Fairlee Link Road. The restriction had been advertised following a report prepared by the Police which identified that 7 injury accidents had occurred at the location and that speed had been a significant factor in all of them. The reduced sped limit would act as a buffer zone between existing limits in place and complied with advice contained in the DoT ‘Circular Road 1/93' directive. Consultation with the Institution of Advanced Motorists had discovered that the draft proposals had not been accurately assessed and therefore, the majority of objections had been based on incorrect information.




THAT the Order is implemented as advertised.


           (c)       The Isle of Wight Council (A3020 Newport Road and B3325 Nodes Road, Northwood, IW) (Speed Limits) Order No 1 2002


The Order, advertised In February 2002, aimed to introduce a 40 mph speed limit on the A3020 Newport Road, Northwood from the southern boundary of the County Show ground, where the current 40 mph limit terminates and to extend the existing 30 mph limit in both Newport Road and Nodes Road, Northwood. One letter of objection had been received relating to the 40 mph element of the Order. The local member spoke in support of the Order. The views of the Police were also noted.




THAT the Order is implemented as advertised.


           (d)       The Isle of Wight Council (School Lane, Carisbrooke, IW) (Width Restriction) Order 1 2002 and The Isle of Wight Council (School Lane, Carisbrooke, IW) (One Way) Order No 1 2002


The restriction was advertised following the receipt of a petition presented to the Head of Highways and Transportation from the Carisbrooke Forum requesting the introduction of a 6'6'’ width restriction in School Lane, Carisbrooke and in response to a request from the local member requesting the introduction of a one-way restriction. 19 letters had been received with regard to the one way restriction. 18 of these were objection to the proposals with one letter in support. No objections had been received to the width restriction. The views of the Police were noted. The local member put her views to the Panel.




THAT no action is taken to introduce a one-way traffic Order in School Lane, but the width restriction be implemented as advertised.


           (e)       The Isle of Wight Council (Various Road, IW) (Prohibition of Public Service Vehicles) Order No 1 2002


A number of concerns had been received regarding the use of the narrow lanes in the area of Adgestone Vineyard by full size coaches, some of which had become physically stuck resulting in damage to both the vehicles and banks and verges adjacent to the carriageway. In an attempt to clarify to coach drivers the unsuitability of the lengths of roads contained in the Order the restriction, to public service vehicles, had been advertised. 4 letters of objection had been received. The comments of the proprietor of Adgestone Vineyard and from a local tour operator were noted. An additional exemption to the Order was proposed which applied to any Mini Bus. Members noted that a Mini Bus, by definition, was a ‘motor vehicle which was constructed or adapted to carry more than 8 but not more than 16 seated passengers in addition to the driver’. Consultation had taken place with Brading Town Council, the local member and the police..




THAT the Order be implemented as advertised with the following additional exemption:


“Nothing in Article 2 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any Mini Bus to proceed in the lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this Order”


           (f)        The Isle of Wight Council (Great Preston Road/Gassiot Green, Ryde, IW) (Width Restriction) Order No 1 2002


A number of studies undertaken to establish the potential hazards affecting the safety of children en-route to and from school had resulted in the production of the Safe Routes to School Scheme. Arising from this the restriction to remove the current exemption for local bus services from the existing 6'6'’ width restriction Order fro the section of Great Preston Road between Alexandra Road and High Park Road had been advertised following concerns expressed by the teachers and governors of Oakfield County Primary School. Studies had confirmed that the route was incapable of accommodating two way traffic for heavy vehicles and the consequences of this had a significant negative impact on road safety. The proposal would have no impact on the ability of buses to call at the school. One letter of objection had been received from Southern Vectis Omnibus Co Ltd. The views of the Police were noted.




THAT the Order is implemented as advertised.



Members were presented with the report to establish a group of members from which independent appeal panels could be drawn. Interviews with prospective panel members had taken place during February by the Councils’ spokesperson for Education, the Chairman of the Education and Lifelong learning Select Committee and the oppositions’ spokesperson for Education. A training session had also been convened to ensure that all those involved were fully aware of the procedures and legislation involved.



           (i)        THAT the following people be appointed to the group of members from which an Appeal Panel may be drawn:

Lay Members - Mr R C Day, Mr J R Luscombe, Mr N C Charles and Mrs R Trodd


Members with Experience in Education - Mrs R J Bell, Mrs L Cave, Mrs D Dutton, Mrs L Hammond, Mrs L E Jennings and Mrs J E Legg


           (ii)       THAT the above persons be appointed as representatives appointed from which the Diocesan Education Authorities may choose to appoint to the Appeal Panels in respect of aided school appeals.        




