Purpose : For Decision






12 DECEMBER 2002








The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Sandown, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2002.




A number of amendments of the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised in October 2002 after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues in Sandown and objections have been received to the following.


A.                  Drabbles Lane – No Waiting at Any Time


·         On the south side from its junction with Old Reservoir Lane to a point 8 metres west thereof.


B.                 Old Reservoir Lane – No Waiting at Any Time


·         On the southeast side from a point 33metres east to a point 68 metres east and southwest of its junction with Broadway. 


·         On the north side from a point 16.76 metres west to a point 28 metres west of its junction with Broadway.


·         On the northwest side from its junction with Drabbles Lane to a point 29.5 metres southwest thereof.




Three letters of objection have been received; the grounds for the objections are as follows:


Two of the objections refer to the fact that the proposed restrictions will have a negative impact on the capacity for on street parking, particularly between no’s 4 and 12 Drabbles Lane.


The third objection refers to the migratory impact of the works and feels that the proposed restrictions will exasperate the current parking difficulties in Drabbles Lane. The objector has requested that the proposed restriction is extended to a point further west.




The proposed restriction was advertised following concerns for road safety at the junction of Old Reservoir Lane and the private communal vehicular access to the rear of No’s 2 to 12 Old Reservoir Lane.


At a subsequent site meeting with PC Bartlett, the Traffic Management Officer for Hampshire Constabulary, it became evident that the existing parking arrangements resulted in an acute restriction to visibility, which increased the potential for conflict for vehicles exiting the car park. The extent of the proposed restriction is some 11.26 metres, which includes the width of the dropped crossing that forms access to the car park. This results in less than 4 metres either side of the access point, which is less than one car parking space.


The balance of the proposed restriction in Old Reservoir Lane provides protection at the junction of Drabbles Lane, and on the single-track road, which provides access to The Broadway Centre. 


The potential impact of the proposed restrictions have been analysed in detail and are not felt to have any negative impact on the provisions of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998.




That the restriction is implemented as advertised.



C.                 Avenue  Road – No Waiting at Any Time


On the southwest side from a point 13.71 metres southeast to a point 27.5 metres southeast of its junction with St Johns Crescent.




One letter of objection has been received. The grounds for the objection are as follows.


The proposed restriction will reduce the ability for residents to park on street and may well have an impact on each of the three retained fire fighters who live in the road. Furthermore the proposal would cause further access difficulties for the elderly lady who resides at number 83 Avenue Road.  




The restriction was advertised following concerns for road safety at the junction of Avenue Road and St Johns Crescent, where the current parking arrangements restrict visibility and increase the potential for conflict.


Avenue Road forms part of the main highway infrastructure to and from the centre of Sandown and as a result, is heavily trafficked, particularly during the summer period and forms part of the main bus route.


The extent of the proposed restriction is less than 10metres, and was determined following a detail appraisal of the site. It is considered to be the minimum necessary to address the current road safety concerns, without imposing any unnecessary impact on residential parking.


The potential impact of the proposed restrictions have been analysed in detail and are not felt to have any negative impact on the provisions of section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998.




That the restriction is implemented as advertised.



In addition to the above, further restrictions have been advertised in the following roads, none of which have received any objection.


College Close

Ferncliff Road

Kennedy Way

Marsh Close

Melville Street

St Johns Road

Station Avenue

Victoria Road


Five letters of support have been received in connection with the proposed restrictions in Ferncliff Road.




Hampshire Constabulary have written in support of the proposals.




Letters of objection addressed to the Director of Executive Services, copies of which are attached.


Contact Point:  Peter Taylor . Highways & Transportation , - 825763







Strategic Director

 Corporate and Environment Services