Action Plan for: Isle of Wight Council (Food Law Enforcement Service)


Audit date: 3-6  September 2002







1i) The review of the Food Service Plan for 2001/02 and the Food Service Plan for 2002/03 will be submitted to the portfolio holder for Consumer Protection.


3.1.17 Submit the review of its Food Service Plan for 2001/2002 and it’s Food Service Plan for 2002/3 for Member approval.

 [The Standard – 3.1 and 3.2]


We will have regard for delegated decision making powers of portfolio holders.

ii) Variances in the Service Plan will be addressed in subsequent years arrangements.

30 April 2003

Ensure that any variance in the Trading Standards Food Law Enforcement Service Plan is addressed in the subsequent year's Service arrangements.

[The Standard - 3.3]

We will continue to re-assess risk procedures and ensure more staff time is allocated to Feeding Stuffs Inspection.

2 Documented procedures will be extended to include the requirement to review when legislation changes and at fixed periods of time.

1 June 2003

3.2.5 Develop its procedures for document control to ensure that documented procedures and policies are reviewed at regular intervals, or whenever there are changes to legislation or centrally issued guidance.  Ensure that any superseded documents are removed from use.

[The Standard – 4.1 and 4.2]


Most procedures already include a date at which they must be reviewed and approved by the relevant manager.  Superseded documents are removed already by the system of document control operating.  Any officer identifying weaknesses in procedures is charged with bringing it/them to the attention of their line manager.

3i) A documented procedure for the authorisation of officers based on their competency and in accordance with Code of Practice No 19 will be produced



3.3.12(i) Develop and implement a documented procedure for the authorisation of all officers based on their competence and in accordance with Food Safety Act Code of Practice No.19: Qualifications and Experience of Authorised Officers.

[The Standard – 5.1]


Chichester City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire’s Procedures were used as a template. 

3ii) & iii) The training plan will be developed to include details of course content, objectives, assessment and duration of training provided


3.3.12(ii) Establish and maintain a documented training program for Food Standards. [The Standard -


Training plans are informed by the Authority’s personal performance review process and by issues arising from Internal Monitoring procedures.

3.3.12(iii) Ensure that the records of training for all officers involved in food standards, Feedingstuffs & food hygiene enforcement include details of the content, objectives, duration and any assessment of courses attended. [The Standard – 5.4]



3iv) Appoint a suitably qualified and experienced EHO to serve EPNs and ensure that such authorised officers are always available to serve such Notices


3.3.12(iv) Ensure that sufficient officers with the relevant qualifications and experience are authorised and available to issue Emergency Prohibition Notices at all times.

[The Standard – 5.3]


An EHO was appointed on 20th January 2003.  He has 2 years’ recent and relevant experience.  He has satisfactorily completed his period of induction, and has been authorised to serve EPNs.  A system has been devised preventing the two officers authorised to serve EPNs from taking leave at the same time. 

4i) A procedure for the calibration and maintenance of equipment will be produced and implemented.

1 April 2003

3.4.7(i) Draw up and implement a procedure on the calibration and maintenance of equipment for food hygiene law enforcement.  Develop the existing procedure for Food Standards to include regular maintenance of all equipment and its removal where it becomes defective. [The Standard – 6.2]

Maldon District Council’s procedure will be used as a template for food hygiene enforcement.

ii) Food Standards database backup data is now securely stored.


3.4.7(ii)Ensure that food standards database back-up data is securely stored to minimise the risk of loss.

[The Standard - 6.5]

Back up data now stored in secure small safe. Larger fire proof cabinet on order.

5i) The Authority will continue to make efforts to fill vacancies in the food team and to set challenging but achievable inspection targets to ensure all premises are inspected at appropriate frequencies according to risk, and to remove its backlog of inspections.


The Authority will Introduce revised risk assessments for food standards and ensure that inspections are carried out at the minimum frequencies required by Code of practice 8.

1 April 2005










1 June 2003

3.5.19(i) Ensure that premises are properly risk rated for food standards and that food hygiene and food standards inspections are carried out at the minimum frequency in accordance with Food Safety Act Code of Practice No.8: Food Standards Inspections and Code of Practice No.9 Food Hygiene Inspections. [The Standard – 7.1 and 7.2]


On 1 April 2003, the project manager for the integrated software for Environmental Health will return to his post in Health & Safety, releasing the appointed food EHO who has been seconded there since 1 April 2002.  An EHO (food) was appointed on 20th January 2003.  Two vacancies have been advertised with a closing date for applications of 24th February 2003.  A backlog of inspections has however accumulated.

In relation to food standards we have adopted Code of Practice No. 8; risk assessment criteria.  This results in fewer high risk premises for Food Standards Inspections.  We must have regard for wider budget decisions of the Council.

5ii) The documented inspection procedure will be extended to include butchers’ licensing and approved premises.


Food Standards & Feedings Stuffs Inspection procedures now include procedure for visiting new premises, referrals to FSA and other authorities and policy re. when visits are to be announced or un-announced.  Procedures for feeding stuff inspections to be developed.













1 September 2003

3.5.19(ii) Develop its documented inspection procedures and extend them to cover the full range of inspections carried out.

[The Standard – 7.4]


The butchers’ licensing inspection procedure produced by Maldon District Council was used as a template.  The inspection of approved premises was delegated to other officers.

6i) We will incorporate LACORS food complaints guidance into written food standards and feeding stuffs procedures.

Training will be given whenever new procedures are adopted or amended and the lead food standards officer shall monitor actions taken in response to food standards and feeding stuffs complaints.

31 March 2003

3.6.5(i) Extend its written procedures relating to, food standards and feeding stuffs complaints to ensure that they comply fully with centrally issued guidance.

[The Standard – 8.1]



ii) Training will be given whenever new procedures are adopted or amended and the lead food standards officer shall monitor actions taken in response to food standards and feeding stuffs complaints.


1 September 2003

3.6.5(ii) Ensure that appropriate action is taken on all food standards complaints in accordance with the Authority's policy and procedures and centrally issued guidance.

[The Standard - 8.3]


ii) More information now recorded on paper complaint forms and on database.

7.          Officers to be reminded to contact the Home and Originating Authorities (as appropriate) when investigating complaints.  A 20% sample of all complaints investigated every 2 months will be scrutinised to assess whether the HA/OA were contacted


3.7.6 Ensure that home authorities of businesses are notified of food hygiene complaints in accordance with Food Safety Act Code of Practice No. 2 and centrally issued guidance. [The Standard – 9.4]


8. New computer software package will combine Trading Standards and Food Hygiene premises.  The database will be kept up to date by Food Hygiene for food premises and by Trading Standards for feeding stuffs premises updates.

1 May 2003

3.9.4 Develop and implement a documented procedure to ensure that the accuracy of its food standards and feeding stuffs premises database is maintained and kept up to date. [The Standard - 11.2]



9. A sampling procedure will be produced and program for food hygiene sampling.


Food standards sampling procedures are being revised to comply with Code of Practice No.7.





1 April 2003

3.10.10 Draw up and implement documented procedures and a programme for food hygiene sampling and develop its procedures for food standards to comply with Food Safety Act Code of Practice No.7: Sampling and Analysis or Examination and centrally issued guidance. [The Standard – 12.4]


A draft policy and procedure already exists. The food sampling procedure from Tonbridge and Malling and the Food Sampling Protocol from Telford and Wrekin Councils will be used as templates for food hygiene sampling

10 i) A documented procedure for investigating outbreaks and food related infectious disease will be drawn up and implemented in accordance with centrally agreed guidance

1 June 2003

3.11.3 The Authority shall draw up and implement documented procedures in accordance with centrally issued guidance for the investigation of outbreaks and food related infectious disease. [The Standard – 13.2]


There are flow diagrams and questionnaires in place at present to guide officers.  Procedures and questionnaires used within the Authorities of Portsmouth and South East Hampshire will be used as templates.  Guidance will be drawn from the Department of Health guidance (burgundy book)

11. Prosecution reports will be submitted to the food standards team leader who will check evidence and compliance with HR legislation and that RIPA has been complied with. The team leader will countersign the report and act as disclosure officer. The Trading Standards Manager will review the report for compliance with the enforcement policy and will then sign it.


3.13.10 Ensure that food standards prosecution reports comply with the provisions of the Criminal Procedures and Investigation Act 1996.  [The Standard - 15.2]

ii) All prosecution reports now comply with provisions of CPIA 1996

12 Food standards inspection records are now completed as per Food Safety

Act code of practice no. 8.All food inspection reports are now monitored quarterly by the Food standards Team Leader .Training will be given whenever inconsistencies are found or new /amended procedures are implemented.



3.14.10 Ensure that records of food standards inspections and inspection reports include all of the information required by Food Safety Act Code of Practice No.8: Food Standards Inspections. [The Standard - 16.1]


13. We will strengthen internal supervision arrangements. The internal monitoring procedure will be reviewed to include monitoring of food sampling against sample plan and code of practice and that complaints and enforcement actions are in accordance with enforcement policy. A monitoring form on similar lines to the one used by Food Hygiene will be produced and used.

31 March 2003

3.17.6 Extend and implement the documented internal monitoring procedures for Trading Standards in relation to, sampling, and formal enforcement action and verify its conformance with the Standard, relevant centrally issued guidance and the Authority's own policies and procedures.

[The Standard - 19.1 and 19.2]






GD/RO/Feb 2003