Present :


Mr D J Knowles (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham

Apologies :


Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs J White

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce

 20.      MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2001 be confirmed.


21.      BUDGET FOR 2002/03 AND FORWARD PLAN FOR 2003/05

The Select Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Information on the draft budget proposals for 2002/03 and in particular the effect on services coming within its remit.

Members discussed various aspects of the revenue budget which included the disposal of one aerial appliance from the Fire and Rescue Service. The catering arrangements at Newport Fire Station would also be looked at, as it was felt the part time cook would no longer be required. Members were advised that alternative arrangements for catering were still being evaluated.

Environmental Health had worked closely with the ICT Manager to ensure the compatibility of their new dedicated software package.

It was intended to obtain additional income from Bereavement Services by increasing charges by 7.5% in addition to the assumed 3% inflation. The Select Committee felt the increase was too high and would be targeting people at their most vunerable. In response to a question members were informed that compared with charges elsewhere in the country the Isle of Wight was towards the top of the league table on charges.

The Committee felt that the budget procedure was difficult to follow and considered that greater clarity and written explanation of the figures involved was needed.

The draft revenue estimates were discussed and members felt that there should be fuller information on capital charges and central service costs. The proposed changes to the SSA funding formula for the Fire and Rescue Service should be scrutinised because of the budget implications for the authority. The LGA Fire Conference was due to be held in March 2002 and it was felt the Portfolio Holder should be invited to table a question at the Conference.


In discussing the capital programme members believed that Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment, Fire House Refurbishment at Ryde, Replacement Fire Service Radio and the Modernisation of Cowes Fire Station were priorities.

The Chief Fire Officer advised that a Best Value Review of Fire Service Procurement would recommend that the Brigade adopted a Total Care Package, as an alternative to the outright purchase of Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment. Total care was an arrangement whereby, for an annual fee a contractor provided and maintained such Personal Protective Equipment.

Members also considered a joint bid from the Fire and Rescue Service, Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Crime and Disorder for an education/training vehicle.



           (i)        THAT the Executive be advised that the draft revenue proposals be accepted subject to Bereavement Services charges being increased in line with inflation and no higher than 3%.


           (ii)       THAT the Executive be informed that Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment, Fire House Refurbishment, Replacement Radio Scheme and the Modernisation of Cowes Fire Station be first priorities in the 2003/04 capital programme.


           (iii)       THAT the Select Committee would like to see more detail in the budget papers in particular they should include capital charges and central service costs.




           (a)       Best Value Review of Fire Training, Office Services and Fire Safety Legislation


Members were advised that Fire Brigades were required to perform a Best Value Review of their Training functions. In addition two lighter touch reviews would also be carried out on Office Services and Fire Safety Legislation. The Select Committee were asked to consider who would be prepared to sit on the Best Value Appraisal Group, which would oversee the progress of the review. It was suggested that the members who were on the Fire Safety Task Group may be able to undertake those tasks as well. After some discussion it was decided that an invitation to sit on the Appraisal Group be sent to all members of the Council.




THAT all members of the Council be written to with an invitation to sit on the Appraisal Group.


           (b)       Information Technology within the Fire and Rescue Service


The Select Committee were reminded that at the meeting held on 19 November 2001 the Chief Fire Officer had reported on discussions that had taken place with the ICT Manager. This had been to assess the Fire Service IT requirements to bring it up to the required standard expected by Her Majesty’s Inspector. The Chief Fire Officer presented the Brigade’s ICT Project Initiation Document to members.


The next step was for an audit of information flows to be done and subsequently a detailed project plan timetable would be produced.




THAT the report be noted.


           (c)       HMI Inspection Report - Action Plan


The Select Committee were advised of the specific actions the Brigade would undertake in order to address the five formal recommendations contained within the report on HMI Currie’s Inspection of the Brigade on 30 and 31 August 2001.




THAT the Action Plan be endorsed.


           (d)       Replacement Radio Scheme


Members were updated on the current position regarding the Radio Replacement Scheme. The cost of the scheme would not be known until the tender stage was completed, but indicative costs might be available when the South West Region Collaborative Group reached that stage, which would be earlier than the South East Region Collaborative Group.




THAT the Chief Fire Officer update members on at least a quarterly basis and more frequently as required by the Project Plan.



The Community Safety Manager reported on the draft Crime and Disorder Strategy. The Select Committee were advised that the formal Strategy would be effective from 1 April 2002, although the official launch would be on 26 March 2002 at the Botanic Garden, Ventnor, when all members of the Council would be invited to attend.

There was some concern on the provision of accommodation on the Isle of Wight for people from the mainland accepted as homeless due to domestic violence. Members were told that the Community Safety Manager would look at this and see if this operated on a reciprocal basis.

The three year trend of all recorded crime was down, however recorded crime for dwelling burglary, assaults and criminal damage was up.



THAT the Select Committee recommend the Executive approve adoption by the Council of the draft Crime and Disorder Strategy.



The Chief Fire Officer reported that the Fire and Rescue Service Premises Strategy would not be ready to be reported to the Executive in April 2002.



THAT the Forward Plan be noted.