Date of Meeting Style



Proposed Outcomes

Portfolio Holder



21 June 2004

Quarterly Performance Management Report


Budget Monitoring


Community Wardens Task Group

Performance Management



To monitor budgets


To set up a Task Group to review the use of Community Wardens.

Raising Standards





Findings to be reported back to the Select Committee in September 2004

David Knowles



David Knowles


Davis Knowles

Heidi Marshall



Tracy Ringer


Sue Chilton


19 June 2004

FAIRMAP – consider draft Action Plan





Fire Verification Study








Bereavement Services Task Group

An opportunity for the Select Committee to comment on items.

Consultation ends August-September.


Look at previous study from January 2004 to see what has been done.


Self assessment currently taking place, where do we go from here.


To update the Select Committee on Task Group issues

Feed into the consultation before the report goes to the Executive later in the year.


Preliminary report from field work

David Knowles






David Knowles








David Knowles


Richard Hards






Richard Hards








Rob Owen



16 August 2004

Tetra Masts on the Isle of Wight

To receive the results of the monitoring exercise carried out by Dr Paul Bingham, Director of Public Health

Policy Development from Full Council

David Knowles

Rob Owen

Dr Paul Bingham

20 September 2004

Quarterly Performance Management Report


Review options for Community Wardens

Performance Management



To reduce crime and disorder.

Raising Standards



Series of costed policy options.

David Knowles/ Peter Harris



David Knowles

Heidi Marshall



Sue Chilton


18 October 2004

FAIRMAP current action plan.

To receive an update and to monitor progress.


David Knowles

Richard Hards


15 November 2004

Marine Safety – Jet skis etc





Consumer Direct/Good Trader Schemes

To monitor progress and review current practice.


To monitor progress of the national review.


Policy Development

Raising standards



Raising standards



Raising standards, value for money

John Fleming



David Knowles



David Knowles




Rob Owen



Rob Owen

Marine Police

Inshore Rescue

20 December 2004

Quarterly Performance Management Report

Performance Management

Raising Standards

David Knowles/ Peter Harris

Heidi Marshall




Arrange a visit to the Fire Service College at Moreton-in-Marsh – invite Executive members – Chief Fire Officer to arrange.


Livex – 13/14 October – arrange for Fire & Public Safety Select Committee members to attend – stagger times.


Arrange informal session on the Modernisation agenda to be held at Ryde Fire Station - possibly include spokesperson from GOSE, ODPM, Audit Commission, Fire Service College (perhaps also invite other Fire Authorities) - Chief Fire Officer to arrange.


Possible presentation by Simon Dennis on crime and disorder.


Community Wardens Task Group –  Look at other options, compare with other areas

Look at the costs/implications of vandalism

How effective are Community Wardens and cost of wardens

Educating public (not to drop litter rather than doing litter picks)

(Sandown Observers)