Performance Management Framework for CCTV



The main purpose statement for the Isle of Wight Council CCTV system recorded in the CCTV Code of Practice is, 'To provide a safer environment for the benefit of those who live, trade, or work in the district, as well as visitors'.  It also contains the following objectives:


1)   Reduce the fear of crime;

2)   Provide a safer environment for people who live, work and trade in the area and those who visit the area;

3)   To deter offences against the person, property and good order;

4)   Protect property and deter vandalism;

5)   To provide quality pictures sufficient to assist the Police in the investigation of crime and help to apprehend and prosecute offenders in relation to crime and public order;

6)   To provide evidence to enable the Police and/or Council to take civil and criminal action in Court where necessary.

7)   Assist in the management of traffic and pedestrian flow, particularly in town centres.




These are based on nationally agreed benchmarks for CCTV operations (via the CCTV User Group)


1   Average number of CCTV incidents per operational hour.


- Operational hours

- Total number of CCTV incidents

- Number of tape reviews undertaken


2   Annual cost to the operating authority per camera per operational hour

3   Annual cost per CCTV incident

4   Number of videotapes unaccounted for in one year

5   Number of major system failures per year

6   CCTV System Assessment Matrix – system quality measure


a)   A Code of Practice has been adopted that is compliant with the model produced by the Information Commissioner.

b)   All cameras have been sited in accordance with Operational Requirements contained in PSDB Guidelines (including image quality).

c)   All videotape handling and in-place security systems are compliant with PACE requirements.

d)   A 24-hour monitoring operation is in place.

e)   Formal operational partnership agreements are in place between the operating authority and third parties.                                                                                                                              

f)     A formal auditable system is in place to authorise the release of tapes to the Police and other enforcement agencies.

g)   Activity recording logs are maintained at all times by CCTV operators.

h)   An independent system is in place that allows routine and regular inspection of all aspects of the CCTV operation by lay visitors.

i)      Both audio and visual links are in place with local police control room.

j)      A maintenance regime is in place that includes the completion of a fault identification log, supported by a formal maintenance contract that includes specified response and repair times.

k)    System externally accredited to a recognised national standard.