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REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of December 2004
Service Expenditure   Income   Net Variance  
  To Date Budget   To Date Budget   To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 % £000 £000 £000  
Fire & Rescue 4314.7 5814.9 74.2% -111.8 -130.3 85.8% 4202.9 5684.6 1481.7 Budget on target to date. 
Emergency Planning 82.7 137.7 60.1% -5.0 -72.2 7.0% 77.6 65.4 -12.2 Budget on target to date.
Precepts & Levies - Magistrates Court 3.8 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 3.8 0.0 -3.8 Building Maintenance to be recharged to H&IWMCC
Community Safety 238.8 316.9 75.4% -131.0 -175.9 74.5% 107.8 140.9 33.1 Budget on target to date.
CCTV 181.8 214.9 84.6% -4.5 -5.5 81.9% 177.3 209.4 32.1 Budget on target to date.
Cemeteries 201.0 296.5 67.8% -115.4 -199.6 57.8% 85.6 96.9 11.3 Income recovery is likely to fall short on budget,meetings arranged to try to solve.
Crematorium 177.4 227.3 78.1% -388.3 -588.3 66.0% -210.9 -361.0 -150.1 Income recovery is likely to fall short on budget,meetings arranged to try to solve.
Coroner 151.9 258.8 58.7% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 151.9 258.8 106.9 Budget on target to date.
Environmental Health 639.5 898.0 71.2% -32.2 -32.9 97.7% 607.4 865.1 257.8 Budget on target to date. APPENDIX 1
Licensing 113.3 111.5 101.6% -184.5 -156.8 117.7% -71.3 -45.3 26.0 Budget on target to date.
Trading Standards 244.0 347.6 70.2% -15.8 -6.4 247.1% 228.2 341.2 113.0 Budget on target to date.
Consumer Protection (management and admin) 368.7 484.4 76.1% -1.0 -0.4 234.9% 367.6 484.0 116.3 Budget on target to date.
Committee Total 6717.6 9108.4 73.8% -989.6 -1368.3 72.3% 5728.0 7740.1 2012.0