Present :


Mr G P Price (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr C B W Chapman, Mr G S Kendall, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor

Apologies :


Mr A C Coburn, Mrs B E Foster, Miss H L Humby, Mr E Fox, Mr R A Sutton

Portfolio Holder :


Mr D J Knowles

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A F Tiltman

1.        MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2002 be confirmed.



Mr C B W Chapman declared a personal interest in Minute 3 - Dezoning of Taxis as an ex-officio member of the Hackney Carriage Working Party

Mr A F Tiltman declared a personal interest in Minute 3 - Dezoning of Taxis as a taxi driver



Consideration was given to the instigation of a formal process of consultation following a meeting of the Hackney Carriage Working Party held on 18th April 2002 which discussed taxi dezoning. It was reported that The Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association was not in favour of dezoning. If, after consultation, dezoning was supported it would be necessary to seek approval from the Secretary of State before it could be implemented. Members were advised that consultation would be undertaken by officers rather than outside consultants and the estimated costs, including staff resources and printing would be in the region of £2,000.



THAT officers conduct the requisite consultation and report back the results to the Select Committee within 4 months



Members received for information the minutes of the meeting of the Hackney Carriage Working Party held on 18 April 2002.



THAT the minutes be noted.




           (a)       Planning and Coordination for the Queen’s Jubilee Rock Concert on 3 June 2002


Members were updated in respect of the safety measures that would be put in place immediately before and after the Islands Jubilee Rock Concert which was to be held at Seaclose Park on 3 June 2002. The event had been licensed for a total number of 25,000 people attending although only 12,000 to15,000 people were now expected. A campsite to the north of the spectator area had been licensed for 750 pitches. It was now estimated that only 150 pitches would be required, approximately 400 campers. An updated site plan was circulated to members. Members were informed that a small number of police would be within the arena and that medical facilities would probably in excess of that required given the expected numbers.


Details were given pedestrian access and the public footpaths that would need to be closed in and around the site. Members emphasised the need to maintain public access to the offices at Seaclose including staff and public parking. Concern was expressed regarding heavy lorries driving so close to offices. It was advised that a fence enclosing the site would be erected and this would be a hard hat area. Confirmation was given that any damage caused to the surface area designated to car parking would be reinstated and this had been budgeted for.


Questions were asked relating to the safety of people after the concert in particular large groups forming at the ferry terminals waiting to leave the Island. It was confirmed that discussions were taking place with Wightlink and Red Funnel in relation to provision of additional ferries. A police presence had not been guaranteed. A shuttle bus between the venue and terminal would be in operation and it was anticipated that a ferry would depart before the next bus arrived thus ensuring a built up of people would not occur.

A number of issues relating to food and drink were discussed including the provision of plastic glasses both at the concert site and the camping area. Food and drink would not be allowed within the concert area. It was stressed that re-entry onto the site would not be allowed.




THAT members concluded sufficient arrangements, together with the additional points raised during the meeting, had been put in place to enable concert goers and campers to enjoy the Island’s Jubilee Rock Concert in a safe and heathy environment


           (b)       Update on the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Services Radio Equipment


An update was received on the recent progress in relation to the replacement of radio equipment in the Brigade. The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service had joined with eight other Brigades in the South-East and together had formed a South-East Region Communications Collaborative Group. A Memorandum of Understanding had now been signed by all the Brigades. However the Fire Service Minister had just given the go ahead for the national procurement of a radio communication system for the Fire Service for England and Wales. A new specification reflecting the enhanced requirement was now in the process of being prepared.




THAT the report be noted.


6.        FORWARD PLAN



THAT the Forward Plan for April to July 2002 be noted.


7.        999 SYSTEM

Members received a presentation from Inspector David Hardcastle concerning the recent failure of the 999 system that had affected parts of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight on Thursday 25 April 2002. This resulted in the loss of the telephone system in these areas from 18.40 hours to 23.30 hours. Members were given the background to the routing of BT telephone lines from the Island including those of 999 calls together with details of routing of calls from the centre based at Netley. Details were given of the sequence of events that caused the exchange at Southampton to crash. Inspector David Hardcastle informed the Committee of the actions and investigations made to date and confirmed that OFTEL would be launching an investigation Inspector Waller gave a brief outline of events on the evening as the Inspector on duty at the time.

The Chief Fire Officer reported that the Fire and Rescue Service first knew of the problem with the 999 system was on teletext. BT was contacted who stated that they were aware of the problem but the Isle of Wight was not affected. However, certain problems were experienced with both land line and mobile `phones where dialing tones could not be obtained. It was stressed that the Brigade were not informed officially throughout this period by BT. The situation was helped by a Police Constable handing Fire Control a hand-held radio to aid communication. The Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service had contingency plans which were put in place. A firefighter was allocated to each fire station to ensure a physical presence and this information was relayed to Isle of Wight Radio. It was stated that at no point did the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service experience any 999 failure.

Members discussed a number of issues arising from this including the question of compensation. The Chief Fire Officer confirmed that extra firefighters on duty had cost in the region of an extra £400. Members expressed concern that if all calls from the Island went from one exchange in Ryde a similar situation could occur on the Island and wanted confirmation of whether this was the case. The Committee were keen to view the results of the OFTEL report once published.



                      (i)        THAT Inspector Hardcastle and Inspector Waller be thanked for the attending the meeting and giving an interesting an informative presentation.


                      (ii)       THAT the report of the Chief Fire Officer be noted