

1        The Community Wardens Task Group was set up to look into the options for extending the provision of Community Warden (CW) / Police Community Support Officers (PSCO’s) across the Island. Currently there are just two CW’s employed on the Island, these being based in Ryde, but with funding due to cease on 31 March 2005. The Task Group was also to explore potential savings arising from engaging CW’s and possible funding options.


2        This work culminated in a report to the F&PS Select Committee on 18 October 2004. This report outlined the benefits from engaging CW’s / PCSO’s, the costs, potential savings and possible funding options. No immediate short-term funding was identified, though there were positive sources for future years.


3        A meeting was held with Town & Parish Councils and local Housing Associations, on 23 November 2004, regarding the possibility of joint funding CW’s in their respective areas. Specific proposals are currently being worked on.      


4        The F&PS meeting noted the proposal to employ two CW’s in Pan and it is understood that this scheme will be going ahead. Also the Safer Communities Manager advised Members that Superintendant S Morgan was to apply for four PCSO’s and that these would come under the Safer Communities Team.


5        The meeting also noted that “To maintain the Ryde Wardens they would need to be transferred to the Safer Communities Team from April 2005” and this formed part of the agreed Actions for the Portfolio Holder.


6        The Safer Communities Partnership Board met on 30 November 2004 and received a report dated 7 September 2004, which gave information on the role and value of CW’s in the community. The Board acknowledged the value that daytime CW’s could have, but agreed that it was during the evenings that the Police needed more support. The decision to move the two Ryde Wardens under the Safer Communities’ Team budget was noted.


7        The Board also received a verbal report from Superintendant S Morgan, which outlined the longer term funding issues with PCSO’s and she confirmed that she was not applying for additional PCSO’s that could be engaged on the Island.       


8        Finally the Board decided that further work needed to be done in the area of “community policing” (possible terms of reference / remit to follow?) and established a Working Group comprising of Sue Lightfoot, Sue Chilton, Bill Pearce (Police) and Cllr David Knowles.


Actions Required


1        To continue to explore funding options to support Community Warden schemes across the Island.


2        To pass on the above information to the Safer Communities Manager when responsibility for the Wardens is transferred to the Safer Communities budget.


3        To liaise with the Safer Communities Partnership Board’s new Working Group, to avoid any duplication of effort and contribute towards improvements in “community policing” on the Island.


Steve Milford