Creating safe and crime-free communities






To achieve efficient and effective overview and scrutiny by means of a planned programme of work.




CHAIRMAN                                                 VICE - CHAIRMAN


Cllr G Price                                                      Cllr V Morey






To review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee


To make reports and/or recommendations to the full Council and/or the Executive


To consider any matter affecting the area or its inhabitants relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee






The Fire and Rescue Service

Emergency planning

Crime and disorder

Consumer protection

The Coroner

Land drainage

Bereavement Services

Environmental Health

Community Safety Strategy







Best Value Review 1999/2000 (pilot)


Bereavement Services




Best Value Reviews 2000/01


Fire and Rescue Service – Communication and Control


Promoting a Safe Society (Cross cutting Review)




Best Value Reviews 2001/02


Community Safety (to include Environmental Health, Emergency Planning, Crime and Disorder, Community Fire Safety)


Fire and Rescue Service Procurement




Best Value Reviews 2002/03

To be confirmed




Service Plans


Community Safety

Emergency Planning

Environmental Health

Trading Standards and Bereavement Services

Fire and Rescue Service




Other Strategic Documents and Plans                                  Next Review  (t.b.c)


Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy                                   

Food Law Enforcement Service Plan                           

Community Safety Plan                                                

Community Fire Safety Plan                                                     

Contaminated Land Strategy

Report of Her Majesty’s Fire Service Inspectorate

National Emergency Plan







Select Committee Membership of Working Parties and Task Groups




Working Parties 2001/02


Lead Officer


Hackney Carriage



Cllrs Morey, Price and Sutton (2 vacancies)





John Murphy/Rob Owen



Task Groups 2001/02


Lead Officer


Community Fire Safety



Cllrs Adams, Foster, Morey, Miller, Taylor






Paul Street


Bereavement Services


Cllrs Adams, Foster, Miller, Taylor, Stephens



Rob Owen/Malcolm Houghton


Crime and Disorder





Niki Haytack




SCHEDULE OF PLANNED BUSINESS (as of 2 August 2002)                                                                                                                        




Officers are reminded that copies of reports for Select Committees should be sent in electronic format to

Committee Services 10 working days before the planned meeting date. Agendas will normally be dispatched 7 working

days before the meeting.










15 July 2002




Budget Update


Crime and Disorder Strategy

Scrutiny Session


Dog Wardens




Gareth Hughes


Niki Haytack



Rob Owen/Barrie Monks




19 August 2002


Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Bereavement Services Task Group

To consider the report of the Task Group and make recommendations to the Executive


Service Plans/Performance Indicators

Consider Section 11 of the service plans and recommend changes, priorities areas for further scrutiny and monitor delivery of previous service improvement targets


Community Fire Safety Task Group t.b.c

To consider the future development of the Task Group


Provision of Customs and Excise on the Island? T.b.c


Select Committee Workplan

To consider and approve the Select Committee’s workplan



Gareth Hughes 



Rob Owen/Malcolm Houghton


Service Heads




Paul Thistlewood





Select Committee Support


16 September 2002



Criminal Damage

To consider a report on the current policies and procedures for responding to criminal damage including graffiti, litter and vandalism

Referred to at the Select Committee on 17 June 2002


Community Safety Best Value Review - CCTV

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan.


Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets







Niki Haytack





Niki Haytack/Kim Dueck


Gareth Hughes





21 October 2002


Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Drug Action Team

To receive a presentation on the work of the DAT. Members will have an opportunity to participate in a question and answer session.

Referred to at the Select Committee on 17 June 2002


Hackney Carriage Working Party

To consider a report on dezoning and make recommendations to the Executive



Gareth Hughes



Niki Haytack





Rob Owen/John Murphy


16 November 2002


Service Plans/Budget 2003

To consider service plans in the light of budget strategy options and make recommendations to the Executive


Promoting A Safe Society Best Value Review

To consider the amended Improvement Plan to assess whether SMART objectives have been included

Referred to at the Select Committee on 17 June 2002


Community Fire Safety Best Value Review

To monitor the improvement plan



Directors/Heads of Service



Niki Haytack





Richard Hards/Paul Street


16 December 2002


Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Recruitment and Retention of Firefighters

To review existing policies and make recommendations


Crime and Disorder Task Group

To receive feedback from the Task Group and agree a way forward




Gareth Hughes



Richard Hards



Niki Haytack



? January 2003


Budget 2003

To consider Executive budget proposals/options


Environmental Health Best Value Review

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan


Dog Fouling

To monitor progress made since this issue was considered by the Select Committee in July



Directors/Heads of Service


Barrie Monks



Barrie Monks


? February 2003


Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Fire and Rescue Service Procurement Best Value Review

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan



Gareth Hughes



Richard Hards