Appendix 2
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of February 2004
Description Revised Spend/ Budget  
  Budget Commitment Left Comments
Fire Service IEG 0 -48,044 48,044 Grant received, to be spent first half of 2004.  ODPM have confirmed that amount can be carried over to new financial year if unspent by end of March.
Cemeteries - Health and Safety Works 75,934 15,624 60,310 Discussions held with Bereavement Services Task Group on 11 December 2003 to update on progress.  Remaining budget identified for temperature control in crematory, paths and roadway repairs, memorial and tree safety and boundaries.
Public Health - replace dog bins 4,652 2,750 1,902 Budget identified for replacement dog bins and new signage to advertise dog control zones in light of amended dogs on beaches byelaw.
80,586 -29,670 110,256