Any operative shall be suitably trained in the work which he/she is to perform.  A minimum qualification shall be a course approved by the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) or alternatively shall have a minimum of 5 years full time continuous service in pest control in a local authority or public sector agency.


All operatives must be careful, skilled and honest.


Each operative must have access to up to date relevant information relating to pest control.




In the context of these parameters the contractor must be able to deal with the following pest of public health significance in domestic premises


a)         Rats

b)         Mice

c)         Fleas

d)         Flies

e)         Cockroaches

f)          Bed bugs

g)         Wasps nests

h)         Brown tail moth


Rats and mice treatments will include a minimum of three visits for treatment and/or assessment.


Treatment must achieve total eradication.


The contractor must provide a 24 hour emergency call-out service which will include weekends, bank holidays and public holidays.


Each request for treatment shall receive attention within two working days.  Urgent calls, (for example, a rat loose in a room,) shall be attended to within four hours of receipt of the request.




The storage, preparation, transport and use of materials and equipment shall be in accordance with current legislative requirements and manufacturers instructions.




All vehicles shall comply with current health and safety and road traffic requirements.




The maximum charges that may be imposed for treatment in domestic premises shall be as follows:


a)         Rats and Mice                                       £36.00 (inclusive of VAT) for minimum of three visits.

b)         Insects (other than wasps)                     £36.00 (inclusive of VAT) per treatment

c)         Wasps nests                                         £27.00 (inclusive of VAT) per treatment

d)         Customers on means test benefit          £5


The maximum call out fee that may be charged in addition to the above rates outside of normal working hours shall be £21.00.


The Contractor must inform the Council of his current normal domestic charges.  Any change in the charges must be notified to the Council at least 1 day prior to the imposition of the new charge.


Customers in receipt of a means tested benefit must pay £5 towards the cost of any treatment. The Isle of Wight Council will pay the balance of the contractor’s normal charge.


The above mentioned fees in respect of domestic premises relate only to premises of up to four bedrooms.  The charge for treatment carried out in any larger premises may be negotiated between the contractor and the customer but the Council will expect any charge to be reasonable.


The contractor must inform the Council on a monthly basis of all treatments completed for occupiers on means tested benefit along with proof of payment and of entitlement to means tested benefits.


Means tested benefits are as follows:


a)         Job Seekers Allowance (income based)

b)         Income Support

c)         Family Credit

d)         Housing Benefit

e)         Council Tax Benefit

f)          Disabled Working Allowance

g)         Working Family Tax Credit


Contractors are required to respect the confidentiality of any information they receive from customers on means tested benefits i.e. the fact that they are on those benefits and the details of those benefits.  Any information gathered by the contractor must not be revealed to a third party other than the Environmental Health Department.


Charges will be reviewed at least annually in consultation with all approved contractors.


NB.       Normal working hours mean 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.




The contractor must keep records for at least two years of all visits, treatments and other works related to the above mentioned pests in respect of domestic pest control treatments.  Those records must be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an authorised officer of the Council.



The contractor is expected to report any trouble spots that may require extensive treatment or enforcement.  Examples of such trouble spots are;


a)         Drainage defects

b)         Premises requiring rodent proofing

c)         Filthy and verminous premises

d)         Articles which may require destruction in the case of an infestation

e)         Location and description of accumulations that may give rise to statutory nuisance or attract vermin

f)          Infestations in domestic properties adjoining food or other relevant premises

g)         Infestations in adjoining properties which may require treating as a block


The contractor and his staff shall be suitably and smartly dressed, shall act in a courteous manner at all times and shall carry means of identification at all times.


The contractor must not sub-contract any domestic pest control work except to another contractor on the Council’s approved list.


The contractor must carry public liability insurance in the minimum sum of £5 million.


The parameters in this document will be reviewed at least annually but may be altered at any time by the Council in consultation with the approved contractors.


Failure to comply with any of these parameters will result in the removal of the contractor from the Council’s approved list.



Revised 02 July 2002