
Action -Short Term

(0 - 1 Year)

Lead Officer


Action - Medium Term

(1 - 3 Years)

Lead Officer


Action - Long Term

(3 Years Plus)

Lead Officer



1.Programme of








2. Re-emphasis that CFS is now primary focus











3. Review CFS                targets








4. Retained Commitment and support for CFS


Undertake a programme of re-education with all IWFRS personnel on aims and objectives of CFS.





Link with Item 1. above.

Provide evidence that the IWFRS is committed to CFS. (New CFS strategy being written).









Review CFS targets set in CFS Plan and consider if achievable.  Re-adjust to provide achievable targets.






Link to Item 1. above.

Review existing Retained commitment linked with comments from BVR consultation.


Seek Retained views on how to progress their involvement in CFS.


CFS Stn Officer







Third Officer












Third Officer








Third Officer





Third Officer


a) A revised CFS strategy is currently being drafted.


b) A monthly update on CFS initiatives included in Routine Notices.



a) A revised CFS strategy.


b) Increased resources for CFS provided.










The CFS plan is currently being revised and is due for adoption in April 2003.  The plan will include revised targets.






a) Underway – to include the involvement of Retained personnel in Home Fire Safety Checks and fitting of smoke alarms.


b) CFS Station Officer consultations with Retained personnel.


c) CFS Standing Committee established.










Link with Item 1. above.

Review Brigade CFS activities and evaluate.   Consider ideas for extending future activities.


Undertake staff consultation similar to BVR, to ascertain their opinions.


Annual review of targets. 

(Review CFS Plan & produce revision)







Link to Item 1. above.

Review Retained commitment.


Review Retained funding for CFS.


Consider new ways of Retained involvement in CFS.











Third Officer







Function Manager




Third Officer








CFS Stn Officer



CFS Stn Officer



CFS Stn Officer













Undertake further re-education as necessary.






Action outcomes from staff consultation.


Review Brigade CFS activities








Continue review of targets








Link to Item 1. above.

Review Retained commitment.


CFS Stn Officer







CFS Stn Officer


CFS Stn Officer









Third Officer








CFS Stn Officer

















































5. Extend Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSC)












6  Purchase equipment to carry out HFSC's



7. Provide ICT within CFS





8.Progress        provision of Educationalist




9. Review


within BVR Report


Act on outcomes from Pilot Scheme.


Commit Wholetime personnel to extending scheme within A01 ground.


Explore methods to involve Retained personnel to undertake Home Fire Safety Checks in their station grounds.








Progress current ICT project





Refer to current Resources Review and action as per agreed timetable.




Review recommendations and action, where able.


CFS Stn Officer


CFS Stn Officer



CFS Stn Officer

















Third Officer





Third Officer





a) Outcomes of pilot scheme evaluated and now being integrated into mainstream CFS work.


b) Programme of home Fire Safety checks being rolled out in Newport area.


c) See 4(a) above.






Equipment purchased and being

commissioned via a roll-out programme to stations.



Until the Brigade’s major ICT project is commissioned an interim database is being produced in-house to enable CFS outcomes and statistics to be recorded.


Job Description/ Person Specification – complete

Job evaluation – in hand

Advertisement – Mid November Interviews - December


Review due April 2003


Review HFSC undertakings.


Extend partnerships with other agencies, ie. Social Service Carers.


Continue with HFSC's.












Provision of ICT within CFS











Review and amend current actions.


CFS Stn Officer


CFS Stn Officer



CFS Stn Officer























Third Officer





















Review HFSC undertakings.


Continue with HFSC's.



























Review and amend current actions.


CFS Stn Officer


CFS Stn Officer



























Third Officer

















































10.     10. Progress for areas of improvement identified in

11.     Section 4.3.8 of BVR ie.

Chip pan demonstration unit


Fire appliance adapted for CFS




CFS graphics on appliances/














Chip Pan Unit

·          Evaluate and cost unit

·          Explore alternative demonstration units


CFS Appliance

·          Evaluate and cost unit

·          Consider new appliance or adapt 'time expired vehicle'




See 8.


CFS Graphics

·          Evaluate and cost out graphic per vehicle and appliance

·          Consider graphics for all new vehicles/appliances at time of ordering

·          Consider graphics on all existing vehicles/appliances



Identify future potential funding for above projects





CFS Stn Officer




CFS Stn Officer






Third Officer


CFS Stn Officer











Third Officer


a) Unit purchased – commissioning in progress.




b) No further action at present as Chip-pan Demonstration Unit can fulful some of the functions of this appliance. Further evaluation after chip-pan Unit has been commissioned for 6 months.


c) See 8 above.



d) All fire appliances now have CFS livery and additional fleet vehicles are being considered subject to funding and suitability.



If funding is identified, progress projects

























Make funding available


CFS Stn Officer


























Third Officer












































Plan for future replacements





























Third Officer