Appendix 1
REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of October 2002
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Fire & Rescue 4858.2 2496.7 -54.4 -9.8 4803.8 2486.9 Budget on target to date
Emergency Planning 118.5 59.9 -71.8 0.0 46.7 59.9 Budget on target to date
Community Safety 216.0 55.1 -73.7 0.0 142.3 55.1 Budget on target to date
              Income relates to grants not yet due for payment.
Precepts & Levies - Magistrates Court   13.5       13.5 Building Maintenance to be recharged to H&IWMCC
Coroner 214.8 115.5 0.0 0.0 214.8 115.5 Budget on target to date
Cemeteries 269.0 108.2 -151.1 -89.6 117.9 18.6 Budget on target to date
Crematorium 210.3 107.4 -528.8 -304.0 -318.5 -196.7 Budget on target to date
Environmental Health 967.9 584.1 -34.8 -29.6 933.1 554.4 Budget on target to date
Licensing 160.4 74.8 -150.2 -131.0 10.3 -56.2 Budget on target to date
Trading Standards 525.8 258.5 -11.3 -5.5 514.5 253.0 Budget on target to date
Committee Total 7540.9 3873.7 -1076.0 -569.5 6464.9 3304.2