REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of August 2003
Service Expenditure   Income   Net Variance  
  To Date Budget   To Date Budget   To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 % £000 £000 £000  
Fire & Rescue 2112.7 5218.4 40.5% -19.4 -78.1 24.9% 2093.3 5140.3 3047.0 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Emergency Planning 50.1 125.2 40.0% -72.2 -72.2 100.0% -22.1 53.0 75.1 Variance is amount left to spend for year as annual income has been accounted for in month 1.  On target.
Community Safety 41.0 287.5 14.3% -66.0 -128.3 51.4% -25.0 159.2 184.2 Some schemes yet to incur costs. Also not all grant income yet received and detailed budgets expanded.
Precepts & Levies - Magistrates Court 7.3 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0% 7.3 0.0 -7.3 Building Maintenance to be recharged to H&IWMCC
Coroner 84.4 221.0 38.2% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 84.4 221.0 136.5 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Cemeteries 109.7 339.0 32.4% -66.9 -199.6 33.5% 42.8 139.4 96.6 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Crematorium 96.8 220.4 43.9% -194.5 -584.3 33.3% -97.7 -363.9 -266.2 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Consumer Protection (management and admin) 153.7 376.8 40.8% -0.1 -0.4 24.7% 153.6 376.4 222.8 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Environmental Health 351.7 833.1 42.2% -42.0 -31.9 131.6% 309.7 801.2 491.5 Net Budget to date is lower than expected due to staff recruitment/retention problems.
Licensing 46.2 134.7 34.3% -97.3 -154.5 63.0% -51.1 -19.9 31.2 Licensing Fees are received at the start of a financial year which results in Net Budget showing a surplus at this point in time.
Trading Standards 113.7 351.5 32.4% -5.9 -13.5 43.5% 107.8 338.0 230.1 Net Budget to date is lower than expected due to staff recruitment/retention problems.
Committee Total 3167.3 8107.5 39.1% -564.3 -1262.8 44.7% 2603.0 6844.7 4241.7