REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of January 2004 Appendix 1
Service Expenditure   Income   Net Variance  
  To Date Budget   To Date Budget   To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 % £000 £000 £000  
Fire & Rescue 4246.8 5283.5 80.4% -99.5 -127.1 78.3% 4147.3 5156.5 1009.2 Budget on target to date.
Emergency Planning 93.6 125.2 74.7% -72.3 -72.2 100.1% 21.3 53.0 31.7 Variance is amount left to spend for year as annual income has been accounted for in month 1.  On target.
Precepts & Levies - Magistrates Court 4.8 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 4.8 0.0 -4.8 Building Maintenance to be recharged to H&IWMCC
Community Safety 190.3 351.9 54.1% -86.3 -153.6 56.2% 104.0 198.2 94.3 Some schemes yet to incur costs. Delays in processing of some invoices due to multi-agency responsibilities.
Cemeteries 232.7 337.8 68.9% -126.4 -199.6 63.3% 106.3 138.1 31.9 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Crematorium 188.2 223.3 84.3% -461.1 -585.9 78.7% -272.9 -362.6 -89.7 Income levels are lower than expected which could result in an overspend of approximately £15k.
Coroner 187.9 221.0 85.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 187.9 221.0 33.1 Budget is currently £3k overspent to date with a possible overspend of £30k at year-end due to staff and increased operating costs.
Environmental Health 710.3 833.8 85.2% -52.0 -31.9 163.0% 658.3 801.9 143.6 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Licensing 89.5 135.9 65.8% -166.6 -155.8 106.9% -77.1 -19.9 57.3 Licensing Fees are received at the start of a financial year which results in Net Budget showing a surplus at this point in time.
Trading Standards 241.5 360.5 67.0% -22.9 -23.5 97.7% 218.5 337.0 118.4 Net spend to date is lower than expected due to staff recruitment/retention problems.
Consumer Protection (management and admin) 340.6 447.1 76.2% -0.6 -0.4 131.6% 340.0 446.7 106.7 Budget on target at this point in the financial year.
Committee Total 6526.0 8320.0 78.4% -1087.7 -1350.1 80.6% 5438.3 6969.8 1531.6