Present :


Mr G P Price (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr A C Coburn, Mrs B E Foster, Mr G S Kendall, Mr C H Lillywhite (deputising for Mr R A Sutton), Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor

Apologies :


Mr J R Adams, Mr C B W Chapman, Mr D W Knowles, Mr R A Sutton

Also present (non-voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mr R G Mazillius

45.      MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2002 be confirmed.



There were no declarations made at this stage.



Mr M Newland, Secretary of the Isle of Wight branch of the FBU, asked questions in relation to the payment of retained turnout fees and the costs of security arrangements at Newport Fire Station during the recent strike action. The Chairman indicated that he would ensure that Mr Newland received a written response to both questions.



The Strategic Director of Finance and Information and County Treasurer reported on the revenue and capital budget as at the end of November 2002. It was noted that no capital expenditure had yet been committed on either the fire protection equipment or fire house refurbishment. If these projects were not fully completed by the end of the financial year the balance could be taken forward to 2003/04. There were no other commitments besides those shown in the report. With regard to the revenue budget members discussed the income levels for both the cemeteries and crematorium budgets. Whilst these were uncertain the Strategic Director indicated that the sums forecasted were set at a prudent level and income generation had always met budget expectations. If difficulties were encountered then appropriate savings would have to be found elsewhere within the cash limited budget.



THAT the report be accepted.



The Select Committee considered the Action Plan arising from the Promoting a Safe Society Best Value Review which had been deferred from the previous meeting.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Kevin Law, Chairman of the Accident Prevention Forum, for this item. Mr Law indicated the progress being made with regard to accident prevention issues. Members discussed the target of training all 7 and 10 year olds in first aid. This training was undertaken by the IOW Ambulance Service in schools. Some concern was expressed by the Select Committee that parents were not aware of this training. The Crime and Disorder Manager was requested to ascertain whether parents consent was required before such training was given.

An outline was given by Mr Law of the electric blanket testing campaign recently undertaken which also incorporated other safety and consumer protection issues.

The Action Plan indicated that Police Officers were attending meetings of Community Forums. Members believed that evidence should be sought to show that Forums were satisfied with the level of involvement by the Police.

Members then debated the action being taken to improve the behaviour of pupils whilst travelling on school buses. The Crime and Disorder Manager explained that she was seeking clarification as to the Council’s responsibilities in this matter. It was anticipated that if a pilot scheme on this issue was successful then it could be extended to all other forms of public transport. There were difficulties in excluding pupils from school transport. The duty of the service provider to other passengers was an area that required further exploration together with the financial implications of providing some form of supervision on school buses. With regard to liaison between the Police and schools the Select Committee asked for details to be obtained of the involvement of Police Liaison Officers in schools. The Crime and Disorder Manager stated that she would obtained relevant data from the Police on visits made to schools and ascertain whether there were any targets that had to be achieved. It was noted however that Police Officers could only visit a school with the permission of the Headteacher.

Members noted that the Crime and Disorder Team was involved in the production of a street lighting strategy and were concerned as to the ability of the Team to cope with any additional work given current expectations already placed upon it. The Select Committee was made aware that difficulties were being experienced by the Development Control Committee in obtaining relevant views on crime and disorder issues for planning applications. The Crime and Disorder Manager outlined that this was the responsibility of the Police Officer who, although part of the Team, was under the direct supervision of Hampshire Constabulary.

At the January 2003 meeting of the Select Committee the Hampshire Constabulary Patrol Strategy was to be discussed and Superintendent Kilbride would be in attendance. The Action Plan referred to the need for more visible policing. Members considered that there was a need to monitor the effectiveness of the new Patrol Strategy on a regular basis.



           (a)       THAT the Crime and Disorder Manager :-


                      (i)        ascertain whether schools have consulted parents on the programme of first aid training for all 7 and 10 year olds;


                      (ii)       survey Community Forums on the level of attendance by Police Officers at their meetings;


                      (iii)       undertake monitoring on satisfaction levels with Hampshire Constabulary’s Patrol Strategy and that the recommendation in cp5 be amended accordingly.


                      (iv)      clarify the Council’s responsibilities for pupils using public transport travelling to and from school and the extension of any behaviour protocol to all other forms of public transport;


                      (v)       obtain details of visits made to schools by the Schools Police Liaison Officers.


           (b)       THAT the amended Action Plan be approved.



The Select Committee, at its meeting on 16 September 2002, requested that report be prepared on the strategic development of CCTV on the Island. The Head of Corporate Policy had drafted a Service Level Agreement between the CCTV Control Centre of the Social Services Directorate and the Crime and Disorder Team of the Corporate Services Directorate. This was aimed at clarifying arrangements to assist in the strategic and operational development of CCTV on the Island. Members expressed concern that this did still not address the issues relating to the overall management of CCTV. Difficulties were being experienced with the lack of funding to support development of the CCTV system. The CCTV Service Manager indicated that whilst willing to develop the business area for CCTV the capacity to cope with further expansion was limited due to staffing numbers and physical constraints of the existing control centre. Issues relating to the funding of maintenance of system and transmission costs also had to be resolved.

It was noted that it was proposed under the Service Level Agreement for the Crime and Disorder Manager to be responsible for the development of CCTV the Select Committee was concerned as to the ability of the Crime and Disorder Team to absorb this work within their existing workload. This issue would have to be picked up in the Service Plan and as part of the restructuring exercise being undertaken across the Authority.

Members indicated that there were shortfalls in the Service Level Agreement and a number of key issues had to be addressed before any policy on the strategic development of CCTV could be further debated. There was a need for the relevant Portfolio Holders to discuss the options available on a range of issues.



THAT a meeting be arranged involving the Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety, Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing, Portfolio Holder for Resources, Head of Corporate Policy, Crime and Disorder Manager, CCTV Service Manager and the Best Value Project Team to consider options to the following issues by the end of March 2003 and report back to this Committee :-


                      (a)       Where the in-house CCTV operational service should be positioned within the Council’s structure, or whether there were benefits of this being outsourced.


                      (b)       Staffing levels required to meet current demands and any future expansion of the service.


                      (c)       Appropriate funding arrangements for existing and future requirements.


                      (d)       A criteria for a consistent business approach to the future development of CCTV.


                      (e)       Implications of extending the existing service to incorporate private monitoring of CCTV on a commercial basis.



The Select Committee was reminded that at its meeting on 16 September 2002 it had requested that the development of a Reparation Scheme for criminal damage offenders should be investigated. The Crime and Disorder Manager had now completed discussions with the Youth Offender Team and an outline of the benefits for both victims and offenders was given.

The Youth Offender Team supported the development of a two year pilot scheme and would be willing to provide funding of up to £20,000 of the estimated costs of £45,000. This funding would have to be taken up by the end of the 2002-03 financial year. There was a need for the Council to fund the shortfall of £25,000 if the scheme was to be implemented. This would enable a dedicated Reparation Officer to be employed to operate the scheme. Members indicated that the shortfall could possibly be met from the Council’s Insurance Fund.



THAT the Executive be recommended to support the development of an Island Reparation Scheme for an initial two year period and appropriate funding be identified.



Mr V J Morey asked a question in relation to funding of measures that may be involved in preparing for any terrorism threat. The Chairman indicated that he would ensure a written resonse was provided by the relevant officer.

Mrs B E Foster asked for clarification of the Out of Hours Service provided by Environmental Health. The Chairman indicated that he would ensure a written resonse was provided by the relevant officer.

Mrs M J Miller asked if the Select Committee could look at food safety, particularly after the Christmas break. The Chairman indicated that this item could be considered for inclusion in the Select Committee’s workplan.





