Dated                                                                                               1st January 2003



S E R V I C E     L E V E L






Between  the


CCTV  Control  Centre

of the

 Social Services Directorate




The Crime and Disorder Team

Of the

Corporate Services Directorate












1.      INTRODUCTION                                                                 


             1.1    Status of Agreement                                        

             1.2    Standard Conditions                                                                       

          1.3    Summary of Charges                                                             




          2.1    Outline of the Service                                                            

          2.2    Service Details                                                                                



3.      CHARGES


          3.1    Basis of Charge                                                                               

          3.2    Payment Arrangements                                                                    





             4.1    Review                                                                                               

          4.2    Termination                                                                                       

          4.3    Default                                                                                              

          4.4    Variation                                                                                            

          4.5    Arbitration                                                                                          


5.      SIGNATURES                                                                                            










1.1    Status of Agreement


1.1.1     this agreement is for the provision of services by the CCTV Control Centre of the Social Services Directorate  (“the Service Provider”) to the Crime and Disorder Team (“the Client”).


1.1.2     The agreement runs for 15 months from 1st January, 2003 to 31st March, 2004 unless terminated under the procedures set out in Section 4.2.


1.2    Standard Conditions


1.2.1     The Service Provider will provide the services specified in Section 2.


1.2.2     The Service Provider shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in carrying out this Service Level Agreement.


1.2.3     In the event of a breakdown in equipment under the control of the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall immediately take such action as is necessary to effect the appropriate repair.      The Service Provider will bear no responsibility for any consequences due to the reduced or affected level of service caused by such a breakdown in equipment.


1.2.4     nothing contained in this Service Level Agreement shall prevent the Service Provider from providing similar and/or other services for any other Directorate of the Council, any company or organisation controlled by the Council or external organisation.    The Service Provider will, however, maintain the integrity and confidentiality of all information associated with its obligations under this Service Level Agreement.


1.2.5     This Service Level Agreement is subject to the provisions contained within the Council’s Standing Orders; Codes of Practice; Financial Regulations and other instructions as may be issued by the Council.  All obligations are subject to Council policies and adequate resources being made available by the Council.


1.2.6     Formal meetings to discuss the services provided within this Service Level Agreement will be held.  Frequency of meetings will be agreed between the parties but will be at least every quarter.  These meetings will be minuted by the Service Provider and appropriate action agreed.


1.2.8     The Service Provider may, at its discretion but in consultation with the Client, seek outside expertise where necessary and any such fees or expense will be charged separately.


1.3    Summary of Charges      


1.3.1     Estimated charges for the provision of services detailed within this agreement have been determined in recognition of the prescribed level of service and charge bases (41p per camera/hour – 602250 units) and total  £246,923.




          2.1    Outline of the Service


2.1.1       To control and monitor town centre Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems for Newport, St Mary’s Hospital, Sandown, and Ryde on a 24 hour per day, 365/366 days a year basis.


2.1.2       To control and monitor Wootton Close Circuit Television (CCTV) system for 24 minutes per day, 365/366 days a year basis.


2.2     Service Details


2.2.1     Periodically take control of each fully functioning camera within the town centre systems and patrol the area covered by that camera returning the camera to its home position on completion of the patrol.


2.2.2     In liaison with the Police through either telephone, radio or personal communication, monitor and/or patrol specific incidents or situations as requested using CCTV systems.


2.2.3     Support retailers in responding to telephone or radio requests to monitor and/or patrol specific incidents or situations using CCTV systems when a crime is being committed or there is the suspicion that a crime may be committed.


2.2.4     Support council and other public sector employees when carrying out their normal or allocated duties through requests to monitor and/or patrol specific incidents or situations using CCTV systems when a crime is being committed or there is a suspicion that a crime may be committed.


2.2.5     Respond to requests of support from the general public to monitor and/or patrol specific incidents or situations using CCTV systems when a crime is being committed or there is the suspicion that a crime may be committed.  


2.2.6          Respond to requests of support through a Pager from members of the Shopwatch to monitor and/or patrol specific incidents or situations using CCTV systems when a crime is being committed or there is the suspicion that a crime may be committed.  


2.2.7     Where requests for support are received from any source other than the Police, unless it is an emergency situation and where time permits, approval by the police to provide the support will be sought.


2.2.8     Control the input to the monitor located in Newport Police Station to enable the Police to monitor situations or incidents being recorded by the CCTV systems.


2.2.9     Record the images from all cameras linked to the Control Centre on time-lapse video recorders 24 hours per day, 365/366 days a year.    Recorded video tapes will be retained for 28 days then magnetically erased and re-used.   Video tapes with recorded incidents which may be used as evidential material will be sealed and stored in a secure place until such time as they are no longer required by the Police or Crown Prosecution Service.


2.2.10   Real-time recordings will be taken of incidents or potential incidents and/or situations when identified by operators or in response to reports received by the Centre.


2.2.11   Copies of recorded incidents will be made and passed to the Police to support investigations with the original recording being sealed and stored in a secure place for use as evidential material.


2.2.12   Copies of recorded incidents may also be passed to the Crown Prosecution Service and/or defending solicitors if authorised by the Police.


2.2.13   Video prints of situations or individuals will be taken from recorded video tape as required and issued to the Police for use in investigations. 


2.2.14   No other copies of recorded material or video prints will be made or passed to any individual or organisation.


2.2.15   Close liaison will be established and maintained with the Police who will be informed immediately any incident or potential incident is identified.


2.2.16 All service details as described in Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.15 will be on a 24 hour per day, 365/366 days a year basis.


3.      CHARGES


          3.1    Basis of Charge


3.1.1     The basis on which the Client will be charged for the services specified within this agreement is as follows:


              Total Cost for the 15 months = £246,923


3.2    Payment Arrangements


3.2.1     Charges for the service will be made quarterly in arrears by the Service Provider.


3.2.2     Internal invoices for  £49385 will be issued by the Service Provider in March 2003, June 2003, September 2003, December 2003 and March 2004.




          4.1    Review


4.1.1     This agreement will be reviewed periodically as requested by either party.


4.1.2     The purpose of the review process is to allow for an ongoing evaluation of provider and user performance, the level of service provided and the charges.


4.1.3     Reviews will identify any areas where the service delivered is at  variance  with  that  specified  in  this  agreement  or  where  a  higher  level  of  service  is  required.   In  such  circumstances  it  will  be  the  responsibility  of  both  parties  to  agree  a  timetable  for  action  regarding  any  changes  to  service  level  or  charges.


4.1.4     Where  the  review  results  in  major  changes  to  this  agreement  (and  particularly  where  change  will  affect  charges)  a  revised  agreement  will  be  prepared  and  signed  by  both  parties.    Where minor changes are made they will be recorded on  a  variation  sheet  detailing  the  amendment  and  signed  by  both  parties.    Minor changes may be made either as part of the formal review procedure or,  if  both  parties  agree,  separately  from  it.


4.2     Termination  Procedures


4.2.1     Unless both parties agree that a  new  agreement  is  necessary  or  desirable,  this  agreement  cannot  be  terminated  for  one  year  and  at  least  six  month’s  notice  is  required  of  any  intention  to  terminate  by  either  side.    The party terminating the agreement shall  be  liable  for  any  expenditure  incurred  by  the  other  as  a  result  of  any  failure  to  comply  with  these  notice  periods.


4.2.2.        In the case of default.


4.3         Default


4.3.1       If either party is in Default of obligations under this Agreement, and the Default cannot be resolved by discussion between the two parties, then a written request for a Default Meeting should be sent within 1 month of the default event.  Such a meeting must be held within 14 days of receipt of the letter.


4.3.2       If agreement cannot be reached at the Default Meeting then either party may issue a written Notice specifying the alleged Default and the remedy which is required.  If agreement is not reached between the two parties and the remedy is not put in place then the matter may be placed before an Independent Arbitrator under the provision of the Arbitration Acts 1950-1979.  The arbitrator will be appointed by the Chairman of the Independent Board of Arbitrators unless otherwise agreed between the two parties.


4.4     Variation


4.4.1     This Service Level Agreement may be  amended  or  superseded  by  the  mutual  agreement  of  both  parties  as  confirmed  by  a  written  record  of  variation  signed  by  both  parties.


4.5     Arbitration


4.5.1     Disputes between Officers representing the  Service  Provider  and  Client  will  be  referred  to  appropriate  Director  for  resolution.











  (On behalf of CCTV Control Centre)             (On behalf of Crime and Disorder Team)
