Promoting a Safe Society Cross-Cutting Best Value Review      - March, 2001.                                                                                                        APPENDIX


Recommendations & Action Plan




Accident Prevention






Target Date


Progress at June 2002


New Recommendation/Targets


ap1.     The Accident Prevention Forum (APF) should report formally to the Council’s Fire & Public Safety Select Committee.


Chairman and Committee, Fire & Public Safety Select Committee


30 September, 2001



Not applicable


The APF now renamed the Injury Prevention Forum (IPF) now reports to the Chief Medical Officer.


It is recommended that this action item be removed from this plan and that an annual report is presented to this committee with proposed targets for the year ahead



ap2.     Through the Accident Prevention Forum, to continue to raise awareness of the types of accident most likely to occur, with examples and means of prevention.


Accident Prevention Forum


31 March, 2002

& ongoing


·         fire safety audits

·         Car Safety seats campaign

·         Accident Prevention Coordinator appointed 31st January 2002 - one year contract renewable for further 2 years.

·         Safety House Ryde opened

·         Skateboard Safety display

·         Promotion of AThink Safe be Safe@ message.

·         Successful bid from children’s fund to supply free first aid book and


·         All 7 and 10 year olds to receive first aid training, from November 2002 by the Ambulance Service

·         Blanket testing and offer of HOME fire Safety Check, from November 2002 by the Fire Service

·         Child pedestrian training, from January 2003 by the Road Safety Department

·         DIY Campaign, from March 2003 by IPF

·         Feasibility Study in to developing Crucial Crew on the Island by July 2003 by IPF


ap3.     Support the work of the Accident Prevention Forum and consider funding requests that may arise.


Fire & Public Safety Select Committee


Budget year 2002/3

& ongoing



No bid for funding to date but requests likely in future.


No bid for funding to date but requests likely in future.


Crime Prevention






Target Date


Progress at June 2002


New Recommendation/Targets


cp1.     Raise the profile of the Community Safety Partnership among Councillors and work towards achieving a greater public recognition of the Partnership’s existence and of the work that it carries out.


CSP / Fire & Public Safety Select Committee




The Crime and Disorder Partnership website went online from the 26th March 2002.


Press Releases are being issued on a regular basis and news item appear regularly within the County Press, and Isle of Wight Radio.



A regular column be included in Wight Insight, from November 2002 by the Communications Team – as agreed by this Committee on 16th September 2002


A higher public profile be given to the work of the Crime and Disorder Partnership on the Council’s website, from November 2002 by the ICT Department – as agreed by this Committee on the 17th June 2002



cp2.     Consider ways in which the Community Safety Partnership might be better resourced.

















IWC Fire & Public Safety Select Committee




















December       2001


As part of the Councils Service Planning and Best Value Review process, Managers are being requested to identify the cost of crime and disorder to their service area.


This will allow for cost-benefit analysis to be carried out.


            A bid was made to SEEDA for a Community Development and High Sheriff’s Crimebeat Co-ordinator. That funding was successful and the post was filled from the 13th May.


Funding is being sought through Best Value for Anti Social Behaviour Orders, initially a sum of ,10,000 is being requested, and it is hoped that the budget process will identify core funding for this.


The majority of the funding received is from the Government Office for the South East and SEEDA.



The Council considers its contribution through the budget cycle.


It is recommended that this action item be removed from this plan.


  cp3.   Community Forums should consider active Police membership and advice on Community Projects.


  IWC Policy Team / Community Forums


  August 2001


When requested, and resources allowing the Police are attending Community Forum meetings. The post mentioned above will work with targeted community groups to identify community safety issues and ways in which they can be addressed.


Police Officers are attending as appropriate.


It is recommended that this action item be removed from this plan.


  cp4.   Review ways in which the behaviour of pupils on school bus transport can be improved.


  County Transport / Southern Vectis


  October 2001


The Crime & Disorder Team have liased with Southern Vectis over identified individuals. A number of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts specifically prevent the named individual from committing anti-social behaviour on their vehicles.

Carry out an audit disorder on buses, by January 2003 by Southern Vectis

Introduce protocol for dealing with anti-social behaviour on buses by Crime and Disorder Manager

Develop crime form for bus company to use by December 2002 by Crime and Disorder Manager

Transport Department to clarify the Councils responsibility for children on the bus by December 2002

Presentation to Head Teachers Meeting requesting their co-operation, before July 2003 by Hampshire Constabulary


cp5.     Police should consider the strong views emerging from consultation requiring more visible policing.




October 2001


The Island has a higher then average ratio of Officers for the Force area. This is reviewed on a regular basis by the Chief Constable and the Area Commander.


The Crime and Disorder Partnership provide information, advise and statistics on crime and disorder in order to try and reduce the fear of crime.

Hampshire Constabulary have now introduced a Patrol Strategy


It is therefore recommended that this action item be removed from this plan and the Patrol Strategy be monitored through the Hampshire Constabulary..




cp6.     Consider ways in which street lighting could be improved for Crime Prevention purposes.


IWC Highways.

Town & Parish Councils. Police




This work is being developed.

Section 17 Lighting Strategy be produced by July 2003 by Crime and Disorder Team



Disaster Prevention






Target Date


Progress at June 2002


New Recommendations/targets


dp1.     Isle of Wight Council to set up a multi agency forum for disaster preparedness/prevention, to be known as the IW Emergency Planning Forum and to include all potential >players= including the military and voluntary organisations.


Emergency Planning Manager


30 September, 2001



The Forum had its second meeting on 29th April, 2002, with agreed terms of reference and a full agenda.

Voluntary organisations are to be represented at the next meeting and at every meeting thereafter.

The Emergency Planning Forum (EPF) meet annually and any actions are implemented. 

The EPF does not at present have targets but following a review of Emergency Planning by the Home Office, targets may be introduced.


It is recommended that this action be removed from the plan and that an annual report is given to this Committee


dp2.     The Forum is to review activities identified by organisations/services, and compare the review with other authorities to identify areas for improvement and create Action Plan for implementation accordingly.


Emergency Planning Manager


1 April, 2002

& ongoing


Emergency Planning represents the Island on a similar mainland forum. The Head of Paid Service will attend the Executive meeting at the end of May. The Island Forum already compares well with others of a similar type but has not yet created an action plan for improvement.

The Service Plan for Emergency Planning is presented to this Committee; this Plan takes account of best practice and continuous improvement.


It is recommended that this action be removed from the plan.



Substance Mis-use






Target Date


Progress at June 2002


New Recommendations/targets


sm1.    In order to further develop the Drug Action Team’s strategic community role, the Chief Executive should, directly or indirectly, seek to develop an active role in DAT and be a part of the DAT commissioning group.


DAT / C.Ex


September 2001



Achieved. (Director of Social Services & Housing is now Chair of DAT in absence of post of Chief Executive).


It is recommended that this action be removed and that an annual report be presented to this Committee


sm2.    To promote a more coherent response to issues of substance mis-use, action should be taken to develop closer and more effective working links between the DAT and the Crime and Disorder Partnership.


C.Ex / DAT / C&DP


January 2002


Achieved. New DAT co-ordinator appointed. Joint partnership and planning activities will be maintained and developed.

The Government have been consulting with Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships and Drug Action Teams to consider merging the two.


It is recommended that the Crime and Disorder Manger brings a report back to a future Committee outlining the implementation of such a merger




Community Care Issues






Target Date


Progress at June 2002


New Recommendations/targets


cc1.     The Council should ensure that changes to the management and governance of healthcare on the Island do not weaken or retard the need to continue improving and developing closer working between health and social care services.






The Council and Health partners on the Island are continuing to explore options for closer working. This includes investigation of the potential benefits of further integrating services and resources.


Since the initial Best Value action plan was conceived in 2000. Since then, health services on the Isle of Wight have been re-structured as part of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority. A number of links are in place between the council, the strategic health authority and other health commissioning and providing organisations.


The agenda for change now focuses on increasing integration and re-structuring of services at a local level. The council is following this direction of travel. From November 2002,this will lead to joint commissioning of adult social and healthcare services, in association with the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust.


The timetable for other potential changes and the full scope of future opportunities for integration are not yet agreed in detail. Future change will be more comprehensive in ambition than a focus on community safety.


It is therefore recommended that this action item be removed from this plan and monitored through the working of the Health Improvement Plan and specific Local Implementation Plans.



cc2.     Island Housing services have a key role in influencing the provision of safe and secure accommodation for many people who have special needs due to illness, disability, or family predicaments such as homelessness. The influence of the Council in investment is an important element of the partnership that provides public housing on the Isle of Wight and the level of capital investment should be maintained or increased.



Social Services & Housing Directorate




The improved Housing Corporation Allowance for 2002-03 will be used to influence safe and secure housing arrangements for those with special needs. Effective use of this funding is being monitored as progress will influence future allocation.

Having retained a higher level of Housing Corporation funding, the council has invested in a range of projects that will improve the health, well-being and safety of vulnerable people. We now ensure that all new social housing complies with the Housing Corporation’s  ‘secure by design’ standards. For example, the proposed development at Oakfield will comply, ensuring well-lit paths, safer roadways and housing layout that reduces the potential for crime.


The Isle of Wight Housing Strategy now requires that all investment funding for social housing complies with this high standard of community safety.


It is therefore recommended that this action be removed from this plan, with future progress monitored through scrutiny of performance against the Isle of Wight Housing Strategy


cc3.     Users of community care and health services, and their carers should have a strong voice in future provision of services. Strategies for involving often isolated or disempowered people in the review of health and care services should be developed and implemented by the Council and its partners.


IWHA / Social Services & Housing Directorate




Consultation arrangements used in Best Value reviews have been regarded as effective by Department of Health Inspectors. The methods used will be repeated in future reviews and are now informing new consultation arrangements, particularly for older people and disabled adults.

The Directorate has commissioned Age Concern to undertake independent and continuous service user consultation, reporting to the Head of Adult Services.

Previous updates have detailed a growing involvement of service users in planning of monitoring services and modest but significant improvements in the level of stakeholder consultation.


The directorate is now using independent local organisations to undertake user satisfaction and consultation surveys, and a regular programme of focus groups is in place, the principal consultation subject in the autumn and winter of 2002 being the quality of homecare services.


Mental health service users will be more inclusively involved in the managing and development of their services through a funded multi-agency user involvement strategy.


Future objectives for consultation include increasing the directorate’s communications capacity in order to ensure the continued use of surveys, groups and workshops for consultation.


The principle objective in the move to greater service user involvement, will be to support and sustain the mental health service users strategy, its progress will inform developments in other services including those with community safety responsibilities.

Future targets will increasingly be aligned with a body of directorate-wide plans and strategies.


cc4.     The Council has a major role to play in ensuring that the many organisations involved in providing and resourcing community care services are co-operating effectively and openly, and that training opportunities are available to ensure that services are sustained.


Social Services & Housing Directorate




The continuing development of Community Mental Health Services has led to a range of joint training and development opportunities involving partner organisations and service users.

Health and safety training involving carers and a range of service providers.

Child Protection training continues to involve a widening range of agencies.

Service review and inspection in 2002 will involve a growing service user and provider involvement in shaping and developing current and future services. Service providers have for instance co-operated in establishing user consultation groups.

Ensuring that the council has competent arrangements for effective joint working with other agencies, and for helping services operate across boundaries is a growing requirement of government. Joint working and partnership at strategic and practical levels has proliferated in the last three years since the Best Value review took place.


The integration of mental health services continues to be an important path-finding project for future changes in other services. A particular problem in many such services has been information and networking, the Island’s service has what is believed to be one of the few effective joint patient information systems, leading to an invitation to present our arrangements at a major national conference on effective joint working.


The council is also moving toward joint commissioning of adult services although specific targets have yet to be agreed.


At the time of writing, children’s services are being re-structured with the objective of improving value and the quality of internal and external joint working and commissioning relationships. Re-structuring is due to be concluded by March 2003.


Future targets will increasingly be aligned with a body of directorate-wide plans and strategies.


cc5.     Promote the awareness of the need to recognise and deal with the abuse of vulnerable adults, and of the presence of services available to respond.


Social Services & Housing Select Committee.


Social services & Housing Directorate




Following review, a new policy and guidance has been developed and distributed. The new policy will be formally launched at a conference in the summer of 2002.

The revised policy includes the formation of an inter agency adult protection body based on the established and effective  Area Child Protection Committee, which will monitor and co-ordinate adult protection arrangements.

During 2002, the council and major partners have launched and begun to operate a new and comprehensive adult protection procedure aimed at investigating alleged abuse and ensuring the well being of vulnerable people. A major conference and training programme has included a wide range of agencies and professionals and resulted in raised awareness and increased recognition and response to potential abuse.


This process is supported by a high degree of inter-agency agreement and collaboration, which will sustain its ideals and good practice.

It is proposed that this service improvement has been achieved, and that its future working can be scrutinised by the council through the relevant service select committee.