Present :

Mr D J Knowles (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Coburn, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham

Spokesperson :

Mrs J White

Also Present :

Mr J A Bowker, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A J Mellor, Mr A J Mundy

Apologies :

Mr C B W Chapman


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2001 be confirmed.


The Chairman agreed to accept two items of business that required consideration prior to the next meeting.
(a) Petition regarding Dog Fouling
The Chairman accepted a petition presented by Mr Bowker on behalf of his electorate which expressed concerns over the enforcement of the dog fouling byelaws. Residents of the Ryde St John's area were concerned that the level of fines imposed on those contravening the byelaws were not acting as a sufficient deterrent. There was also the need to have better publicity of those cases taken to Court.
THAT the petition be received,
(b) Commencement Time of Meetings of the Select Committee
The Head of Select Committee Support indicated that at the meeting of the Liaison Committee held on 27 September 2001 the suggestion of a common starting time for Select Committees had been raised. It was suggested that this should be 9.30 am for all six Select Committees.
Members of the Select Committee considered the merits of this and the time that was most convenient to them.
THAT the normal commencement time of meetings of this Select Committee be 10.00 am.


The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Emergency Planning reported on the Fire 2001 Conference that she attended with the Chairman of the Select Committee and the Chief Fire Officer in September. Of particular interest were some of the products exhibited such as the Positive Power Ventilator and personal protection maintenance system. The Chief Fire Officer outlined details of these two items. It would be possible for a visit to be arranged to East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service to view a demonstration of Positive Power Ventilation equipment. Members suggested that, if such equipment assisted in reducing smoke damage to property, sponsorship of its purchase by Insurance Companies should be investigated.
(a) THAT the Spokesperson be thanked for the report which is noted.
(b) THAT the Chief Fire Officer arrange a visit to East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service to view a demonstration of Positive Power Ventilation equipment .


(a) Comments on the Future of Emergency Planning Discussion Document August 2001
Members were advised that the Cabinet Office had issued a discussion document relating to the future of emergency planning. Comments on this were invited by 31 October 2001. The Chief Fire Officer outlined the main proposals contained in the document together with his views on these.
The Select Committee noted that an Emergency Planning Forum had been established on the Island. This involved all the major emergency services together with representatives from the Health Service, Environment Agency, Harbour Authorities and where necessary utilities and transport undertakers. Members would be kept informed of any developments arising from the Forum's half yearly meetings.
With regard to funding of emergency planning Members were reminded of the current arrangements. The need to ensure that this was ring fenced was stressed. There might be a need at a later stage to request that the Island was treated as a special case.
THAT the comments of the Chief Fire Officer on the Cabinet Office's discussion paper on the future of emergency planning be endorsed.
(b) Interim Report on HMI Currie's Inspection - August 2001
The Select Committee considered the findings of a review undertaken by the Chief Fire Officer following his first year in post together with feedback from the inspection of the Brigade by Her Majesty's Inspector of Fire Services during August 2001. A formal report would be sent by HMI Currie in due course. The main problems facing the Brigade over the forthcoming five years had been identified separately by both the Chief Fire Officer and HMI Currie. Concern had been expressed by the Inspector on insufficient progress being made on the eleven recommendations arising from his previous inspection in 2000.
One area requiring urgent attention was in relation to maximising the use of ICT throughout the Brigade. Additionally consideration would have to be given to staff resources which were not sufficient to meet the demands currently being placed upon the Brigade. Members considered that the lack of progress made on the previous comments of the Inspector had been due to the substantial work that had to be undertaken in connection with the Best Value Fundamental Review of the Control and Communications System. Although the HMI had met with the Spokesperson, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee members believed that it would be beneficial for the whole Select Committee to hear directly from him. This had recently taken place with inspections involving OFSTED and the Social Services Inspectorate.
(i) THAT the Chief Fire Officer report to the next meeting of the Select Committee on his recommendations regarding the staff resourcing and ICT requirements of the Brigade and the associated financial implications.
(ii) THAT as soon as practicable after the HMI's Inspection Report is published a report be submitted to the Select Committee on its contents and an action plan be formulated to address the recommendations contained in the report within 12 months of that date.


Consideration was given to recent developments involving the Community Safety Steering Group and a number of emerging issues that had been highlighted by an audit on crime and disorder. Although reported crime had fallen on the Island over the previous three years there were still concerns over domestic burglary, assaults and criminal damage. The initial priorities that had been identified for the Strategy Group to consider were :-
(i) Increasing the inclusion of young people into the community,
(ii) Reducing the amount of drug and alcohol misuse,
(iii) Empowering and supporting victims of domestic violence,
(iv) Targeting area based and/or specific crime and disorder, including anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime.
Task Groups would be established on the four priorities and the operation and structure of these were outlined by the Community Safety Manager. The Select Committee discussed a range of issues connected with these priorities, the involvement of elected members and policing on the Island.
The Community Safety Team had been relocated to premises in South Street, Newport and would be known as the Crime And Disorder Team. A Crime and Disorder Strategy would be prepared for consideration by the Select Committee in January 2002, and submitted to full Council in February 2002.
(a) THAT the member with the Portfolio for Crime and Disorder be the representative on the Crime and Disorder Strategy Group.
(b) THAT the draft Crime and Disorder Strategy be considered by the Select Committee in January 2002.