Present :


Mr V J Morey (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Miller, Mr G P Price, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor

Apologies :


Mr A C Coburn

Portfolio Holder :


Mr D J Knowles

1.        MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2003 be confirmed.



There were no declarations made at this stage.



The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support reminded members that it had been agreed to discuss marine safety following a press report indicating that the number of deaths in the Solent had risen to record levels in 2002. Following correspondence with the District Controller for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) it transpired that the figure of 38 deaths was across the area from the Hampshire/Dorset boundary to Beachy Head in East Sussex. Of those only 6 were connected with the Island. In 2002 nearly one fifth of incidents attended by the Coastguard were the result of machinery failure. This was to be a key target for Search and Rescue Prevention in 2003.

The Chairman welcomed Mr M Forsyth-Caffery, Coastguard Sector Manager for the Island, Mr H Robotham of Cowes Inshore Rescue, Mr P Longmore of Freshwater Inshore Rescue and Mr M Birch of Sandown/Shanklin Inshore Lifeboat.

Mr Forsyth-Caffery indicated that although the number of deaths had increased in 2002 incidents had decreased by 12%. The MCA had a number of safety initiatives and all staff had a responsibility for being involved in preventative work, including the 44 Auxiliary Coastguard on the Isle of Wight. One initiative - Sea Smart, was aimed at children. This involved the distribution of wrist bands to children using beaches to assist in cases of separation from other family members.

The MCA had requested marina and harbour owners/operators to display details of the types of incident involving vessels from that facility. Additionally advice was given to all those involved in an incident on safety procedures and prevention.

Mr Forsyth-Caffery referred to legislation covering fishing and passenger vessels and the need to extend this to cover those used for leisure and recreational activities. The only requirement currently on owners of such vessels was to have a radio licence and this was only if one was provided. Another area where action was also required was in relation to jet skis. The representatives of the voluntary rescue units referred to Council byelaws regulating the use of such craft in certain Island locations but felt more should be done to enforce these.

Discussion took place on the imposition of a charge on those requiring assistance from marine rescue organisations. Mr Forsyth-Caffery indicated that it was important to attend any incident at an early stage so to reduce any escalation whereby peoples lives would be put at further risk.

The Select Committee was advised that Cowes Inshore Rescue undertook free RNLI Sea Check’s for boat owners. These took approximately one hour and involved a basic equipment check and advice on courses operated by the Royal Yachting Association.

Another area of concern to the voluntary rescue units related to the costs of public liability insurance covering educational visits to their respective facilities. These were proving prohibitive for units to do on an individual basis and this also had an effect on fund raising activities.

Members discussed ways of which appropriate marine safety literature could be distributed. The use of Isle of Wight Tourism or the cross Solent ferry operators were possibilities. Another source of information would be by having links from the Council web site to those of maritime rescue organisations.

An outline was given of the consultative arrangements between the emergency services and maritime rescue organisations. The Select Committee debated the merits of a Maritime Safety Week. It was noted that in the Southampton and Portsmouth areas special Emergency Services days were held involving Police, Fire, Ambulance and Coastguard to which schools were invited. To arrange such an event on the Island some pump priming finance would be required. An event organised by the Isle of Wight Fire Preservation Society involving emergency services at Calbourne Mill had proved useful in promoting a range of safety messages.

The representatives of the voluntary units highlighted a safety issue in respect of dogs falling off cliffs. The need to advise owners not to try to rescue their pet but seek assistance from the coastguard was emphasised.

The Select Committee considered that the issue of marine safety should be revisited at the end of the year. This would enable a wider picture of all incidents to be compiled and investigations undertaken on some joint initiatives.



           (a)       THAT officers investigate whether the Council’s insurance can provide public liability cover for groups undertaking educational visits to marine safety units.


           (b)       THAT the views of the Strategic Director of Education and Community Development be sought on the involvement of schools in the distribution of safety wrist bands to children as part of the Coastguards Sea Smart Campaign.


           (c)       THAT officers investigate the possibility of assisting in the establishment of a marine safety week with all appropriate bodies.


           (d)       THAT representations be made to the Government on the need to introduce a competency test for owners of any form of vessel utilised for leisure or recreational purposes.


           (e)       THAT the Council assist with the provision of a link on its own web site to those of the various Marine Rescue Groups.


           (f)        THAT the enforcement of Council byelaws relating to jet skis be clarified.


           (g)       THAT an item on marine safety be included in the workplan for the end of the year so that details of all incidents can be reported.



The Select Committee considered the report of the Chief Financial Officer on the revenue expenditure as at the end of April 2003.

Officers advised that the costs of repairs to headstones and memorials at Ryde Cemetery, following recent vandalism, would be the responsibility of the families of the bereaved.



THAT the budget monitoring report be accepted.



The Chief Fire Officer submitted the 2003/04 Service Plan in respect of the Fire and Rescue Service and Emergency Planning.

In discussing the statistics contained in the Local Best Value Performance Indicators members believed that it would be beneficial to also include actual numbers involved alongside the percentage figures.

The Chief Fire Officer outlined national proposals to change the standards of fire cover were to be assessed. The Brigade had to draft an Integrated Risk Management Plan by the end of September 2003 for consultation purposes. The Select Committee would be advised of the process and timetable for this at the next meeting. The establishment of the Young Firefighters Scheme had commenced and this would provide for approximately 20 young people. The Chief Fire Officer would circulate members with final details of the project. The radio replacement scheme was being driven nationally and the existing equipment was being maintained and the Home Office was able to assist in ensuring the supply of spares required.



           (a)       THAT in future service plans report any BVPI’s should also include actual Island figures.


           (b)       THAT the Chief Fire Officer report to the next meeting on the process for the Integrated Risk Management Plan.



The Chairman sought the views of the Select Committee on the commencement time of future meetings. Members debated amending the time from 10.00 am to 9.30 am.



THAT the commencement time of the Select Committee remain at 10.00 am.