Appendix 1
Service Expenditure Income Net Variance  
  To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Fire & Rescue 474.8 5134.3 1.8 -60.0 476.6 5074.3 4597.7 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Emergency Planning 10.8 125.2 -72.2 -72.2 -61.5 53.0 114.4 Annual income accounted for in month 1
Community Safety 7.4 214.0 0.0 -83.4 7.4 130.6 123.2 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Precepts & Levies - Magistrates Court 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 -12.0 Building Maintenance to be recharged to H&IWMCC
Coroner 5.0 221.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 221.0 215.9 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Cemeteries 5.1 303.0 -12.3 -199.3 -7.2 103.7 110.9 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Crematorium 8.7 220.4 -24.2 -584.6 -15.5 -364.2 -348.8 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Environmental Health 92.4 1028.8 -20.2 -32.3 72.2 996.4 924.3 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Licensing 11.3 140.0 -28.6 -154.5 -17.4 -14.6 2.8 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Trading Standards 41.2 498.0 0.0 -13.5 41.2 484.5 443.3 Budget on target for first month of financial year.
Committee Total 668.7 7884.5 -155.8 -1199.9 513.0 6684.6 6171.7