Present :


Mr G P Price (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr C B W Chapman, Mr A C Coburn, Mrs B E Foster, Mr G S Kendall, Mr C H Lillywhite (deputising for Mr R A Sutton), Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor

Apologies :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr R A Sutton

Portfolio Holder :


Mr E Fox, Mr D J Knowles

Also present (non-voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mr B C Buckle, Mr R G Mazillius

58.      MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2003 be confirmed.



There were no declarations made at this stage.



Mr M Newland, Secretary of the Isle of Wight Branch of the FBU, asked questions in relation to the costs of security arrangements at Newport Fire Station during the most recent industrial action, whether two civilians were employed to assist the Chief and Deputy Chief Fire Officer during the most recent industrial action and whether members of the Select Committee had formulated views of the Bain Report.

The Chief Fire Officer, on behalf of the Chairman, indicated that he would write to Mr Newland on the costs of security arrangements. He confirmed that two retired Station Officers had assisted in the operations room. The Chairman indicated that he had not sought the views of members on the content of the Bain Report and would await the outcome of current regulations before doing so.



The Strategic Director for Finance and Information and County Treasurer submitted a report on the budget proposals for 2003-04 and the implications for the areas of service falling within the remit of the Select Committee.

In relation to Bereavement Services members commented on the proposed option of investigating its externalisation. The Head of Consumer Protection indicated that this issue had been highlighted by the Best Value Pilot Review into Bereavement Services in 1999-2000. The externalisation was briefly investigated but not proceeded with. No other Authorities had been involved in any similar move to externalise Bereavement Services.

Concern was expressed by the Select Committee as to the proposed increase in Bereavement Services charges amounting to 3% above inflation. Members believed that this was an unwarranted increase. The Head of Consumer Protection advised that he would have to consult with the Portfolio Holder to ascertain how the overall Bereavement Services budget could be balanced.

The Portfolio Holder agreed to seek the views of the Executive on the possibility of a PFI arrangement being investigated for Bereavement Services particularly in relation to the replacement cremators.

Members questioned the proposed reduction in bids for the Fire and Rescue Service by £53,000. It was noted that the bids related to the implementation of service improvement recommended by the HM Inspector of Fire Services. This principle had been adopted in previous years.

With regard to a proposed reduction on the non-statutory dog warden contract the Select Committee believed that this could not be supported. At its last meeting members identified the need for a possible expansion of the service.

The proposed revenue budget for 2003-04 did not show any increase in expenditure to provide for improvements to the Crime and Disorder Service. The Select Committee indicated that Crime and Disorder had been identified as a key issue by the public. It was necessary to fund some of the activities that had been reported to the Select Committee designed to help reduce the impact of crime and disorder on the Island Community. The Portfolio Holder advised that he would take up this matter with the Head of Policy and Communications.

The Select Committee noted that the revenue expenditure for 2002-03 for the Fire and Public Safety elements of the Councils budget had been to target. This had shown the importance of the Select Committee receiving the regular budget monitoring reports.



THAT the Executive be advised that with regard to the 2003-04 revenue budget :


                      (i)        The increase in charges for Bereavement Services should be in line with inflation only and not 3% above as proposed.


                      (ii)       The proposed reduction in coverage of the non-statutory dog warden contract, which would result in a saving of £4,000, should not take place.


                      (iii)       The funding for service improvements to the Crime and Disorder Service should be included within the budget.



(During the course of the debate on this item Mr J R Adams declared a personal interest in items relating to food safety and liquor licensing, due to his ownership of a business premises and took no part in the discussion thereon).

The Select Committee considered the draft Consumer Protection Plan for 2003/04. The Head of Consumer Protection reported that the Service Plan accorded to the new corporate template and enabled information to be regularly updated.

Members then questioned the key performance measures and targets and service improvements contained within the Plan. Appropriate benchmarks for the various elements of service would be included when these had been identified.

The Select Committee noted that it was the intention for the Council’s overall Health and Safety Management to be assumed into Consumer Protection by 1 October 2003. This would replace the existing contracted service and arrangements were in hand to let specific contracts for Health and Safety Training.

In discussing the 2001/02 service improvement targets, members sought further details regarding Food Safety Standards and the response to and determination of, complaints submitted to Environmental Protection. The Head of Consumer Protection undertook to write to all members of the Select Committee with this information.

Consideration was then given to the Government’s proposal for Local Authority’s to assume responsibility for liquor licensing. This might have a dramatic practical and financial resource implication for the Council. It was anticipated that any additional expenditure incurred by the Council would be offset by licence income. Details of the transfer of this function from the Clerk to the Magistrates to the Council were still being resolved and would not be fully known until the appropriate legislation had been enacted. The Head of Consumer Protection indicated that a briefing session for all members of the Council would be held on the new duties and responsibilities. The Select Committee suggested that in addition to this an informal briefing paper should be circulated to them.

The Select Committee sought clarification of two targets set out in the key performance measures for the provision of a helpful service for advice and inspections related to trading standards. Members believed that the target was too low and should be set at a more challenging level. Additionally two National Performance Indicators has been included within the Service Plan. No indication was given as to what details were taken into account in the formulation of these. The Head of Consumer Protection gave an outline of these but advised that he would include the details in his letter to members.



           (i)        THAT the Head of Consumer Protection write to all members of the Select Committee detailing service improvement targets for compliance with Food Safety Standards, response and determination of complaints dealt with by Environmental Protection and the National Performance Indicators BV166a (Environmental Health) and BV166b (Trading Standards).


           (ii)       THAT an informal briefing note be circulated to members of the Select Committee regarding the Council’s duties and responsibilities for liquor licensing when all appropriate details are known.



Mr B Buckle submitted a question in relation to crime figures in the Island (MQ 07/03).

A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members Question Time Register.