Present :


Mrs M A Jarman (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mrs L J Peacey-Willcox Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham,  Mr D G Williams


Apologies :


Mrs B E Foster, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr J A M D Whittaker, Mrs J White, Mr D T Yates





50.        MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2004 be confirmed.




There were no declarations of interest received at this stage.




Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Wortham regarding Dancing at Medina Theatre (PQ33/04).


Mrs Mclaughlin regarding a video being played at Medina Leisure Centre (PQ34/04).


A number of oral questions were asked regarding the implementation of car parking charges on the Island, in particular Wootton. The Portfolio Holder responded and it was suggested that he meet with questioners and discuss this matter further outside of the meeting.




The Returning Officer announced that Mrs Lora Peacey-Wilcox had been appointed Councillor to Cowes Central on the 21 October 2004.


The Chairman welcomed Mrs Peacey-Wilcox and congratulated her on her successful appointment.




The Chairman advised Members that she had recently performed two citizenship ceremonies and that in future these would be held on the last Tuesday of every month.




The Council considered a report submitted by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services. In light of a motion approved by Full Council on 21 July 2004, the report set out an amendment to the Constitution in relation to property transactions. A motion to amend a paragraph to the report was moved and seconded, upon voting the amendment was lost.


Members returned to the substantive motion and upon voting it was :




THAT the Constitution of the Council be amended to include the Code of Practice for Members and Officers dealing with Property Transactions as attached at Appendix 1.


56.        EXECUTIVE


a)           Recommendation of the Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services – adoption of Library Position Statement


The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services moved the adoption of the Library Position Statement. The motion was seconded and it was:




That the Isle of Wight Library Position Statement for 2005-2006 be adopted.


b)           Reports of the Portfolio Holders


i)               The Leader


The Leader updated Council on the meetings and events on the Island that she had attended.


The Leader then answered a number of oral questions relating to car parking and highway issues.


ii)            The Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader reminded the Council that the next QPMR report was due to be considered by the Executive on 17 November 2004.


iii)          Adult and Community Services


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the Social Services Conference he had attended in Newcastle and advised members that homecare contracts had recently been awarded to two providers.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to the effect of car parking charges in leisure centres.


iv)           Children’s Services


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on Children’s Centres,  school attainment area and congratulated everyone who was involved with the Looked After Children Awards evening.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to training for school governors, future funding for Children’s Centres and the funding of performance management for head teachers.


v)             Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues



The Portfolio Holder updated members on a number of meetings he had attended. He also advised members that an update report on European Issues was being considered by the Executive on 3 November 2004.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to funding.


vi)           Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


Mrs Lawson submitted a written question on the 999 call centre and the police precept for 2005 (MQ30/04); the Portfolio Holder gave a reply.


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the Fire and Rescue Service consultation regarding the implementation of the Risk Management Plan.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions regarding new firework laws and improvements to future Comprehensive Performance Assessments.


vii)         Resources


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council that there had been significant progress in the number days taken to process benefit claims.


The Portfolio Holder answered a number of oral questions relating to a deficit in the property asset register.


viii)       Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report updating Council on the meetings attended on various issues. She also reminded members to ensure that reusable envelopes were used for internal post.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to water efficiency and flooding.


ix)           Tourism and Leisure


Miss Humby submitted a written question on car parking policies (MQ31/04); the Portfolio Holder gave a reply.


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report updating thje Council on various issues. In particular he reminded members that the extreme sports festival Whiteair was taking place this week.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to the car parking charges in leisure facilities.


x)      Transport


12.45 pm - The Chairman left the meeting room and the Vice Chairman took the Chair.


Mrs Lawson submitted a written question on road surfacing in Whitwell (MQ32/04); the Portfolio Holder gave a reply.

Mr Whittaker submitted a written question on pedestrian safety in Newport (MQ33/04)


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report updating the Council on various issues.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to car parking charges, parking for campervans and speed limits.



The meeting closed at 1.10 pm