Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham, Mrs J White, Mr J A M D Whittaker, and Mr D G Williams


Apologies :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr B C Buckle, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr C H Lillywhite and Mr D T Yates




62.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2003 be approved.




No declarations of interest were made at this stage.


64.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Howes concerning the setting of the Council Tax. The Leader gave an appropriate reply (PQ41/03).


65.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman reported on her visit to Isle of Wight County Virginia, the success of the “Wightair” event, visit to Coburg next year and her coffee morning on Saturday 29 November at Dinosaur Isle.




The Council received the recommendations from the Executive of this Council’s response to the Government’s Green Paper “Every Child Matters”. These recommendations had been developed following consideration by the Social Services Select, Housing and Benefits Select Committee and the Children’s and Young Persons Committee.


Following a brief debate it was




THAT this Councils comments on the Green Paper “Every Child Matters” be as set out in Appendix 1.


(Mr M J A Fisher left the meeting at this point)




Council considered the report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources on the appointment of Mr Fisher as the Councils Head of Paid Service. The Portfolio Holder explained that Mr Fisher had been appointed for a year with effect from November 2002 and following a review it was recommended that Mr Fisher’s appointment be confirmed.


Some concern was expressed at the apparent exclusion of some members from the review process although this was not a reflection on Mr Fisher’s suitability for the position.




That Mr M J A Fisher be appointed as Chief Executive Officer with responsibility for Corporate Services and the Council’s designated Head of Paid Service on a permanent basis.




Council considered a report from the Leader and Chairman of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee on the proposal to establish a joint health scrutiny committee with Southampton City, Portsmouth City and Hampshire County Councils. It was explained that such a Committee was required to enable the effective scrutiny of any health proposals that had an effect on 2 or more of the Councils.


The proposal was broadly supported although as it was suggested that as the political proportionality rules should not apply, the mover and seconder agreed to add to their original motion an additional clause ensuring that the members appointed to the Joint Committee by this Council are selected for their expertise.




(a)               THAT with effect from 1 January 2004, the Council agrees the formation of the proposed joint health scrutiny committee and delegates to that committee the functions of regional health scrutiny under the 2002 Regulations where changes are proposed to the health services affecting more than one local authority.


(b)               THAT the Chief Executive Officer be delegated, in conjunction with the Chairman of the relevant Select Committee the power to make any changes to the terms and nature of the delegations to the joint health scrutiny committee as are necessary to give effect to its role.


(c)               THAT Members appointed by the Isle of Wight Council to this joint health committee are selected for their expertise alone, for the benefit of the Island.




(i)               Quorum of the Standards Committee


The Council considered a recommendation from the Standards Committee that its quorum, when dealing with matters referred to it by an Ethical Standards Officer, should be reduced to three.




THAT Para 2.2 of Article 9 of the Constitution (quorum of the Standards Committee) is amended to add after the words “Parish Councils”: “EXCEPT:


(i)     When determining complaints against members of the Isle of Wight Council referred by an Ethical Standards Officer when the quorum will be any 3 members, one of whom must be an independent member; or


(ii)     When determining complaints against a Parish or Town Councillor referred by an Ethical Standards Officer when the quorum will be 3 members, one of whom must be an independent member, including the representative of the Isle of Wight Association of Town and Parish Councils (or their deputy).”


(ii)             Determination by the Standards Committee and Payment of Allowances During any Period of Suspension


The Chairman of the Standards Committee suggested that as this recommendation also forms one of the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel that it was dealt with under that item.




The Council considered the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel. The Leader moved a motion (which was seconded by Mr Barry) to note the report of the Panel and to adopt their recommendations except those relating to the level of basic allowance and special responsibility allowance so that these can be considered as part of the forthcoming budget consultation.


During the debate a number of members debated the merits of holding some meetings of the Council in the evening.


During the debate, the proposer and seconder accepted an amendment to change the figure in recommendation 7 to £5.




(a)               That the Council receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel.


(b)               That the Council adopts the recommendations of Panel (as set out in paragraphs 1 to 10 on pages D-5 and D-6), EXCEPT:


(i)                 the first bullet point under paragraph 9,


(ii)               the level of basic allowance and special responsibility allowance which be further considered as part of the forthcoming budget consultation, and therefore the existing basic allowances and special responsibility allowances remain at their current level, and


(iii)             that the figure in paragraph 7 be amended from £10 to £5.


(During the following item of business Mr M J A Fisher returned to the meeting)


71.             EXECUTIVE


(a)               Recommendations of the Executive – Tourism Development Plan


Council considered a recommendation from the Executive that the Tourism Development Plan be added to the Policy Framework.




THAT the Tourism Development Plan be added to the Policy Framework in Article 4 of the Constitution in order that Full Council can determine the strategic development of support and leadership to the Tourism industry through the application of the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


(b)               Reports Of The Portfolio Holders


(i)                 The Leader


Mr Mazillius asked a written question of the Leader (to which an appropriate reply was given) on the procedure adopted by Council for the publication of Members Attendances (MQ33/03).


The Leader answered a question relating to the make up of the Independent Remuneration Panel.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader


In the absence of the Deputy Leader the Leader updated members on his recovery. The Chairman would send the Deputy Leader the Council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery.


(iii)             Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder presented to the Chairman a shield and booklet that had been presented to him by the Island of Malta in recognition of the close co-operation with the Island.


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the inclusion of Economic Regeneration in the CPA process post 2005 and on the developments on the regional agenda.


Questions relating to Regional matters were asked and answered.


(iv)              Education and Community Development


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the consultation for the Cultural Strategy, 14-19 inspection, the fresh start process at Totland Primary School, implications following the “Every Child Matters” green paper and the possible budget demands of the Education Service.


The Portfolio Holder answered questions relating to the Green Paper, East Cowes Library and the Cultural Strategy.


(v)                Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


Mrs Butchers asked a written question (to which an appropriate reply was given) on the Council’s response to the inclusion of fluoride in drinking water (MQ34/03).


(vi)              Resources


Mr Buckle asked a written question (to which an appropriate reply was given) on staffing changes reflecting Government requests(MQ35/03).


The Portfolio Holder reported that the post of Head of Tourism had now been advertised.


(vii)            Social Services and Housing


Following a question and in the absence of the Portfolio Holder, the Leader agreed to pass on the Council’s congratulations to the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing on how he had dealt with the media the previous night and also congratulated the Social Services and Housing Directorate for being re-awarded 2 stars.


(viii)          Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on a number of conferences she had attended relating to sustainability.


Following questions the Portfolio Holder agreed to look into the planning issues that may arise from the problems with the Norton outfall and the reasons for the damage to the cross Solent water supply pipe.


(ix)              Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio Holder submitted a written report.


(x)                Transport


The Portfolio Holder submitted a written report.


The Portfolio Holder answered various questions relating to transport matters.

The meeting closed at 13.15.











The Isle of Wight Council welcomes the publication of the Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’, not least because we consider the government’s analysis of the needs of children and young people to be sound.  Some elements of the Green Paper require further clarification and discussion, but in general terms, it represents an important step forward.


Notwithstanding the above, the implications of the Green Paper will require careful consideration, and it is this Council’s view that there should be sufficient flexibility to allow for local circumstances to shape local arrangements.


The Green Paper contains a standardised consultation response form containing detailed questions relating to particular elements of services to children and young people.  These will be considered by officers and responded to accordingly.


However, as a consequence of consultation locally, a number of key themes have emerged which this Council wishes to concentrate upon:



The Council wishes to adopt an ambitious approach to the development of services to children, young people and families in seeking to shift the balance towards prevention. and inIn this regard  the Council welcomes the approach outlined within the Green Paper.



To achieve this Council will need to consider additional temporary resources and would urge the government to make available interim funding to support all authorities to this end.  The Council believes that considerable effort is being invested in implementing the Laming recommendations; Local Preventative Strategy and Identification Referral & Tracking.  Project management capacity to advance these developments and the aims of the Green Paper is in short supply and the government should seriously consider the support, which councils will need to make the Green Paper a reality.



It is the Council’s considered view that efforts to progress Children’s Trusts should benefit from being informed by the experience of existing Children’s Trusts pilot schemes and where Local Authorities have progressed integration towards Children’s Trusts. 



The NHS is investing substantial time and resources in developing a patient record system. Councils are individually working to promote better information sharing. The government needs to identify how best to support councils in developing effective systems for information management and exchange in the light of the Pathfinder’s experience



The council welcomes the opportunity to play a lead role in developing an integrated service. However, it is imperative that the government supports this through explicit requirements that partner agencies subscribecontribute to this agenda. The council is particularly keenconsiders it vital that linkages with health and youth justice are strengthened to achieve the aims of the green paper.



The council is concerned that the issue of transition is not adequately addressed within the Green Paper and would urge the government to take the opportunity to strengthen this when considering legislative changes and practice guidance. 



The Council believes that the NHS should regard the needs of children and young people as a key priority and that this should be reflected in future legislation, guidance and the National Service Framework for Children.



The Government is requested to ensure that appropriate funding is made available to enable all the proposals contained in the Green Paper to be successfully implemented. It is the Council’s view that this is not something, which should be passed on to council taxpayers. . The Council considers that key areas of the Green Paper cannot be progressed in the absence of adequate funding for a phased timetable towards implementation. As part of this there is a need to proactively raise the attractiveness and status for staff working in children’s services, including the role of foster carers.


The Council would welcome some rationalisation of funding streams to facilitate service planning and the development of service integration.



The Council welcomes the proposal for a Lead Member for children and young people.  It would be helpful tois essential to develop a national recruitment, training and support mechanism to ensure that Members can fulfil the expectations and responsibilities of this important role on an ongoing basis.



The Council recognises the importance of workforce development, but has concerns that this, aside from being urgent, would benefit from a regional approach.  This is also a development where the pooling of budgets for multi-disciplinary training for post qualification courses would be helpful.




Assessment of future performance should reflect how far councils and partner agencies together have progressed the aims and objectives of the Green Paper.





In conclusion, the council is eager to work with relevant government departments/agencies in pursuing this ambitious agenda.