Purpose : for decision

Committee :   FULL COUNCIL


Date :              24 MAY 2006









1.                  At each Annual Council meeting, under the Constitution the Council is required to:


·      Appoint at least one Scrutiny Committee, a Standards Committee and such other committees as the Council considers appropriate.

·      Decide the size and terms of reference for those committees.

·      Decider the allocation of seats (and substitutes) to political groups in accordance with political proportionality rules.

·      Appoint the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Scrutiny Committee and any other committees or sub-committees appointed by Council.

·      Receive nominations for councillors to serve on outside bodies.

·      Re-affirm the scheme of delegation.


2.                  Current Committee Structure


In addition to the Cabinet (which is appointed by the Leader and not a matter for the Council), the current committees of the Council are:


·      Scrutiny Committee

·      Audit Committee (see below)

·      Standards Committee

·      Regulatory Committee

·      Development Control Sub-Committee

·      Licensing Sub-Committee

·      Human Resources Appeals Sub-Committee

·      Policy Commission for Safer Communities

·      Policy Commission for Children and School Results

·      Policy Commission for Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport

·      Policy Commission for Care, Health and Housing


The administration has indicated that the only proposed change to the above would be to add to the Audit Committee’s function that it is responsible for monitoring the overall performance of the Council. To reflect this it is suggested that the Terms of Reference of that Committee be amended accordingly and that it be renamed the “Audit and Performance Committee”.


 No other changes are proposed to the committee structure as above, their terms of reference, or the size of any of these committees, it is recommended that Council formally reaffirm these arrangements as set out in the Council’s Constitution version 3.10 (as available on the Council’s website at: Subject to the change in the Audit Committee’s terms or reference and title as set out in the preceding paragraph.


3.                  Allocation of Seats


The allocation of seats is delegated to the Council’s Assistant Chief Executive, in accordance with the wishes of the political groups.  There are no proposed changes at the present time and it is therefore recommended that Council reaffirm the current arrangement.


4.                  Scheme of Delegation


The current scheme of delegation is set out in the Council’s Constitution, version 3.10.   It is recommended that Council reaffirm the current scheme.


5.                  Appointments of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen


It is for Council to approve the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the committees and attached at Appendix 1 is a list of the proposed nominations received.  Members will note that the Vice Chair of the Scrutiny is not listed.  It is proposed that this appointment become the responsibility of the Scrutiny Committee itself (see below).


6.                  Constitutional Amendments


Members are asked to consider the following amendments to the Council’s Constitution:


Vice Chair of Scrutiny Committee


Following discussions with the administration, it is proposed that the responsibility for appointing the Vice Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee should be transferred to the Scrutiny Committee itself.  This will add further to the intention that the Committee undertakes a totally independent scrutiny function for the Council. 


Scrutiny of the Education Function


It is also proposed that the Scrutiny Committee should be able to undertake scrutiny of the Education function.  At the moment the Constitution places this function with the Policy Commission for Children and School Results.   By placing this function with the Scrutiny Committee it will leave the Commission with the sole role of developing future policies and strengthen  the independence of Scrutiny within the Council.


In addition to agreeing to transfer of the function within the Constitution legislation will also require that the faith and Parent Governor representatives, currently on the Commission, will ALSO have to be on the Scrutiny Committee as permanent members – but only able to have the vote when education matters are being discussed.




It is further proposed to establish Champions – these being elected Members appointed by the Council to Champion various themes as determined by Cabinet each year. The proposed themes for this year are as set out below:


Champion for Housing and Homelessness 

Champion for Older People

Champion for Children

            Champion for Civic Pride


The proposed role of the Champions is as set out in Appendix 2.


Given the role the Council are asked to agree to the Champions being paid a Special Responsibility Allowance of Ł2,000 subject to the Council considering  the final report of the Independent Remuneration Panel at its next meeting.


The nominations to these Champions are:


Councillor Gill Kennett - Champion for Housing and Homelessness 

Councillor Bill Burt - Champion for Older People

Councillor George Cameron - Champion for Children

Councillor Brian Mosdell - Champion for Civic Pride 




There are no associated costs with the proposed changes in appointments and amendments to the Constitution. Other than the payment of the Special Responsibility Allowance to the Champions – but this will be covered in more depth in a report to Council’s next meeting.




The current committee structure and membership reflects the revised structure of the Council and supports the Council’s submission to Government for the Local Area Agreement.  Members are asked to consider the recommendations, which are in line with the Council’s Corporate Objectives and are made at no cost to the Council.

9.                   RECOMMENDATIONS


(a)               That the Audit Committee’s terms of reference be amended to include reference to monitoring the overall performance of the Council and that it be renamed the “Audit and Performance Committee”

(b)               That subject to the amendment in (a) above the Council’s committee structure be reaffirmed.

(c)               That the size and terms of reference for all committees (subject to the amendment in (a)above) be reaffirmed

(d)               That the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the proportionality rules be reaffirmed

(e)               Appoint the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Council’s committees as detailed in Appendix 1

(f)                 That the Council’s scheme of delegation be reaffirmed

(g)               To amend (in addition to that in (a) above) the Council’s Constitution as necessary to reflect the following changes:


                                                                                      i.      Vice Chair of the Scrutiny Committee to be appointed by the Committee itself.

                                                                                    ii.      Scrutiny of the Education function to be moved from the Policy Commission to the Scrutiny Committee and that the Faith and Parent Governors be members of the Scrutiny Committee with voting rights on education matters only.

                                                                                  iii.      The appointment of Champions and the payment to them of a Special Responsibility Allowance.



10.             BACKGROUND PAPERS


The Council’s Constitution, version 3.10.


11.             APPENDICES


Appendix 1 – Appointments to the Council’s Committees

Appendix 2 – The role of the Council Champions




Contact Point : Pat Szatter, (823213, email:  [email protected]




Acting Chief Executive








Scrutiny Committee:


Chairman – Councillor Geoff Lumley

Vice Chairman – to be appointed by the Scrutiny Committee


Audit and Performance Committee (subject to confirmation by Council as set out in the report):


Chairman – Councillor Anne Bishop


Standards Committee:


Chairman – Mr Bruce Claxton


Regulatory Committee:


Chairman – Councillor Ivan Bulwer

Vice Chairman - Councillor Susan Scoccia (Development Control Sub-Committee)

Vice Chairman – Councillor Mike Cunningham (Licensing Sub-Committee)

Vice Chairman – Councillor David Whittaker (Human Resources Appeals Sub-Committee)


Policy Commission for Safer Communities:


Chairman – Councillor David Williams


Policy Commission for Children and School Results:


Chairman – Councillor Melanie Swan


Policy Commission for Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport:


Chairman – Councillor George Brown


Policy Commission for Care, Health and Housing:


Chairman – Councillor Erica Oulton







Role and Key Tasks

The role of the "Champion" was established by the Council to give a positive focus to the Council's ongoing commitment to ensuring that full consideration was given to the needs of older people/children/civic pride/housing and homelessness in all aspects of the Council's activities.

Champions will be appointed by the Council to four themes determined by the Cabinet.

Purpose of Role

To act as a positive focus for the local community at elected Member level in respect of the relevant section of the community or range of activities designated by the Council so as to ensure that full consideration is given to the impact of Council activities and decisions upon the section of the community or range of activities and to highlight areas of need amongst the Island community at large.

Key Tasks


The role should not distract from the delivery of council priorities




1.                 The Champions receive (in addition to their basic allowance) a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) as set out under the Scheme of Members allowances.


2.                                          The Champions receive secretarial and administrative support from the Members Support Office.  Support is also provided by Strategic Directions and Heads of Service as appropriate.