Chief Executive

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY 23 MAY 2001 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the Agenda below.



1. To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 11 April 2001 and 12 April 2001 (Papers A1 and A2 respectively)

2. The Chairman to move:

THAT there be placed on record the sincere regret of this Council at the death on 6 May 2001 of Mr Norman Devall. Who had been a member of this Authority since May 1998, and that the Council's condolences be conveyed to his family.

3. To deal with any questions from members of the public.

4. To note that this will be the last Council meeting that Mr C P Boswell, Mrs A E Hewitt, Mr J Manners, Mrs L E Rogerson, who have decided not to seek re-election, will be attending.

5. To receive and take measures respecting official communications and correspondence, if any, submitted by direction of the Chairman.

6. To receive such reports as the Leader of the council may desire to bring before the Council.

7. Motions submitted under - Standing Order No 7

To consider the following notices of motions:-
(a) As submitted by Mr J Spence :-
Members who saw the teachers' Easter conferences may have noticed the grave concern with which they viewed the workings of the exclusion from school policy.
They are often unable to impose sanctions, and the behaviour of a few is destroying the atmosphere and effectiveness of teaching in some classes for many children who want to learn.
Children are suffering as a result, so is the health of teachers, with too many off on long term sick leave.
What has this Authority done to measure the effects of social exclusion, what are those measurements, and what can we advise the DfEE from them?
Should nothing have been done by us to measure the problem and advise the DfEE. This Council instructs its Education Select Committee to gather the information from each head-teacher and other stakeholders and having debated the issues, then propose a political solution to help remove the problem.
(b) As submitted by Mr G A Nichols :-
This Council has received the report of the Standard's Committee concerning the conduct of Councillor Mrs B E Foster and noted it's contents with the most serious concern. It believes that her conduct as set out in the report is deserving of the strongest censure.
In view of the Committee's findings Councillor Foster should be invited to make a full apology to the Council for her conduct and to consider her future position as a member of it.

8. To ask questions of the Members of the Executive :

(a) On any matters considered at the meetings of the Executive held on 5 April, 12 April, 19 April, 26 April, 3 May, 10 May 2001 (Paper B)
(b) To ask general questions of and to receive updates from the following spokespersons:
(i) The Leader (Mrs S Smart);
(ii) Resources (Mr R Barry);
(iii) Education and Lifelong Learning (Mr P Harris);
(iv) Public Safety, Environment Protection and Waste (Mr G Kendall)
(v) Transport (Mr M Cunningham);
(vi) Social Services and Housing (Mr G Nichols);
(vii) Fire and Emergency Planning (Mr A Sutton);
(viii) Tourism and Leisure (Miss H Humby);
(ix) Economic Development and Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);
(x) Social Inclusion and Voluntary Sector (Mr A Hollands); and
(xi) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs T Butchers)

Note: Standing Order 9 requires that questions should be submitted to the Director of Corporate Services (via the Committee Services Section) at least one clear working day before the meeting (10.00 am on Tuesday 22 May 2001). Once questions so submitted have been dealt with there will be a further period of seven minutes for each spokesperson during which time members may ask any other questions relating to the Spokespersons portfolio.

9. To receive an oral or written report from the following Chairmen of Select Committees:

(i) Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr M Barton);
(ii) Education and Community Development (Mrs J Wareham);
(iii) Environment and Transport (Mr E Fox);
(iv) Fire and Public Safety (Mr B Abraham);
(v) Resources (Mr C Huggins);and
(vi) Social Services and Housing (Mrs A Leigh).

10. To receive for information the Minutes of the following Committees, consisting of decisions under delegated powers:

Planning Committee - 3 April 2001 19 April 2001 24 April 2001 and 4 May 2001- (Paper C)
Licensing Committee - 27 April 2001 - (Paper D)
Standards Committee - 27/28 March 2001 and 17 April 2001 - (Paper E)
Regulatory Committee - 17 April 2001 - (Paper F)

Under Standing Orders Members can only ask the Chairmen of the above Committees about general matters affecting the Committees provided that they have given written notice of the question to the Director of Corporate Services before 10.00 am on the previous day (Tuesday 22 May 2001).


Chief Executive