Present :


Mr V J Morey (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Chevalier Bowker, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mr D G Williams


His Honour John Wroath

Apologies :


Mr C B Chapman, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr P G Harris, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mrs J L Wareham, Mrs J White, Mr D T Yates

 Before the commencement of the meeting the Chairman presented the Island ferry companies with certificates of gratitude for the role they played in the foot and mouth crisis.





THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2001 be confirmed.



Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :-

Mr A Tindall of 4 Crescent Road, Sandown in relation to car parking matters (PQ 03/02)

Mr J Wortham of Fortunes Corner, Brighstone in relation to the Healthy Workforce Strategy Conference (PQ 04/02)

Copies of the questions and the replies given are contained in the Public Question Register.



The Minutes of the Standards Committee held on 14 December were received.



The Chairman reported that he would be making a presentation to the Island Speedway team in recognition of their achievements.



The Leader reminded Members of the Holocaust Remembrance Day and invited both Members and visitors to make comments in the Book of Remembrance which would be placed in a room adjacent to Customer Services in County Hall.



The Chairman announced that this item had been postponed. This was because the Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure Service and the Head of Tourism Services had to leave the Council meeting earlier than expected as they had been requested to attend the Dublin Holiday Exhibition by the local tourist industry. The debate had been rescheduled to take place at the Council meeting due to be held on Wednesday, 20 March 2002.




(a) Recommendations from the Executive


(i) Dog Ban Beach Byelaws


Members were advised that a number of requests had been made, to both the Environmental Health Department and the Leisure and Amenities Department, that specified beaches be designated dog free during the summer months. It was a requirement that the relevant beaches be covered by a dog ban byelaw.




(i) THAT new beach ban byelaws for any or all the areas of beach at Ryde, East Cowes, Seaview, Sandown, and Springvale areas be approved


(ii) THAT the Dog Ban Beach Byelaws made by South Wight and Medina Borough Councils be revoked and that all dog ban beach areas be consolidated into a single Isle of Wight Council Byelaw


(ii) Council Tax Base 2002/03


Members were advised that it was a statutory requirement that the Council set the Council Tax Base for the 2002/03 financial year.



(i) THAT the calculation of the Council’s Tax Base, for the whole and parts of the area be approved.


(ii) THAT the amounts of the Tax Base for the financial year 2002/03 be approved as submitted to the Executive on 15 January 2002.


(iii) Draft Social Inclusion Strategy 2001-2005


Members received the Strategic Director of Education and Community Development’s draft Social Inclusion Strategy for 2001-2005. This was aimed at initiating change in organisations which would be best able to create an inclusive society.




THAT the Social Inclusion Strategy for the period 2001-2005 be approved.


(b) Minutes of the Executive


Members received the Minutes of the Executive held on 13 and 27 November 2001 and 11 and 18 December 2001.


(c) Reports of Portfolio Holders


(i) The Leader


A question was asked orally to the Leader


(ii) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


The Portfolio Holder reported on issues relating to the Green Paper.


(iii) Economic Development and Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder reported on matters relating to European and regional issues.


A number of questions were asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.


(iv) Fire and Emergency Planning

Cllr Humby asked a question to the Portfolio Holder with regard to shipping in Sandown Bay (MQ02/02). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members’ Question Register.


(v) Resources


A question was asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.


(vi) Social Services and Housing


The Portfolio Holder reported on matters relating to the Social Services budget.


A number of questions were asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.


(vii) Transport


Cllr Cunningham asked a question to the Portfolio Holder with regard to parking facilities in Newport (MQ03/02). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members’ Question Register.


A number of questions were asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.




(a) The Minutes of the undermentioned Select Committees were received


Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services - 26 November and 13 December 2001

Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning - 12 November and 10 December 2001

Environment and Transport - 28 November and 21 December 2001

Fire and Public Safety - 19 November and 17 December 2001

Resources - 14 and 27 November and 12 December 2001

Social Services, Housing and Benefits - 22 November and 5 and 20 December 2001


(b) Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


(i) Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


The Vice Chairman reported that the budget would be considered at its meeting on Monday, 28 January 2002.


Cllr Effemy asked a question to the Chairman with regard to the Cowes Waterfront Trust (MQ04/02). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members’ Question Register


(ii) Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning


The Vice Chairman reported that at its meeting on Thursday, 31 January 2002 it would be considering a report by the Learning Skills Council regarding post 14 education.


(iii) Environment and Transport


The Chairman reported that 3 Task Groups had been established.


(iv) Fire and Public Safety


The Chairman updated Members on the Committee’s Task Groups and Working Parties meeting dates.


Cllr Humby asked a question to the Chairman with regard to the introduction of a drinking byelaw (MQ05/02). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members’ Question Register


(v) Resources

The Chairman reported that the Committee had completed its’ review of its’ Service Plans.


(vi) Social Services, Housing and Benefits


The Chairman reported on matters relating to the Social Inclusion Strategy, funding available to autistic children and care homes.



The Minutes of the undermentioned Regulatory Committees were received

Development Control Committee - 16 and 27 November and 7 and 18 December 2001 and 7 January 2002

Licensing Panel - 9 November and 14 December 2001

Regulatory Appeals Committee - 30 November 2001