The Council will establish, from time to time, a number of Policy Commissions with the following terms of reference.


(1)               To drive the development of key areas of policy identified by the Cabinet and each Commission.


(2)               In the case of the Commission considering health matters to undertake the statutory functions of health scrutiny.


(3)               In the case of the Commission considering education matter to undertake the statutory functions of education scrutiny – including co-option of faith and parent representatives as voting members.


(4)               To agree and deliver work programmes reflecting the priorities of the administration, corporate strategic objectives and the priorities of the Commission Members and the communities they serve.


(5)               To deliver evidence based policy recommendations which are capable of adoption by the Cabinet or the full Council being outcome focussed, strategically coherent, clearly stated and with necessary resources identified.


(6)               To work at all times in collaboration with the relevant Cabinet Members, Cabinet Secretaries, the Scrutiny Committee and in a non-partisan manner.




Quorum will be 4.  The Policy Commissioner will chair, unless absent in which case the Commission will elect a chair for the meeting.




Voting will be by show of hands, a simple majority will prevail and in the event of a tied vote the Policy Commissioner will have a casting vote.




Agendas will be agreed by the Policy Commissioner in consultation with the Proper Officer to reflect the agreed work programme.


Attendance and Speaking at Meetings


All formal meetings of Policy Commissions will be held in public unless the law requires or allows otherwise.  The outcome of any informal meeting will be the subject of a report to a later formal meeting.


Policy Commissioners have a duty to engage the public, stakeholders and communities in their work.  At the discretion of the Policy Commissioner meetings will be organised in flexible and innovative ways to ensure maximum engagement in the agreement of work programmes and the delivery of specific enquiries.