Present :


Mrs M A Jarman (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J F Howe, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson Mr G P Price, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs J L Wareham, Mrs J White  and Mr D G Williams 


Apologies :


Mr B C Buckle, Mr P G Harris, Miss H L Humby, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mellor, Mr H Rees, Mr I R Stephens, Mr J A M D Whittaker and Mr D T Yates



Before the commencement of the meeting the Council paid tribute to Superintendent David Kilbride who was leaving for another post, for his work on the Island over the last two years. Superintendent Kilbride responded accordingly making particular reference to the excellent support he had received from the Council and the community during his time on the Island.


32.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2004 be confirmed.




Mrs B Lawson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in minute number 39 (Petition for Fishbourne Parish Council) as she served on both the Isle of Wight Association of Parish and Town Councils and the National Association of Parish and Town Councils.


34.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mrs P Gaches  concerning parking meters at Appley and Puckpool Parks (PQ 26/04).


Mrs V May also concerning parking meters at Appley and Puckpool Parks (PQ 27/04).


The Portfolio Holder for Transport provided an appropriate reply.


Mr C May asked an oral question relating to the parking in the vicinity of Appley and Puckpool parks to which the Portfolio Holder for Transport gave an appropriate reply.


Mr J Taylor asked an oral question on the provision of staff parking permits to enable Council staff to park in public car parks adjacent to leisure facilities. The Portfolio Holder responded that he was working to ensure that all Council car parks were available for use by the public and that sufficient parking permits had been provided to allow for the efficient running of the Council facilities.


Mr Wortham asked an oral question relating to the cost of the Council Chamber AVT equipment.  The Portfolio Holder for Resources responded and the Leader then offered to arrange a meeting between Mr Wortham and Councillor Barry to discuss the matter and the Portfolio Holder agreed to circulate to all members a copy of his letter to Mr Wortham.


35.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman reported on the re-launch of Mappa Vectis and her visits to Puenteareas, the Hampton Court Flower Show and Buckingham Palace Garden Party.


The chairman decided to take the following item of business next as it included a presentation.




Glen Garrod, Strategic Director for Social Services and Housing, gave a brief presentation on Equalities and Diversity, the activities to date in this area and the aspirations that the Council needed to reach.


Following the presentation, the Portfolio Holder for Resources moved a motion setting out the Councils commitment.


The motion was seconded and a debate then took place during which various issues were raised; in particular that the Council is committed to developing a comprehensive equalities strategy that will include desired outcomes, with targets, monitoring arrangements and resource allocation. The Service Planning Impact Asssessment process will also enable the Council to demonstrate its commitment to improving service delivery with clear race, gender and disability objectives and that this work will involve consultation with all stakeholder groups. It was also noted that to effectively deal with Equalities and Diversity issues, the Council had to deal with the various stakeholders in ways that suited the stakeholder rather than in one particular way.


Following the debate it was :




That this Council recognises the need to value diversity in sustaining a healthy Island community and will work proactively:


1.         Internally, to ensure equal opportunities, and


2.          Externally with partner agencies, especially the Local Strategic Partnership, to ensure that all elements of our diverse and increasingly cosmopolitan society are valued and supported




The Council considered the following motion from Mr R Mazillius CC:


“a.     That this Council regrets the refusal of the Portfolio Holder for Resources to recognise the recommendation of the Resources Select Committee meeting on 5 July  inviting him to refer his delegated decision relating to the disposal of Council owned land at Ryde seafront to Planet Ice to the Council’s Executive.


b.      That this Council also regrets that the principles of corporate governance are not best served when decisions involving cross-cutting and strategic issues which are the responsibility of several Portfolio Holders, are made by an individual Portfolio Holder under delegated powers.”


During the debate an amendment was moved by Mr E Fox but as this had the effect of negating the original motion the amendment was ruled out of order under Procedure Rule 15 (6)(a).


Following further debate Mr Sutton moved an amendment to replace the existing wording with the following:


“This Council recognises that the majority of Executive delegated decisions made speed up the process and increase capacity. Furthermore the Council recognises that the issue of land and property acquisition and disposals have proved controversial in the past.


“In light of these issues the Council instructs its officers to amend the Constitution regarding Executive delegated decisions in respect of land and property to ensure all transactions in the area within an agreed threshold of £20,000 are scrutinised by the Resources Select Committee who should then instruct whether the transaction should be taken by delegated powers or by the Council’s Executive.”


This amendment was seconded and following debate it was




THAT the amendment become the substantive motion.


Mr Price then moved a further amendment that this motion should not take effect until it had been considered by the Corporate Governance Working Party and that they had reported back to the Council on it.


During the debate on this amendment the Monitoring Officer gave advice that he considered that the suggested wording in the motion currently before the Council appeared to contravene Section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 in that it sought to give Executive powers to a Select Committee.


Following further debate the amendment was put to the vote and lost.


It was then




1.                This Council recognises that the majority of Executive delegated decisions made speed up the process and increase capacity. Furthermore the Council recognises that the issue of land and property acquisition and disposals have proved controversial in the past.


2.                In light of these issues the Council instructs its officers to amend the Constitution regarding Executive delegated decisions in respect of land and property to ensure all transactions in the area within an agreed threshold of £20,000 are scrutinised by the Resources Select Committee who should then instruct whether the transaction should be taken by delegated powers or by the Council’s Executive.”


(Immediately following the voting on the amendments and motion detailed in this minute Mrs M Miller asked that her abstention from the voting on each occassion be noted in the minute as she had been unable to be present in the chamber for the whole debate.)


38.             FINAL ACCOUNTS 2003/04


The Portfolio Holder for Resources presented the final accounts of the Council for the financial year 2003 – 2004 which incorporated a summary of the outturn position for the year on a service by service basis, for both revenue and capital expenditure, and the Statement of Accounts which requires Members approval. The Statement of Accounts also incorporated the Statement on Internal Control.




(a)               THAT the annual Statement of Accounts, incorporating the Statement on Internal Control, as attached to the report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources be approved.


(b)               THAT the requirement on overspent services to make offsetting savings in 2004-05 be waived on this occasion only.


(c)               THAT approval of the Statement of Accounts in future years be delegated to the Audit Panel, sitting as a properly constituted Special Accounts Committee with the additional terms of reference: “To consider and approve the annual Statement of Accounts”.




(Further to minute 33 Mrs B Lawson had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item of business. Mrs Lawson had already left the meeting by this time).


Council considered a report from the Chief Executive Officer setting out a proposed response from the Council to the recent petition received for the establishment of a Parish Council for Fishbourne.




(a)         That the Isle of Wight Council support the petition for the establishment of the “Fishbourne” Parish Council.


(b)         That the boundaries of the Parish Council be as defined by the map presented with the Petition (and as set out in Appendix A to the report).


(c)          That the Parish Council consist of six members.


(d)         That the Parish Council area should not be divided into Wards.




(a)               Adult and Community Services Select Committee – 17 June 2004


Council considered a recommendation from the Adult and Community Services Select Committee on its Vice Chairman.




THAT Mr R G Mazillius be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Adult and Community Services Select Committee.


(b)         Fire and Public Safety Select Committee – 21 June 2004


Council considered a recommendation from the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee on its Vice Chairman.




THAT Miss H L Humby be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee.


(c)         Environment and Transport Select Committee – 25 June 2004


Council considered a recommendation from the Environment and Transport Select Committee on its Vice Chairman.




THAT Mr M J Cunningham be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Environment and Transport Select Committee.


(d)         Co-ordinating Committee – 8 July 2004 - Criteria for Call-In


Council considered a recommendation that the number of members required for a call-in should be reduced to 3 reflecting the change in the size of the Select Committees from 12 to 9. In moving the motion the Leader also moved that there should be an additional requirement that all three members requesting the call-in must be in attendance at the meeting considering the matter called-in. This motion was seconded. However following debate the Mover and Seconder agreed to amend the original motion so that at least one of the members that called-in the matter had to be in attendance at the meeting.




THAT the constitution be amended to reflect the following:


(a)   that the number of Members of a Select Committee required to activate a call-in to 3; and


(b)   that at least one of the Members who activated the call-in must be in attendance at the meeting when the call-in is considered.


41.             EXECUTIVE


a)     Recommendation of the Deputy Leader – Best Value Performance Plan


Council considered a recommendation from the Deputy Leader that the Best Value Performance Plan for 2003/04 which includes the annual national and local Performance Indicator results be adopted.




THAT the Best Value Performance Plan for 2003/04 which includes the annual national and local Performance Indicator results be adopted.


b)     Reports of the Portfolio Holders


(i)            The Leader


The Leader updated Council on the meetings and events that she had attended.


The Leader then answered a number of oral questions relating to the Fire Service Verification Report and the quality of the report submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Resources on the proposed terms for the disposal of land adjacent to the Ice Rink in Ryde. The Leader agreed to write to Councillor Mazillius on the legality of the delegated decision concerning the disposal of this land.


(ii)          The Deputy Leader


In the absence of the Deputy Leader no report was submitted.


(iii)        Adult and Community Services


The Portfolio Holder submitted a written report on a number of matters within his portfolio particularly the PricewaterhouseCoopers report on Organisational Reconfiguration which he would be discussing with the Leader of the main opposition group and Couoncillor Mazillius.


(iv)        Childrens Services


Councillor Buckle submitted a written question relating to the future of Theatres on the Island (MQ 23/04); the Portfolio Holder gave a reply.


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader reported on a number of matters relating to Childrens services, particularly the results of the consultation on school reorganisation which would be considered by the Executive in October and the Looked After Childrens Awards which would be held on Saturday 25 September .


(v)          Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report updating Council on the meetings attended on various issues.


(vi)        Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the Fire Verification Report and action he had initiated following this and his actions concerning the Newport Post Office.


The Portfolio Holder then answered an oral question on the Fire Verification Report.


(vii)      Resources


The Portfolio Holder reported on his recent attendance at the CIPFA conference.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to the toilets at Seaview and his proposal (to be considered by the Executive) of using the net underspend on members allowances from the previous year to re-instate the budgets for regattas and carnivals.


(viii)    Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report on a number of matters within her portfolio.


The Portfolio Holder then answered an oral question relating to the proposed telephone and public reception facilities planned for the planning department.


(ix)        Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report, updating the Council on his attendance at the British Resorts Association Annual Conference, activities within Isle of Wight Tourism and Leisure Services.


The Portfolio Holder then answered an oral question relating to the beach at Cowes.


(x)          Transport


The Portfolio Holder circulated a written report, updating the Council on the Bus Contract, proposed works to Undercliff Drive and the Car Parking Places Order 2004/5.


The Portfolio Holder then answered a number of oral questions relating to the roadside hedge cutting contract and the proposed PFI contract.



Before concluding the meeting the Chairman announced that the August meeting of Council would be cancelled as there was insufficient business and that at the September meeting the order for considering the matters from the Portfolio Holders would be reversed.


The meeting closed at 2.28 pm