Paper D


                                                                                                                Purpose : for Decision



Date :              DECISION CANNOT BE TAKEN BEFORE 19 JULY 2004




                                    REPORT TO THE DEPUTY LEADER OF THE COUNCIL





1.      To recommend to Full Council the adoption of the Best Value Performance Plan for 2003/04 which includes the annual national and local Performance Indicator results.




2.      The Best Value Performance Plan, which is required by law to be produced by 30th June each year sets out the details of our performance as a council based on national indicators set by the ODPM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) and local indicators which are agreed by the Council.


3.      There have been changes in the requirement of the plan with a general reduction of content. The main focus of the plan is now our annual performance out-turn and the government now has different requirements of how much has to be reported by individual authorities based on their Comprehensive Performance Assessment score. If the Council was to be assessed as a “good” authority in the next inspection, only statistical data will need to be produced.


4.            The government has conceded that the Best Value Performance Plan is not the vehicle to communicate the council’s performance to the public but should be used as an internal document to inform Members and officers. The requirement remains, however, to publish the plan in libraries, contact points and on the internet and to produce a household summary each March.


5.            A draft plan, which conforms to the statutory requirements has been produced and circulated to members of the Executive, and placed in members rooms. Copies are available from  .  Hard copies can be obtained from Brigitte Hawkins, Policy Officer - 823297 or [email protected].




6.            The production of the Best Value Performance Plan is a legislative requirement to produce a document providing information of the council’s annual performance and future targets to members, officers and central government.




6.      Heads of Service and their staff have supplied the information within this report and the Performance Plan with Directors being fully consulted on the content. External consultation has not been necessary for this report.




7.      The recommendation to adopt the report does not carry any budget implications, the cost of printing and distribution being met from existing budget allocation.




8.      It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 1999 to produce a Best Value Performance Plan, following prescribed content, by 30th June, each year. The Best Value Performance Plan is part of the Policy Framework, listed in Article 4 of the Constitution. Approval, on recommendation from the Executive, is reserved to Full Council.




9.      There is a requirement to publish a Best Value Performance Plan and the contents are largely prescribed. There is therefore little discretion other than to recommend to Full Council that the draft Plan be adopted.




10.    Best Value legislation requires the Council to produce, publish and adopt an annual performance plan. The main risks associated with the plan is “qualification” of the Plan by the Audit Commission due to substantive omissions in the plan, failure to publish it on time or a high number of errors found in the audit of the performance indicators




11.    That the Portfolio Holder recommend the adoption of the draft Best Value Performance Plan to Full Council




            Draft Best Value Performance Plan, Best Value Performance Plan 2003/04, Local Government Act 1999, Circular 03/2003, Guidance on Best Value Performance Plans (Addendum to Circular 03/2003), Completed Performance Indicator Pro - formas


Contact Point: Heidi Marshall, Principal Policy Officer, Corporate Policy and Communications. Tel 823250 email [email protected]


                     J BENTLEY

Head of Policy and Communications


Deputy Leader