Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer,  William Burt, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Win McRobert, Roger Mazillius, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


John Bowker, Erica Oulton, Garry Price, Colin West,



56.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2007 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


58.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Mrs Jill Wareham asked the Council to confirm that the Government had not required a consultation to be undertaken on the future of the Fire and Rescue Service.  The Leader advised that the Council had agreed with the Minister that a wide consultation would be conducted.  A supplementary question was asked about the availability of the minutes from the meeting with the Government Minister and Mrs Wareham was advised that these were available.


59.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman had provided a written report and in addition advised Council that the recent Chairman’s Charity event at LA Bowl in Ryde had been a great success.  A number of teams, including staff and Members had taken part, and a total of £500 had been raised for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.


It was further announced that four of the Island’s St John Ambulance Cadets had recently visited Buckingham Palace to receive special awards from HRH Princess Anne.  The Chairman agreed to write to each of the cadets, on behalf of the Council, offering congratulations for their special achievements.




A motion regarding the Scrutiny Committee’s recent investigation into the Independent Remuneration Panel’s findings had been submitted by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee as follows: 


                    i.            THAT Council notes that an enquiry by the co-opted members of the Scrutiny Committee (SC17/06) into the processes used for the reporting and consideration of the Independent Remuneration Panel's recommendations on Members Allowances and expenses by Full Council on 18 October 2006, has found that those processes were not transparent.


                  ii.            THAT Council also notes that the full Scrutiny Committee has accepted that finding and the enquiry Report without opposition.


                iii.            THAT Council, therefore, agrees to accept the recommendations made by the Scrutiny Committee - as detailed in the attached Report.


Council considered the motion and the supporting Scrutiny Committee report which detailed the findings of the investigation.


An amendment was proposed, seconded, and circulated to Members.   Following the vote it was




                         i.        THAT Council notes that an enquiry by the co-opted members of the Scrutiny Committee (SC17/06) into the processes used for the reporting and consideration of the Independent Remuneration Panel's recommendations on Members Allowances and expenses by Full Council on 18 October 2006, has found that those processes were not transparent.


                       ii.        THAT Council also notes that the full Scrutiny Committee has accepted that finding and the enquiry Report without opposition.


                     iii.        THAT Council agrees, as recognised in the Enquiry Report, that the Panel’s Term of Reference were neither clear nor accurate, and expresses its disappointment that  the Panel “could not obtain authoritative, consistent or unambiguous financial data from officers of the Council despite repeated requests to do so”.


                     iv.        With this in mind that Council also expresses disappointment that the Leader and other leading Members involved were not given the opportunity to give evidence to the enquiry, and as a result this report is not as well informed as it could have been.


                       v.        THAT Council asks the Scrutiny Committee to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are invited to give evidence in any future enquiries.


                     vi.        THAT Council agrees to accept recommendations 2.1 to 2.5, and 2.7 made by the Scrutiny Committee, as detailed in the report.




Members considered the options put forward in the report, together with the results of the consultation, which had concluded on 31 January 2007.  Public response had shown overwhelming support for retention of the Island’s Fire and Rescue Service as an independent service governed by the Local Authority.


Council was advised that further improvements would be required in order to establish an efficient and cost effective service for Island residents, which would meet the challenges of the Government’s Modernisation Agenda.  However, Members also congratulated the staff on making marked improvement in a short timeframe and under difficult circumstances.


The Cabinet Member proposed that Council accept Option 1, as set out in the report, but following further debate an amendment was proposed and accepted.  Following the vote it was




                         i.        THAT the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service remains part of the Isle of Wight Council. 


                       ii.        THAT the Chief Executive be given the authority to pursue the opportunity of joint working arrangements between “Blue Light” services and other Public Sector partners on the Island.  Any such arrangement to build capacity within the service in order to deliver modernisation of the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service and drive efficiencies across the service.




Council received the Standards Committee Annual Report and thanked the Committee for their work over the year in ensuring that the Council’s ethical governance remained robust. 


It was proposed and seconded that Council accept the report and following a brief discussion it was




THAT the Annual Report of the Standards Committee be accepted.




Council considered the proposed Elected Member Development Policy, noting that the policy would provide the basis for all future decisions about investment in Member development and the principles for delivering learning activities.


A recommendation to adopt the policy was proposed and seconded and following further debate it was




THAT the Elected Member Development Policy be adopted.




Council considered the report from the Interim Director of Democratic and Legal Services and was advised that one of the independent co-opted members had recently retired.  Following a recruitment exercise and an internal and informal discussion, Mr Charles Rogers had been recommended for appointment to the Scrutiny Committee.


In addition, it was recommended that appointments for independent members should be extended to the life of the Council, which would require an amendment to the current scheme of co-option under Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2003.  


During the debate an additional motion was added to the recommendation, which was accepted and following the vote it was




                         i.        THAT Mr Charles Rogers be appointed as an independent member of the Scrutiny Committee.


                       ii.        THAT the scheme for co-option be amended as set out in the Appendix to the report.


                     iii.        THAT the Council’s Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services submits an amendment to the Constitution at the Annual Council meeting which enables the Scrutiny function to be fit for purpose to deliver the aspirations of the forthcoming Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, the Home Office Review of CDRP’s, and to enable the Community Call for Action to be effective.


65.             CABINET


(a)               Recommendations From The Cabinet


(i)                 The Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning recommended that Full Council approve the Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2007-08.  This was seconded and following debate it was




THAT the Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2007-08 be approved.


(b)               Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


The Leader referred to his written report and informed Council of the recent meeting with the Education Minister and that
Government Officers would be visiting the Council shortly to discuss issues in more detail.


Cllr Lumley asked a question about the additional 4% for ‘special expenses’ shown on Council Tax bills.  The Leader explained that this reflected the average precept for Town and Parish Councils.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Deputy Leader had circulated a written report and added his congratulations to the Family Learning Team for their recent award. 


Cllr Mazillius asked the Cabinet Member to join him in congratulating the Director of Children’s Services on his appointment to the Government’s 14-19 Reform Group and his advisory position with the DfES.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to concur.


Cllr Williams asked a question regarding the minutes of the Isle of Wight Youth Council’s last meeting, since they raised concerns about intimidation from teachers.  The Cabinet Member advised that both he and the Director for Education Services would be attending the next meeting of the Youth Council.


Cllr Swan asked about the possible closure of Carisbrooke High School and the Cabinet Member advised that no decision had been made regarding high school closures.


Cllr Hancock asked about an update on the progress of the Children’s Centre at East Cowes and the Cabinet Member agreed to provide a written response.


Cllr Pugh asked if the Cabinet Member would agree that Trinity School was a great success story and a good example of a middle school.  The Cabinet Member agreed and added that all schools aspired to be within the top 20% of the country.


Cllr Sutton asked about the Liberal Democrat proposals to close 31 of the Island’s schools and the Cabinet Member agreed to write to the Liberal Democrat Group Leader to request further details.


(iii)             Chairman of Scrutiny


A written report had been circulated and the Chairman had nothing further to add.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


A written report had been provided and the Cabinet Member added that during March seven visits to Town and Parish Councils had been undertaken.


Cllr Hancock asked about the Council’s policy for re-employing staff following severance payments.  The Cabinet Member agreed to provide a written response.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing


A written report had been provided and the Cabinet Member added that a combined property strategy was being considered with the Council’s partners.  Work at East Cowes with the South East England Development Agency was progressing well.  Planning Services was continuing to improve its processes and enforcement action and further progress was envisaged over the coming months.  A report from the Public Forum on the proposed Pan development was anticipated.


Cllr D Whittaker asked the Cabinet Member to accept congratulations for the recent rural affordable housing application at Nettlestone. The Cabinet Member concurred.


Cllr Mazillius asked about land availability to meet targets for housing development and the Cabinet Member confirmed that no green belt land would be used.


Cllr Hancock asked about the timescale regarding the proposed pre-planning process and the Cabinet Member advised that he would be more able to provide a response after the next scheduled meeting with Planning Services.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


A written report had been provided and the Cabinet Member added that restaurants were now able to display their food hygiene scores for customers’ information.


Cllr Miller asked the Cabinet Member if he would join her in offering congratulations to Osborne Middle School for their “Good Citizens Day”, which had been undertaken as part of the Crime Reduction and Environment Week (CREW) in East Cowes.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to concur.


Cllr Webster asked if CREW information could also be offered to children in primary schools and the Cabinet Member agreed to investigate the possibility.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport


A written question had been received from Cllr Humby regarding the frequency of refuse collections on the Island.  The Cabinet Member advised that there were no currently no plans to introduce fortnightly collections.


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member had nothing further to add.


Cllr Hancock asked why the lanes on the dual carriageway had been altered and the Cabinet Member advised that this had been done to encourage drivers to use both lanes.


Cllr Gardiner asked about support for the Ferry Passenger Group (FPG), which was currently calling for a Government enquiry into ferry fares.  The Cabinet Member advised that he supported the FPG and public participation would be welcomed.


Cllr Mazillius asked about creating a third lane for the dual carriageway to avoid future congestion.  The Cabinet Member advised that the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) bid did not allow for new engineering works, but a separate bid had been submitted.


Cllr Lumley asked about a scheme to re-direct traffic away from Coppins Bridge and the Cabinet Member advised that he would support any scheme to reduce the traffic in the Coppins Bridge area.


Cllr Hancock asked if the signage for the dual carriageway could be improved and the Cabinet Member agreed to investigate.


Cllr D Whittaker asked about the Planning Gain Supplement’s (PGS) impact on 106 Agreements.  The Cabinet Member advised that the PGS would not have an impact on 106 Agreements.


Cllr Joyce asked if the ‘Town Centre’ marking on the dual carriageway could be removed to avoid confusion and the Cabinet Member advised that he would investigate the possibility.


Cllr Sutton asked if the Cabinet Member would accept his congratulations for negotiating a reduction in ferry fares for students attending Brockenhurst College.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to accept.


(viii)          Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member reminded Members that Cabinet Member briefing sessions had been set for each Monday afternoon, details were available in the Members Diary.


(ix)              Cabinet Member for Island Health and Community Wellbeing


A written report had been provided and apologies were now put forward for the Cabinet Member’s absence from the latter part of the meeting.