ON 21 MARCH 2007




  • Since my last report, February’s Call Centre performance has continued to improve in terms of lowering abandoned call rates, this is one of the more significant performance indicators, which has continued to fall to an average of 4.7% on incoming calls (total incoming calls February 27,780) meeting the agreed target of 5%. The latest customer satisfaction survey results show that 97% of customers felt that they received “good” or better service from the Call Centre. The customer satisfaction survey continues to be conducted on a rolling basis with the sample of customers being selected at random (by the CRM system automatically).  These customers are contacted independently to ensure open and honest feedback is received on both the Call Centre and the requested service area.
  • There have been no major developments in terms of taking further services into the Call Centre, however, the Call Centre is working closely with several services to improve the customer experience, these include:

·         Planning Services, to investigate ways of increasing the performance of the current resolution rate of 37%.

·         Parking Services, to ensure sufficient resources are available to handle an expected rise in call volumes due to resident’s parking permit renewals and parking decriminalisation.

·         Housing Services, to enable the Call Centre to manage enquiries in response to the annual renewal letters sent to all Housing Register applicants.

  • Whilst Key Performance Indicators continue to demonstrate that performance is in line with national indicators, the Call Centre is currently undertaking a value for money exercise.
  • The series of One Island consultation events generated some valuable discussions, which confirmed the feedback from the residents’ survey about the areas of concern that are seen as a priority for the council.  Last month’s bumper issue of One Island magazine subsequently reported on the annual budget setting and the wealth of initiatives within the One Island programme that would address these concerns.  The magazine will now be produced on a monthly basis to help improve our communication with Island residents and to keep residents informed about the progress of these initiatives.
  • The staff survey findings have been published and communicated to staff across the council in a new monthly newspaper – ‘One Council’.  The newspaper is produced for the staff with the staff, to ensure not only that corporate messages are communicated effectively, but that staff around the council have an opportunity to share their successes and increase the visibility of their work. The first edition has been met with a lot of enthusiasm and interest in submitting material.  It will be produced alongside the Vine, which is now taking the form of an email update to allow for additional time sensitive information.
  • Performance figures for media relations have exceeded targets in the last two months, with many more positive news coverage of council services and initiatives, including national, regional and specialist trade press.


Cllr Tim Hunter-Henderson

Cabinet Member for the Economy, the Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism